You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.ParserTests
public class NormalizeTitleFixture : CoreTest
[TestCase("Conan", "conan")]
[TestCase("Castle (2009)", "castle2009")]
[TestCase("Parenthood.2010", "parenthood2010")]
[TestCase("Law_and_Order_SVU", "lawordersvu")]
public void should_normalize_artist_title(string parsedArtistName, string artistName)
var result = parsedArtistName.CleanArtistName();
[TestCase("CaPitAl", "capital")]
[TestCase("peri.od", "period")]
[TestCase("this.^&%^**$%@#$!That", "thisthat")]
[TestCase("test/test", "testtest")]
[TestCase("90210", "90210")]
[TestCase("24", "24")]
public void should_remove_special_characters_and_casing(string dirty, string clean)
var result = dirty.CleanArtistName();
public void should_remove_common_words(string word)
var dirtyFormat = new[]
"word {0} word",
"word-word {0}",
foreach (var s in dirtyFormat)
var dirty = string.Format(s, word);
public void should_remove_a_from_middle_of_title()
var dirtyFormat = new[]
"word {0} word",
foreach (var s in dirtyFormat)
var dirty = string.Format(s, "a");
public void should_not_remove_common_words_in_the_middle_of_word(string word)
var dirtyFormat = new[]
"word {0}word",
foreach (var s in dirtyFormat)
var dirty = string.Format(s, word);
dirty.CleanArtistName().Should().Be(("word" + word.ToLower() + "word"));
[TestCase("The Office", "theoffice")]
[TestCase("The Tonight Show With Jay Leno", "thetonightshowwithjayleno")]
[TestCase("The.Daily.Show", "thedailyshow")]
public void should_not_remove_from_the_beginning_of_the_title(string parsedArtistName, string artistName)
var result = parsedArtistName.CleanArtistName();
public void should_not_clean_word_from_beginning_of_string(string word)
var dirtyFormat = new[]
"{0} word word"
foreach (var s in dirtyFormat)
var dirty = string.Format(s, word);
dirty.CleanArtistName().Should().Be(word + "wordword");
public void should_not_clean_trailing_a()
"Tokyo Ghoul A".CleanArtistName().Should().Be("tokyoghoula");