You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3.2 KiB

* jQuery Watermark plugin
* Version 1.2.1 (7-DEC-2010)
* @requires jQuery v1.3 or later
* Examples at:
* Copyright (c) 2010 Mario Estrada
* Licensed under the MIT license:
(function (a) { var b = a.browser.msie && a.browser.version < 8, c = 4; a.watermarker = function () { }, a.extend(a.watermarker, { defaults: { color: "#999", left: 0, top: 0, fallback: !1, animDuration: 300, minOpacity: .6 }, setDefaults: function (b) { a.extend(a.watermarker.defaults, b) }, checkVal: function (b, c, d) { b.length == 0 ? a(c).show() : a(c).hide(); return b.length > 0 }, html5_support: function () { var a = document.createElement("input"); return "placeholder" in a } }), a.fn.watermark = function (d, e) { var e, f; e = a.extend(a.watermarker.defaults, e), f = this.filter("textarea, input:not(:checkbox,:radio,:file,:submit,:reset)"); if (!e.fallback || !a.watermarker.html5_support()) { f.each(function () { var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n = 0, o, p; f = a(this), f.attr("data-jq-watermark") != "processed" && (g = f.attr("placeholder") != undefined && f.attr("placeholder") != "" ? "placeholder" : "title", h = d === undefined || d === "" ? a(this).attr(g) : d, i = a('<span class="watermark_container"></span>'), j = a('<span class="watermark">' + h + "</span>"), g == "placeholder" && f.removeAttr("placeholder"), i.css({ display: "inline-block", position: "relative" }), b && i.css({ zoom: 1, display: "inline" }), f.wrap(i).attr("data-jq-watermark", "processed"), this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea" ? (e_height = f.css("line-height"), e_height = e_height === "normal" ? parseInt(f.css("font-size")) : e_height, n = f.css("padding-top") != "auto" ? parseInt(f.css("padding-top")) : 0) : (e_height = f.outerHeight(), e_height <= 0 && (e_height = f.css("padding-top") != "auto" ? parseInt(f.css("padding-top")) : 0, e_height += f.css("padding-bottom") != "auto" ? parseInt(f.css("padding-bottom")) : 0, e_height += f.css("height") != "auto" ? parseInt(f.css("height")) : 0)), n += f.css("margin-top") != "auto" ? parseInt(f.css("margin-top")) : 0, k = f.css("margin-left") != "auto" ? parseInt(f.css("margin-left")) : 0, k += f.css("padding-left") != "auto" ? parseInt(f.css("padding-left")) : 0, j.css({ position: "absolute", display: "block", fontFamily: f.css("font-family"), fontSize: f.css("font-size"), color: e.color, left: c + e.left + k, top: + n, height: e_height, lineHeight: e_height + "px", textAlign: "left", pointerEvents: "none" }).data("jq_watermark_element", f), a.watermarker.checkVal(f.val(), j), () { a(a(this).data("jq_watermark_element")).trigger("click").trigger("focus") }), f.before(j).bind("focus.jq_watermark", function () { a.watermarker.checkVal(a(this).val(), j) || j.stop().fadeTo(e.animDuration, e.minOpacity) }).bind("blur.jq_watermark change.jq_watermark", function () { a.watermarker.checkVal(a(this).val(), j) || j.stop().fadeTo(e.animDuration, 1) }).bind("keydown.jq_watermark, paste.jq_watermark", function (b) { a(j).hide() }).bind("keyup.jq_watermark", function (b) { a.watermarker.checkVal(a(this).val(), j) })) }); return this } }, a(".jq_watermark").watermark() })(jQuery)