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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
namespace NzbDrone.Common.Disk
public interface IDiskTransferService
TransferMode TransferFolder(string sourcePath, string targetPath, TransferMode mode, bool verified = true);
TransferMode TransferFile(string sourcePath, string targetPath, TransferMode mode, bool overwrite = false, bool verified = true);
int MirrorFolder(string sourcePath, string targetPath);
public enum DiskTransferVerificationMode
public class DiskTransferService : IDiskTransferService
private const int RetryCount = 2;
private readonly IDiskProvider _diskProvider;
private readonly Logger _logger;
public DiskTransferVerificationMode VerificationMode { get; set; }
public DiskTransferService(IDiskProvider diskProvider, Logger logger)
_diskProvider = diskProvider;
_logger = logger;
// TODO: Atm we haven't seen partial transfers on windows so we disable verified transfer.
// (If enabled in the future, be sure to check specifically for ReFS, which doesn't support hardlinks.)
VerificationMode = OsInfo.IsWindows ? DiskTransferVerificationMode.VerifyOnly : DiskTransferVerificationMode.TryTransactional;
public TransferMode TransferFolder(string sourcePath, string targetPath, TransferMode mode, bool verified = true)
var verificationMode = verified ? VerificationMode : DiskTransferVerificationMode.VerifyOnly;
return TransferFolder(sourcePath, targetPath, mode, verificationMode);
public TransferMode TransferFolder(string sourcePath, string targetPath, TransferMode mode, DiskTransferVerificationMode verificationMode)
Ensure.That(sourcePath, () => sourcePath).IsValidPath();
Ensure.That(targetPath, () => targetPath).IsValidPath();
if (mode == TransferMode.Move && !_diskProvider.FolderExists(targetPath))
if (verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.TryTransactional || verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.VerifyOnly)
var sourceMount = _diskProvider.GetMount(sourcePath);
var targetMount = _diskProvider.GetMount(targetPath);
// If we're on the same mount, do a simple folder move.
if (sourceMount != null && targetMount != null && sourceMount.RootDirectory == targetMount.RootDirectory)
_logger.Debug("Move Directory [{0}] > [{1}]", sourcePath, targetPath);
_diskProvider.MoveFolder(sourcePath, targetPath);
return mode;
if (!_diskProvider.FolderExists(targetPath))
var result = mode;
foreach (var subDir in _diskProvider.GetDirectoryInfos(sourcePath))
if (ShouldIgnore(subDir)) continue;
result &= TransferFolder(subDir.FullName, Path.Combine(targetPath, subDir.Name), mode, verificationMode);
foreach (var sourceFile in _diskProvider.GetFileInfos(sourcePath))
if (ShouldIgnore(sourceFile)) continue;
var destFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, sourceFile.Name);
result &= TransferFile(sourceFile.FullName, destFile, mode, true, verificationMode);
if (mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.Move))
_diskProvider.DeleteFolder(sourcePath, true);
return result;
public int MirrorFolder(string sourcePath, string targetPath)
var filesCopied = 0;
Ensure.That(sourcePath, () => sourcePath).IsValidPath();
Ensure.That(targetPath, () => targetPath).IsValidPath();
_logger.Debug("Mirror [{0}] > [{1}]", sourcePath, targetPath);
if (!_diskProvider.FolderExists(targetPath))
var sourceFolders = _diskProvider.GetDirectoryInfos(sourcePath);
var targetFolders = _diskProvider.GetDirectoryInfos(targetPath);
foreach (var subDir in targetFolders.Where(v => !sourceFolders.Any(d => d.Name == v.Name)))
if (ShouldIgnore(subDir)) continue;
_diskProvider.DeleteFolder(subDir.FullName, true);
foreach (var subDir in sourceFolders)
if (ShouldIgnore(subDir)) continue;
filesCopied += MirrorFolder(subDir.FullName, Path.Combine(targetPath, subDir.Name));
var sourceFiles = _diskProvider.GetFileInfos(sourcePath);
var targetFiles = _diskProvider.GetFileInfos(targetPath);
foreach (var targetFile in targetFiles.Where(v => !sourceFiles.Any(d => d.Name == v.Name)))
if (ShouldIgnore(targetFile)) continue;
foreach (var sourceFile in sourceFiles)
if (ShouldIgnore(sourceFile)) continue;
var targetFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, sourceFile.Name);
if (CompareFiles(sourceFile.FullName, targetFile))
TransferFile(sourceFile.FullName, targetFile, TransferMode.Copy, true, true);
return filesCopied;
private bool CompareFiles(string sourceFile, string targetFile)
if (!_diskProvider.FileExists(sourceFile) || !_diskProvider.FileExists(targetFile))
return false;
if (_diskProvider.GetFileSize(sourceFile) != _diskProvider.GetFileSize(targetFile))
return false;
var sourceBuffer = new byte[64 * 1024];
var targetBuffer = new byte[64 * 1024];
using (var sourceStream = _diskProvider.OpenReadStream(sourceFile))
using (var targetStream = _diskProvider.OpenReadStream(targetFile))
while (true)
var sourceLength = sourceStream.Read(sourceBuffer, 0, sourceBuffer.Length);
var targetLength = targetStream.Read(targetBuffer, 0, targetBuffer.Length);
if (sourceLength != targetLength)
return false;
if (sourceLength == 0)
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++)
if (sourceBuffer[i] != targetBuffer[i])
return false;
public TransferMode TransferFile(string sourcePath, string targetPath, TransferMode mode, bool overwrite = false, bool verified = true)
var verificationMode = verified ? VerificationMode : DiskTransferVerificationMode.None;
return TransferFile(sourcePath, targetPath, mode, overwrite, verificationMode);
public TransferMode TransferFile(string sourcePath, string targetPath, TransferMode mode, bool overwrite, DiskTransferVerificationMode verificationMode)
Ensure.That(sourcePath, () => sourcePath).IsValidPath();
Ensure.That(targetPath, () => targetPath).IsValidPath();
_logger.Debug("{0} [{1}] > [{2}]", mode, sourcePath, targetPath);
var originalSize = _diskProvider.GetFileSize(sourcePath);
if (sourcePath == targetPath)
throw new IOException(string.Format("Source and destination can't be the same {0}", sourcePath));
if (sourcePath.PathEquals(targetPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
if (mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.HardLink) || mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.Copy))
throw new IOException(string.Format("Source and destination can't be the same {0}", sourcePath));
if (mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.Move))
var tempPath = sourcePath + ".backup~";
_diskProvider.MoveFile(sourcePath, tempPath, true);
ClearTargetPath(sourcePath, targetPath, overwrite);
_diskProvider.MoveFile(tempPath, targetPath);
return TransferMode.Move;
RollbackMove(sourcePath, tempPath);
return TransferMode.None;
if (sourcePath.GetParentPath() == targetPath.GetParentPath())
if (mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.Move))
TryMoveFileVerified(sourcePath, targetPath, originalSize);
return TransferMode.Move;
if (sourcePath.IsParentPath(targetPath))
throw new IOException(string.Format("Destination cannot be a child of the source [{0}] => [{1}]", sourcePath, targetPath));
ClearTargetPath(sourcePath, targetPath, overwrite);
if (mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.HardLink))
var createdHardlink = _diskProvider.TryCreateHardLink(sourcePath, targetPath);
if (createdHardlink)
return TransferMode.HardLink;
if (!mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.Copy))
throw new IOException("Hardlinking from '" + sourcePath + "' to '" + targetPath + "' failed.");
// We force a transactional transfer if the transfer occurs between mounts and one of the mounts is cifs, it would be a copy anyway.
if (verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.TryTransactional && OsInfo.IsNotWindows)
var sourceMount = _diskProvider.GetMount(sourcePath);
var targetMount = _diskProvider.GetMount(targetPath);
if (sourceMount != null && targetMount != null && sourceMount.RootDirectory != targetMount.RootDirectory &&
(sourceMount.DriveFormat == "cifs" || targetMount.DriveFormat == "cifs"))
verificationMode = DiskTransferVerificationMode.Transactional;
if (mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.Copy))
if (verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.Transactional || verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.TryTransactional)
if (TryCopyFileTransactional(sourcePath, targetPath, originalSize))
return TransferMode.Copy;
throw new IOException(string.Format("Failed to completely transfer [{0}] to [{1}], aborting.", sourcePath, targetPath));
else if (verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.VerifyOnly)
TryCopyFileVerified(sourcePath, targetPath, originalSize);
return TransferMode.Copy;
_diskProvider.CopyFile(sourcePath, targetPath);
return TransferMode.Copy;
if (mode.HasFlag(TransferMode.Move))
if (verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.Transactional || verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.TryTransactional)
if (TryMoveFileTransactional(sourcePath, targetPath, originalSize, verificationMode))
return TransferMode.Move;
throw new IOException(string.Format("Failed to completely transfer [{0}] to [{1}], aborting.", sourcePath, targetPath));
else if (verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.VerifyOnly)
TryMoveFileVerified(sourcePath, targetPath, originalSize);
return TransferMode.Move;
_diskProvider.MoveFile(sourcePath, targetPath);
return TransferMode.Move;
return TransferMode.None;
private void ClearTargetPath(string sourcePath, string targetPath, bool overwrite)
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(targetPath))
if (overwrite)
throw new DestinationAlreadyExistsException($"Destination {targetPath} already exists.");
private void RollbackPartialMove(string sourcePath, string targetPath)
_logger.Debug("Rolling back incomplete file move [{0}] to [{1}].", sourcePath, targetPath);
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(sourcePath))
_logger.Error("Failed to properly rollback the file move [{0}] to [{1}], incomplete file may be left in target path.", sourcePath, targetPath);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Failed to properly rollback the file move [{0}] to [{1}], incomplete file may be left in target path.", sourcePath, targetPath);
private void RollbackMove(string sourcePath, string targetPath)
_logger.Debug("Rolling back file move [{0}] to [{1}].", sourcePath, targetPath);
_diskProvider.MoveFile(targetPath, sourcePath);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Failed to properly rollback the file move [{0}] to [{1}], file may be left in target path.", sourcePath, targetPath);
private void RollbackCopy(string sourcePath, string targetPath)
_logger.Debug("Rolling back file copy [{0}] to [{1}].", sourcePath, targetPath);
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(targetPath))
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Failed to properly rollback the file copy [{0}] to [{1}], file may be left in target path.", sourcePath, targetPath);
private void WaitForIO()
// This delay is intended to give the IO stack a bit of time to recover, this is especially required if remote NAS devices are involved.
private bool TryCopyFileTransactional(string sourcePath, string targetPath, long originalSize)
var tempTargetPath = targetPath + ".partial~";
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(tempTargetPath))
_logger.Trace("Removing old partial.");
for (var i = 0; i <= RetryCount; i++)
_diskProvider.CopyFile(sourcePath, tempTargetPath);
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(tempTargetPath))
var targetSize = _diskProvider.GetFileSize(tempTargetPath);
if (targetSize == originalSize)
_diskProvider.MoveFile(tempTargetPath, targetPath);
return true;
if (i == RetryCount)
_logger.Error("Failed to completely transfer [{0}] to [{1}], aborting.", sourcePath, targetPath);
_logger.Warn("Failed to completely transfer [{0}] to [{1}], retrying [{2}/{3}].", sourcePath, targetPath, i + 1, RetryCount);
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(tempTargetPath))
return false;
private bool TryMoveFileTransactional(string sourcePath, string targetPath, long originalSize, DiskTransferVerificationMode verificationMode)
var backupPath = sourcePath + ".backup~";
var tempTargetPath = targetPath + ".partial~";
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(backupPath))
_logger.Trace("Removing old backup.");
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(tempTargetPath))
_logger.Trace("Removing old partial.");
_logger.Trace("Attempting to move hardlinked backup.");
if (_diskProvider.TryCreateHardLink(sourcePath, backupPath))
_diskProvider.MoveFile(backupPath, tempTargetPath);
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(tempTargetPath))
var targetSize = _diskProvider.GetFileSize(tempTargetPath);
if (targetSize == originalSize)
_diskProvider.MoveFile(tempTargetPath, targetPath);
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(tempTargetPath))
throw new IOException(string.Format("Temporary file '{0}' still exists, aborting.", tempTargetPath));
_logger.Trace("Hardlink move succeeded, deleting source.");
return true;
if (_diskProvider.FileExists(backupPath))
if (verificationMode == DiskTransferVerificationMode.Transactional)
_logger.Trace("Hardlink move failed, reverting to copy.");
if (TryCopyFileTransactional(sourcePath, targetPath, originalSize))
_logger.Trace("Copy succeeded, deleting source.");
return true;
_logger.Trace("Hardlink move failed, reverting to move.");
TryMoveFileVerified(sourcePath, targetPath, originalSize);
return true;
_logger.Trace("Move failed.");
return false;
private void TryCopyFileVerified(string sourcePath, string targetPath, long originalSize)
_diskProvider.CopyFile(sourcePath, targetPath);
var targetSize = _diskProvider.GetFileSize(targetPath);
if (targetSize != originalSize)
throw new IOException(string.Format("File copy incomplete. [{0}] was {1} bytes long instead of {2} bytes.", targetPath, targetSize, originalSize));
RollbackCopy(sourcePath, targetPath);
private void TryMoveFileVerified(string sourcePath, string targetPath, long originalSize)
_diskProvider.MoveFile(sourcePath, targetPath);
var targetSize = _diskProvider.GetFileSize(targetPath);
if (targetSize != originalSize)
throw new IOException(string.Format("File move incomplete, data loss may have occurred. [{0}] was {1} bytes long instead of the expected {2}.", targetPath, targetSize, originalSize));
RollbackPartialMove(sourcePath, targetPath);
private bool ShouldIgnore(DirectoryInfo folder)
if (folder.Name.StartsWith(".nfs"))
_logger.Trace("Ignoring folder {0}", folder.FullName);
return true;
return false;
private bool ShouldIgnore(FileInfo file)
if (file.Name.StartsWith(".nfs") || file.Name == "debug.log" || file.Name.EndsWith(".socket"))
_logger.Trace("Ignoring file {0}", file.FullName);
return true;
return false;