'use strict' ;
define (
'marionette' ,
'backgrid' ,
'Logs/LogTimeCell' ,
'Logs/LogLevelCell' ,
'Shared/Grid/Pager' ,
'Logs/Collection' ,
] , function ( Marionette , Backgrid , LogTimeCell , LogLevelCell , GridPager , LogCollection , ToolbarLayout ) {
return Marionette . Layout . extend ( {
template : 'Logs/LayoutTemplate' ,
regions : {
grid : '#x-grid' ,
toolbar : '#x-toolbar' ,
pager : '#x-pager'
} ,
attributes : {
id : 'logs-screen'
} ,
columns :
name : 'level' ,
label : '' ,
sortable : true ,
cell : LogLevelCell
} ,
name : 'logger' ,
label : 'Component' ,
sortable : true ,
cell : Backgrid . StringCell . extend ( {
className : 'log-logger-cell'
} )
} ,
name : 'message' ,
label : 'Message' ,
sortable : false ,
cell : Backgrid . StringCell . extend ( {
className : 'log-message-cell'
} )
} ,
name : 'time' ,
label : 'Time' ,
cell : LogTimeCell
] ,
initialize : function ( ) {
this . collection = new LogCollection ( ) ;
this . collection . fetch ( ) ;
} ,
onShow : function ( ) {
this . _showToolbar ( ) ;
this . _showTable ( ) ;
} ,
_showTable : function ( ) {
this . grid . show ( new Backgrid . Grid ( {
row : Backgrid . Row ,
columns : this . columns ,
collection : this . collection ,
className : 'table table-hover'
} ) ) ;
this . pager . show ( new GridPager ( {
columns : this . columns ,
collection : this . collection
} ) ) ;
} ,
_showToolbar : function ( ) {
var leftSideButtons = {
type : 'default' ,
storeState : false ,
items :
title : 'Refresh' ,
icon : 'icon-refresh' ,
ownerContext : this ,
callback : this . _refreshLogs
} ,
title : 'Clear Logs' ,
icon : 'icon-trash' ,
command : 'clearLog' ,
successMessage : 'Logs have been cleared' ,
errorMessage : 'Failed to clear logs' ,
ownerContext : this ,
onSuccess : this . _refreshLogs
} ,
title : 'Files' ,
icon : 'icon-file' ,
route : 'logs/files'
} ;
this . toolbar . show ( new ToolbarLayout ( {
left :
] ,
context : this
} ) ) ;
} ,
_refreshLogs : function ( ) {
this . collection . fetch ( { reset : true } ) ;
this . _showTable ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;