You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

838 lines
35 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Instrumentation;
using NzbDrone.Core.Music;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Parser
public static class Parser
private static readonly Logger Logger = NzbDroneLogger.GetLogger(typeof(Parser));
private static readonly Regex[] ReportMusicTitleRegex = new[]
// Track with artist (01 - artist - trackName)
new Regex(@"(?<trackNumber>\d*){0,1}([-| ]{0,1})(?<artist>[a-zA-Z0-9, ().&_]*)[-| ]{0,1}(?<trackName>[a-zA-Z0-9, ().&_]+)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Track without artist (01 - trackName)
new Regex(@"(?<trackNumber>\d*)[-| .]{0,1}(?<trackName>[a-zA-Z0-9, ().&_]+)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Track without trackNumber or artist(trackName)
new Regex(@"(?<trackNumber>\d*)[-| .]{0,1}(?<trackName>[a-zA-Z0-9, ().&_]+)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Track without trackNumber and with artist(artist - trackName)
new Regex(@"(?<trackNumber>\d*)[-| .]{0,1}(?<trackName>[a-zA-Z0-9, ().&_]+)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Track with artist and starting title (01 - artist - trackName)
new Regex(@"(?<trackNumber>\d*){0,1}[-| ]{0,1}(?<artist>[a-zA-Z0-9, ().&_]*)[-| ]{0,1}(?<trackName>[a-zA-Z0-9, ().&_]+)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
private static readonly Regex[] ReportAlbumTitleRegex = new[]
// ruTracker - (Genre) [Source]? Artist - Discography
new Regex(@"^(?:\(.+?\))(?:\W*(?:\[(?<source>.+?)\]))?\W*(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )(?<discography>Discography|Discografia).+?(?<startyear>\d{4}).+?(?<endyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist - Discography with two years
new Regex(@"^(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )(?:.+?)?(?<discography>Discography|Discografia).+?(?<startyear>\d{4}).+?(?<endyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist - Discography with end year
new Regex(@"^(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )(?:.+?)?(?<discography>Discography|Discografia).+?(?<endyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist Discography with two years
new Regex(@"^(?<artist>.+?)\W*(?<discography>Discography|Discografia).+?(?<startyear>\d{4}).+?(?<endyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist Discography with end year
new Regex(@"^(?<artist>.+?)\W*(?<discography>Discography|Discografia).+?(?<endyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist Discography
new Regex(@"^(?<artist>.+?)\W*(?<discography>Discography|Discografia)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// ruTracker - (Genre) [Source]? Artist - Album - Year
new Regex(@"^(?:\(.+?\))(?:\W*(?:\[(?<source>.+?)\]))?\W*(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )(?<album>.+?)(?: - )(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist-Album-Version-Source-Year
// ex. Imagine Dragons-Smoke And Mirrors-Deluxe Edition-2CD-FLAC-2015-JLM
new Regex(@"^(?<artist>.+?)[-](?<album>.+?)[-](?:[\(|\[]?)(?<version>.+?(?:Edition)?)(?:[\)|\]]?)[-](?<source>\d?CD|WEB).+?(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist-Album-Source-Year
// ex. Dani_Sbert-Togheter-WEB-2017-FURY
new Regex(@"^(?<artist>.+?)[-](?<album>.+?)[-](?<source>\d?CD|WEB).+?(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist - Album (Year) Strict
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )+)(?<album>.+?)\W*(?:\(|\[).+?(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist - Album (Year)
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )+)(?<album>.+?)\W*(?:\(|\[)(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist - Album - Year [something]
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )+)(?<album>.+?)\W*(?: - )(?<releaseyear>\d{4})\W*(?:\(|\[)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist - Album [something] or Artist - Album (something)
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )+)(?<album>.+?)\W*(?:\(|\[)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist - Album Year
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?: - )+)(?<album>.+?)\W*(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist-Album (Year) Strict
// Hyphen no space between artist and album
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?:-)+)(?<album>.+?)\W*(?:\(|\[).+?(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist-Album (Year)
// Hyphen no space between artist and album
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?:-)+)(?<album>.+?)\W*(?:\(|\[)(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist-Album [something] or Artist-Album (something)
// Hyphen no space between artist and album
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?:-)+)(?<album>.+?)\W*(?:\(|\[)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist-Album-something-Year
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?:-)+)(?<album>.+?)(?:-.+?)(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist-Album Year
// Hyphen no space between artist and album
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?:-)+)(?:(?<album>.+?)(?:-)+)(?<releaseyear>\d{4})",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Artist - Year - Album
// Hyphen with no or more spaces between artist/album/year
new Regex(@"^(?:(?<artist>.+?)(?:-))(?<releaseyear>\d{4})(?:-)(?<album>[^-]+)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
private static readonly Regex[] RejectHashedReleasesRegex = new Regex[]
// Generic match for md5 and mixed-case hashes.
new Regex(@"^[0-9a-zA-Z]{32}", RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Generic match for shorter lower-case hashes.
new Regex(@"^[a-z0-9]{24}$", RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Format seen on some NZBGeek releases
// Be very strict with these coz they are very close to the valid 101 ep numbering.
new Regex(@"^[A-Z]{11}\d{3}$", RegexOptions.Compiled),
new Regex(@"^[a-z]{12}\d{3}$", RegexOptions.Compiled),
// Backup filename (Unknown origins)
new Regex(@"^Backup_\d{5,}S\d{2}-\d{2}$", RegexOptions.Compiled),
// 123 - Started appearing December 2014
new Regex(@"^123$", RegexOptions.Compiled),
// abc - Started appearing January 2015
new Regex(@"^abc$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
// b00bs - Started appearing January 2015
new Regex(@"^b00bs$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
private static readonly RegexReplace NormalizeRegex = new RegexReplace(@"((?:\b|_)(?<!^)(a(?!$)|an|the|and|or|of)(?!$)(?:\b|_))|\W|_",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex PercentRegex = new Regex(@"(?<=\b\d+)%", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex FileExtensionRegex = new Regex(@"\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}$",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
// TODO Rework this Regex for Music
private static readonly RegexReplace SimpleTitleRegex = new RegexReplace(@"(?:(480|720|1080|2160|320)[ip]|[xh][\W_]?26[45]|DD\W?5\W1|[<>*:|]|848x480|1280x720|1920x1080|3840x2160|4096x2160|(8|10)b(it)?)\s*",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
// Valid TLDs
private static readonly RegexReplace WebsitePrefixRegex = new RegexReplace(@"^(?:\[\s*)?(?:www\.)?[-a-z0-9-]{1,256}\.(?:[a-z]{2,6}\.[a-z]{2,6}|xn--[a-z0-9-]{4,}|[a-z]{2,})\b(?:\s*\]|[ -]{2,})[ -]*",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly RegexReplace WebsitePostfixRegex = new RegexReplace(@"(?:\[\s*)?(?:www\.)?[-a-z0-9-]{1,256}\.(?:xn--[a-z0-9-]{4,}|[a-z]{2,6})\b(?:\s*\])$",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly RegexReplace ReleaseTokenPrefixRegex = new RegexReplace(@"^(\[(TR24|OF)\])*\s*",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex AirDateRegex = new Regex(@"^(.*?)(?<!\d)((?<airyear>\d{4})[_.-](?<airmonth>[0-1][0-9])[_.-](?<airday>[0-3][0-9])|(?<airmonth>[0-1][0-9])[_.-](?<airday>[0-3][0-9])[_.-](?<airyear>\d{4}))(?!\d)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex SixDigitAirDateRegex = new Regex(@"(?<=[_.-])(?<airdate>(?<!\d)(?<airyear>[1-9]\d{1})(?<airmonth>[0-1][0-9])(?<airday>[0-3][0-9]))(?=[_.-])",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly RegexReplace CleanReleaseGroupRegex = new RegexReplace(@"^(.*?[-._ ])|(-(RP|1|NZBGeek|Obfuscated|Scrambled|sample|Pre|postbot|xpost|Rakuv[a-z0-9]*|WhiteRev|BUYMORE|AsRequested|AlternativeToRequested|GEROV|Z0iDS3N|Chamele0n|4P|4Planet|AlteZachen|RePACKPOST))+$",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly RegexReplace CleanTorrentSuffixRegex = new RegexReplace(@"\[(?:ettv|rartv|rarbg|cttv)\]$",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex ReleaseGroupRegex = new Regex(@"-(?<releasegroup>[a-z0-9]+(?!.+?(?:MP3|ALAC|FLAC|WEB)))(?<!.*?MP3|ALAC|FLAC|WEB)(?:\b|[-._ ]|$)|[-._ ]\[(?<releasegroup>[a-z0-9]+)\]$",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex AnimeReleaseGroupRegex = new Regex(@"^(?:\[(?<subgroup>(?!\s).+?(?<!\s))\](?:_|-|\s|\.)?)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
// Handle Exception Release Groups that don't follow -RlsGrp; Manual List
// name very careful with this last; high chance of false positives
private static readonly Regex ExceptionReleaseGroupRegexExact = new Regex(@"(?<releasegroup>(?:D\-Z0N3|Fight-BB|VARYG|E\.N\.D)\b)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
// groups whose releases end with RlsGroup) or RlsGroup]
private static readonly Regex ExceptionReleaseGroupRegex = new Regex(@"(?<releasegroup>(Silence|afm72|Panda|Ghost|MONOLITH|Tigole|Joy|ImE|UTR|t3nzin|Anime Time|Project Angel|Hakata Ramen|HONE|Vyndros|SEV|Garshasp|Kappa|Natty|RCVR|SAMPA|YOGI|r00t|EDGE2020|RZeroX)(?=\]|\)))", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex WordDelimiterRegex = new Regex(@"(\s|\.|,|_|-|=|\|)+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex PunctuationRegex = new Regex(@"[^\w\s]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex CommonWordRegex = new Regex(@"\b(a|an|the|and|or|of)\b\s?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex SpecialEpisodeWordRegex = new Regex(@"\b(part|special|edition|christmas)\b\s?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex DuplicateSpacesRegex = new Regex(@"\s{2,}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex RequestInfoRegex = new Regex(@"\[.+?\]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly string[] Numbers = new[] { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" };
private static readonly Regex[] CommonTagRegex = new Regex[]
new Regex(@"(\[|\()*\b((featuring|feat.|feat|ft|ft.|produced by)\s{1}){1}\s*.*(\]|\))*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled),
new Regex(@"(?:\(|\[)(?:[^\(\[]*)(?:version|limited|deluxe|single|clean|album|special|bonus|promo|remaster(ed)?)(?:[^\)\]]*)(?:\)|\])", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled)
private static readonly Regex[] BracketRegex = new Regex[]
new Regex(@"\(.*\)", RegexOptions.Compiled),
new Regex(@"\[.*\]", RegexOptions.Compiled)
private static readonly Regex AfterDashRegex = new Regex(@"[-:].*", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static ParsedTrackInfo ParseMusicPath(string path)
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path);
ParsedTrackInfo result = null;
Logger.Debug("Attempting to parse track info using directory and file names. {0}", fileInfo.Directory.Name);
result = ParseMusicTitle(fileInfo.Directory.Name + " " + fileInfo.Name);
if (result == null)
Logger.Debug("Attempting to parse track info using directory name. {0}", fileInfo.Directory.Name);
result = ParseMusicTitle(fileInfo.Directory.Name + fileInfo.Extension);
return result;
public static ParsedTrackInfo ParseMusicTitle(string title)
if (!ValidateBeforeParsing(title))
return null;
Logger.Debug("Parsing string '{0}'", title);
var releaseTitle = RemoveFileExtension(title);
releaseTitle = releaseTitle.Replace("【", "[").Replace("】", "]");
var simpleTitle = SimpleTitleRegex.Replace(releaseTitle);
// TODO: Quick fix stripping [url] - prefixes.
simpleTitle = WebsitePrefixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
simpleTitle = WebsitePostfixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
simpleTitle = CleanTorrentSuffixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
var airDateMatch = AirDateRegex.Match(simpleTitle);
if (airDateMatch.Success)
simpleTitle = airDateMatch.Groups[1].Value + airDateMatch.Groups["airyear"].Value + "." + airDateMatch.Groups["airmonth"].Value + "." + airDateMatch.Groups["airday"].Value;
var sixDigitAirDateMatch = SixDigitAirDateRegex.Match(simpleTitle);
if (sixDigitAirDateMatch.Success)
var airYear = sixDigitAirDateMatch.Groups["airyear"].Value;
var airMonth = sixDigitAirDateMatch.Groups["airmonth"].Value;
var airDay = sixDigitAirDateMatch.Groups["airday"].Value;
if (airMonth != "00" || airDay != "00")
var fixedDate = string.Format("20{0}.{1}.{2}", airYear, airMonth, airDay);
simpleTitle = simpleTitle.Replace(sixDigitAirDateMatch.Groups["airdate"].Value, fixedDate);
foreach (var regex in ReportMusicTitleRegex)
var match = regex.Matches(simpleTitle);
if (match.Count != 0)
var result = ParseMatchMusicCollection(match);
if (result != null)
result.Quality = QualityParser.ParseQuality(title, null, 0);
Logger.Debug("Quality parsed: {0}", result.Quality);
return result;
catch (InvalidDateException ex)
Logger.Debug(ex, ex.Message);
catch (Exception e)
if (!title.ToLower().Contains("password") && !title.ToLower().Contains("yenc"))
Logger.Error(e, "An error has occurred while trying to parse {0}", title);
Logger.Debug("Unable to parse {0}", title);
return null;
public static ParsedAlbumInfo ParseAlbumTitleWithSearchCriteria(string title, Artist artist, List<Album> album)
if (!ValidateBeforeParsing(title))
return null;
var artistName = artist.Name == "Various Artists" ? "VA" : artist.Name.RemoveAccent();
Logger.Debug("Parsing string '{0}' using search criteria artist: '{1}' album: '{2}'",
string.Join(", ", album.Select(a => a.Title.RemoveAccent())));
var releaseTitle = RemoveFileExtension(title);
var simpleTitle = SimpleTitleRegex.Replace(releaseTitle);
simpleTitle = WebsitePrefixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
simpleTitle = WebsitePostfixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
simpleTitle = CleanTorrentSuffixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
var escapedArtist = Regex.Escape(artistName.RemoveAccent()).Replace(@"\ ", @"[\W_]");
var escapedAlbums = string.Join("|", album.Select(s => Regex.Escape(s.Title.RemoveAccent())).ToList()).Replace(@"\ ", @"[\W_]");
var releaseRegex = new Regex(@"^(\W*|\b)(?<artist>" + escapedArtist + @")(\W*|\b).*(\W*|\b)(?<album>" + escapedAlbums + @")(\W*|\b)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var match = releaseRegex.Matches(simpleTitle);
if (match.Count != 0)
var result = ParseAlbumMatchCollection(match, releaseTitle);
if (result != null)
result.Quality = QualityParser.ParseQuality(title, null, 0);
Logger.Debug("Quality parsed: {0}", result.Quality);
result.ReleaseGroup = ParseReleaseGroup(releaseTitle);
var subGroup = GetSubGroup(match);
if (!subGroup.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
result.ReleaseGroup = subGroup;
Logger.Debug("Release Group parsed: {0}", result.ReleaseGroup);
result.ReleaseHash = GetReleaseHash(match);
if (!result.ReleaseHash.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
Logger.Debug("Release Hash parsed: {0}", result.ReleaseHash);
return result;
catch (InvalidDateException ex)
Logger.Debug(ex, ex.Message);
catch (Exception e)
if (!title.ToLower().Contains("password") && !title.ToLower().Contains("yenc"))
Logger.Error(e, "An error has occurred while trying to parse {0}", title);
Logger.Debug("Unable to parse {0}", title);
return null;
public static ParsedAlbumInfo ParseAlbumTitle(string title)
if (!ValidateBeforeParsing(title))
return null;
Logger.Debug("Parsing string '{0}'", title);
var releaseTitle = RemoveFileExtension(title);
var simpleTitle = SimpleTitleRegex.Replace(releaseTitle);
// TODO: Quick fix stripping [url] - prefixes.
simpleTitle = WebsitePrefixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
simpleTitle = WebsitePostfixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
simpleTitle = CleanTorrentSuffixRegex.Replace(simpleTitle);
var airDateMatch = AirDateRegex.Match(simpleTitle);
if (airDateMatch.Success)
simpleTitle = airDateMatch.Groups[1].Value + airDateMatch.Groups["airyear"].Value + "." + airDateMatch.Groups["airmonth"].Value + "." + airDateMatch.Groups["airday"].Value;
var sixDigitAirDateMatch = SixDigitAirDateRegex.Match(simpleTitle);
if (sixDigitAirDateMatch.Success)
var airYear = sixDigitAirDateMatch.Groups["airyear"].Value;
var airMonth = sixDigitAirDateMatch.Groups["airmonth"].Value;
var airDay = sixDigitAirDateMatch.Groups["airday"].Value;
if (airMonth != "00" || airDay != "00")
var fixedDate = string.Format("20{0}.{1}.{2}", airYear, airMonth, airDay);
simpleTitle = simpleTitle.Replace(sixDigitAirDateMatch.Groups["airdate"].Value, fixedDate);
foreach (var regex in ReportAlbumTitleRegex)
var match = regex.Matches(simpleTitle);
if (match.Count != 0)
var result = ParseAlbumMatchCollection(match, releaseTitle);
if (result != null)
result.Quality = QualityParser.ParseQuality(title, null, 0);
Logger.Debug("Quality parsed: {0}", result.Quality);
result.ReleaseGroup = ParseReleaseGroup(releaseTitle);
var subGroup = GetSubGroup(match);
if (!subGroup.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
result.ReleaseGroup = subGroup;
Logger.Debug("Release Group parsed: {0}", result.ReleaseGroup);
result.ReleaseHash = GetReleaseHash(match);
if (!result.ReleaseHash.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
Logger.Debug("Release Hash parsed: {0}", result.ReleaseHash);
return result;
catch (InvalidDateException ex)
Logger.Debug(ex, ex.Message);
catch (Exception e)
if (!title.ToLower().Contains("password") && !title.ToLower().Contains("yenc"))
Logger.Error(e, "An error has occurred while trying to parse {0}", title);
Logger.Debug("Unable to parse {0}", title);
return null;
public static string CleanArtistName(this string name)
// If Title only contains numbers return it as is.
if (long.TryParse(name, out _))
return name;
name = PercentRegex.Replace(name, "percent");
return NormalizeRegex.Replace(name).ToLower().RemoveAccent();
public static string NormalizeTrackTitle(this string title)
title = SpecialEpisodeWordRegex.Replace(title, string.Empty);
title = PunctuationRegex.Replace(title, " ");
title = DuplicateSpacesRegex.Replace(title, " ");
return title.Trim().ToLower();
public static string NormalizeTitle(string title)
title = WordDelimiterRegex.Replace(title, " ");
title = PunctuationRegex.Replace(title, string.Empty);
title = CommonWordRegex.Replace(title, string.Empty);
title = DuplicateSpacesRegex.Replace(title, " ");
return title.Trim().ToLower();
public static string ParseReleaseGroup(string title)
title = title.Trim();
title = RemoveFileExtension(title);
title = WebsitePrefixRegex.Replace(title);
title = ReleaseTokenPrefixRegex.Replace(title);
var animeMatch = AnimeReleaseGroupRegex.Match(title);
if (animeMatch.Success)
return animeMatch.Groups["subgroup"].Value;
title = CleanReleaseGroupRegex.Replace(title);
var exceptionReleaseGroupRegex = ExceptionReleaseGroupRegex.Matches(title);
if (exceptionReleaseGroupRegex.Count != 0)
return exceptionReleaseGroupRegex.OfType<Match>().Last().Groups["releasegroup"].Value;
var exceptionExactMatch = ExceptionReleaseGroupRegexExact.Matches(title);
if (exceptionExactMatch.Count != 0)
return exceptionExactMatch.OfType<Match>().Last().Groups["releasegroup"].Value;
var matches = ReleaseGroupRegex.Matches(title);
if (matches.Count != 0)
var group = matches.OfType<Match>().Last().Groups["releasegroup"].Value;
if (int.TryParse(group, out _))
return null;
return group;
return null;
public static string RemoveFileExtension(string title)
title = FileExtensionRegex.Replace(title, m =>
var extension = m.Value.ToLower();
if (MediaFiles.MediaFileExtensions.Extensions.Contains(extension) || new[] { ".par2", ".nzb" }.Contains(extension))
return string.Empty;
return m.Value;
return title;
Whole album matching and fingerprinting (#592) * Cache result of GetAllArtists * Fixed: Manual import not respecting album import notifications * Fixed: partial album imports stay in queue, prompting manual import * Fixed: Allow release if tracks are missing * Fixed: Be tolerant of missing/extra "The" at start of artist name * Improve manual import UI * Omit video tracks from DB entirely * Revert "faster test packaging in" This reverts commit 2723e2a7b86bcbff9051fd2aced07dd807b4bcb7. -u and -T are not supported on macOS * Fix tests on linux and macOS * Actually lint on linux On linux yarn runs scripts with sh not bash so ** doesn't recursively glob * Match whole albums * Option to disable fingerprinting * Rip out MediaInfo * Don't split up things that have the same album selected in manual import * Try to speed up IndentificationService * More speedups * Some fixes and increase power of recording id * Fix NRE when no tags * Fix NRE when some (but not all) files in a directory have missing tags * Bump taglib, tidy up tag parsing * Add a health check * Remove media info setting * Tags -> audioTags * Add some tests where tags are null * Rename history events * Add missing method to interface * Reinstate MediaInfo tags and update info with artist scan Also adds migration to remove old format media info * This file no longer exists * Don't penalise year if missing from tags * Formatting improvements * Use correct system newline * Switch to the netstandard2.0 library to support net 461 * TagLib.File is IDisposable so should be in a using * Improve filename matching and add tests * Neater logging of parsed tags * Fix disk scan tests for new media info update * Fix quality detection source * Fix Inexact Artist/Album match * Add button to clear track mapping * Fix warning * Pacify eslint * Use \ not / * Fix UI updates * Fix media covers Prevent localizing URL propaging back to the metadata object * Reduce database overhead broadcasting UI updates * Relax timings a bit to make test pass * Remove irrelevant tests * Test framework for identification service * Fix PreferMissingToBadMatch test case * Make fingerprinting more robust * More logging * Penalize unknown media format and country * Prefer USA to UK * Allow Data CD * Fix exception if fingerprinting fails for all files * Fix tests * Fix NRE * Allow apostrophes and remove accents in filename aggregation * Address codacy issues * Cope with old versions of fpcalc and suggest upgrade * fpcalc health check passes if fingerprinting disabled * Get the Artist meta with the artist * Fix the mapper so that lazy loaded lists will be populated on Join And therefore we can join TrackFiles on Tracks by default and avoid an extra query * Rename subtitle -> lyric * Tidy up MediaInfoFormatter
6 years ago
public static string CleanAlbumTitle(this string album)
return CommonTagRegex[1].Replace(album, string.Empty).Trim();
public static string RemoveBracketsAndContents(this string album)
var intermediate = album;
foreach (var regex in BracketRegex)
intermediate = regex.Replace(intermediate, string.Empty).Trim();
return intermediate;
public static string RemoveAfterDash(this string text)
return AfterDashRegex.Replace(text, string.Empty).Trim();
Whole album matching and fingerprinting (#592) * Cache result of GetAllArtists * Fixed: Manual import not respecting album import notifications * Fixed: partial album imports stay in queue, prompting manual import * Fixed: Allow release if tracks are missing * Fixed: Be tolerant of missing/extra "The" at start of artist name * Improve manual import UI * Omit video tracks from DB entirely * Revert "faster test packaging in" This reverts commit 2723e2a7b86bcbff9051fd2aced07dd807b4bcb7. -u and -T are not supported on macOS * Fix tests on linux and macOS * Actually lint on linux On linux yarn runs scripts with sh not bash so ** doesn't recursively glob * Match whole albums * Option to disable fingerprinting * Rip out MediaInfo * Don't split up things that have the same album selected in manual import * Try to speed up IndentificationService * More speedups * Some fixes and increase power of recording id * Fix NRE when no tags * Fix NRE when some (but not all) files in a directory have missing tags * Bump taglib, tidy up tag parsing * Add a health check * Remove media info setting * Tags -> audioTags * Add some tests where tags are null * Rename history events * Add missing method to interface * Reinstate MediaInfo tags and update info with artist scan Also adds migration to remove old format media info * This file no longer exists * Don't penalise year if missing from tags * Formatting improvements * Use correct system newline * Switch to the netstandard2.0 library to support net 461 * TagLib.File is IDisposable so should be in a using * Improve filename matching and add tests * Neater logging of parsed tags * Fix disk scan tests for new media info update * Fix quality detection source * Fix Inexact Artist/Album match * Add button to clear track mapping * Fix warning * Pacify eslint * Use \ not / * Fix UI updates * Fix media covers Prevent localizing URL propaging back to the metadata object * Reduce database overhead broadcasting UI updates * Relax timings a bit to make test pass * Remove irrelevant tests * Test framework for identification service * Fix PreferMissingToBadMatch test case * Make fingerprinting more robust * More logging * Penalize unknown media format and country * Prefer USA to UK * Allow Data CD * Fix exception if fingerprinting fails for all files * Fix tests * Fix NRE * Allow apostrophes and remove accents in filename aggregation * Address codacy issues * Cope with old versions of fpcalc and suggest upgrade * fpcalc health check passes if fingerprinting disabled * Get the Artist meta with the artist * Fix the mapper so that lazy loaded lists will be populated on Join And therefore we can join TrackFiles on Tracks by default and avoid an extra query * Rename subtitle -> lyric * Tidy up MediaInfoFormatter
6 years ago
public static string CleanTrackTitle(this string title)
var intermediateTitle = title;
foreach (var regex in CommonTagRegex)
intermediateTitle = regex.Replace(intermediateTitle, string.Empty).Trim();
return intermediateTitle;
private static ParsedTrackInfo ParseMatchMusicCollection(MatchCollection matchCollection)
var artistName = matchCollection[0].Groups["artist"].Value./*Removed for cases like Will.I.Am Replace('.', ' ').*/Replace('_', ' ');
artistName = RequestInfoRegex.Replace(artistName, "").Trim(' ');
// Copied from Radarr (
// TODO: Split into separate method and write unit tests for.
var parts = artistName.Split('.');
artistName = "";
var n = 0;
var previousAcronym = false;
var nextPart = "";
foreach (var part in parts)
if (parts.Length >= n + 2)
nextPart = parts[n + 1];
if (part.Length == 1 && part.ToLower() != "a" && !int.TryParse(part, out n))
artistName += part + ".";
previousAcronym = true;
else if (part.ToLower() == "a" && (previousAcronym == true || nextPart.Length == 1))
artistName += part + ".";
previousAcronym = true;
if (previousAcronym)
artistName += " ";
previousAcronym = false;
artistName += part + " ";
artistName = artistName.Trim(' ');
var result = new ParsedTrackInfo();
result.ArtistTitle = artistName;
result.ArtistTitleInfo = GetArtistTitleInfo(result.ArtistTitle);
Logger.Debug("Track Parsed. {0}", result);
return result;
private static ArtistTitleInfo GetArtistTitleInfo(string title)
var artistTitleInfo = new ArtistTitleInfo();
artistTitleInfo.Title = title;
return artistTitleInfo;
public static string ParseArtistName(string title)
Logger.Debug("Parsing string '{0}'", title);
var parseResult = ParseAlbumTitle(title);
if (parseResult == null)
return CleanArtistName(title);
return parseResult.ArtistName;
private static ParsedAlbumInfo ParseAlbumMatchCollection(MatchCollection matchCollection, string releaseTitle)
var artistName = matchCollection[0].Groups["artist"].Value.Replace('.', ' ').Replace('_', ' ');
var albumTitle = matchCollection[0].Groups["album"].Value.Replace('.', ' ').Replace('_', ' ');
var releaseVersion = matchCollection[0].Groups["version"].Value.Replace('.', ' ').Replace('_', ' ');
artistName = RequestInfoRegex.Replace(artistName, "").Trim(' ');
albumTitle = RequestInfoRegex.Replace(albumTitle, "").Trim(' ');
releaseVersion = RequestInfoRegex.Replace(releaseVersion, "").Trim(' ');
int.TryParse(matchCollection[0].Groups["releaseyear"].Value, out var releaseYear);
ParsedAlbumInfo result;
result = new ParsedAlbumInfo
ReleaseTitle = releaseTitle
result.ArtistName = artistName;
result.AlbumTitle = albumTitle;
result.ArtistTitleInfo = GetArtistTitleInfo(result.ArtistName);
result.ReleaseDate = releaseYear.ToString();
result.ReleaseVersion = releaseVersion;
if (matchCollection[0].Groups["discography"].Success)
int.TryParse(matchCollection[0].Groups["startyear"].Value, out var discStart);
int.TryParse(matchCollection[0].Groups["endyear"].Value, out var discEnd);
result.Discography = true;
if (discStart > 0 && discEnd > 0)
result.DiscographyStart = discStart;
result.DiscographyEnd = discEnd;
else if (discEnd > 0)
result.DiscographyEnd = discEnd;
result.AlbumTitle = "Discography";
Logger.Debug("Album Parsed. {0}", result);
return result;
private static bool ValidateBeforeParsing(string title)
if (title.ToLower().Contains("password") && title.ToLower().Contains("yenc"))
return false;
if (!title.Any(char.IsLetterOrDigit))
return false;
var titleWithoutExtension = RemoveFileExtension(title);
if (RejectHashedReleasesRegex.Any(v => v.IsMatch(titleWithoutExtension)))
Logger.Debug("Rejected Hashed Release Title: " + title);
return false;
return true;
private static string GetSubGroup(MatchCollection matchCollection)
var subGroup = matchCollection[0].Groups["subgroup"];
if (subGroup.Success)
return subGroup.Value;
return string.Empty;
private static string GetReleaseHash(MatchCollection matchCollection)
var hash = matchCollection[0].Groups["hash"];
if (hash.Success)
var hashValue = hash.Value.Trim('[', ']');
if (hashValue.Equals("1280x720"))
return string.Empty;
return hashValue;
return string.Empty;
private static int ParseNumber(string value)
if (int.TryParse(value, out var number))
return number;
number = Array.IndexOf(Numbers, value.ToLower());
if (number != -1)
return number;
throw new FormatException(string.Format("{0} isn't a number", value));