'use strict' ;
define (
'app' ,
'marionette' ,
'Quality/QualityProfileCollection' ,
'AddSeries/RootFolders/Collection' ,
'AddSeries/RootFolders/Layout' ,
'Series/SeriesCollection' ,
'Config' ,
'Shared/Messenger' ,
'Mixins/AsValidatedView' ,
] , function ( App , Marionette , QualityProfiles , RootFolders , RootFolderLayout , SeriesCollection , Config , Messenger , AsValidatedView ) {
var view = Marionette . ItemView . extend ( {
template : 'AddSeries/SearchResultViewTemplate' ,
ui : {
qualityProfile : '.x-quality-profile' ,
rootFolder : '.x-root-folder' ,
addButton : '.x-add' ,
overview : '.x-overview' ,
startingSeason : '.x-starting-season'
} ,
events : {
'click .x-add' : '_addSeries' ,
'change .x-quality-profile' : '_qualityProfileChanged' ,
'change .x-root-folder' : '_rootFolderChanged'
} ,
initialize : function ( ) {
if ( ! this . model ) {
throw 'model is required' ;
this . listenTo ( App . vent , Config . Events . ConfigUpdatedEvent , this . _onConfigUpdated ) ;
this . listenTo ( this . model , 'change' , this . render ) ;
this . listenTo ( RootFolders , 'all' , this . render ) ;
this . rootFolderLayout = new RootFolderLayout ( ) ;
this . listenTo ( this . rootFolderLayout , 'folderSelected' , this . _setRootFolder ) ;
} ,
onRender : function ( ) {
var defaultQuality = Config . getValue ( Config . Keys . DefaultQualityProfileId ) ;
var defaultRoot = Config . getValue ( Config . Keys . DefaultRootFolderId ) ;
if ( QualityProfiles . get ( defaultQuality ) ) {
this . ui . qualityProfile . val ( defaultQuality ) ;
if ( RootFolders . get ( defaultRoot ) ) {
this . ui . rootFolder . val ( defaultRoot ) ;
var minSeasonNotZero = _ . min ( _ . reject ( this . model . get ( 'seasons' ) , { seasonNumber : 0 } ) , 'seasonNumber' ) ;
if ( minSeasonNotZero ) {
this . ui . startingSeason . val ( minSeasonNotZero . seasonNumber ) ;
//TODO: make this work via onRender, FM?
//works with onShow, but stops working after the first render
this . ui . overview . dotdotdot ( {
height : 120
} ) ;
} ,
serializeData : function ( ) {
var data = this . model . toJSON ( ) ;
var existingSeries = SeriesCollection . where ( { tvdbId : this . model . get ( 'tvdbId' ) } ) ;
if ( existingSeries . length > 0 ) {
data . existing = existingSeries [ 0 ] . toJSON ( ) ;
data . qualityProfiles = QualityProfiles . toJSON ( ) ;
if ( ! data . isExisting ) {
data . rootFolders = RootFolders . toJSON ( ) ;
return data ;
} ,
_onConfigUpdated : function ( options ) {
if ( options . key === Config . Keys . DefaultQualityProfileId ) {
this . ui . qualityProfile . val ( options . value ) ;
else if ( options . key === Config . Keys . DefaultRootFolderId ) {
this . ui . rootFolder . val ( options . value ) ;
} ,
_qualityProfileChanged : function ( ) {
Config . setValue ( Config . Keys . DefaultQualityProfileId , this . ui . qualityProfile . val ( ) ) ;
} ,
_rootFolderChanged : function ( ) {
var rootFolderValue = this . ui . rootFolder . val ( ) ;
if ( rootFolderValue === 'addNew' ) {
App . modalRegion . show ( this . rootFolderLayout ) ;
else {
Config . setValue ( Config . Keys . DefaultRootFolderId , rootFolderValue ) ;
} ,
_setRootFolder : function ( options ) {
App . vent . trigger ( App . Commands . CloseModalCommand ) ;
this . ui . rootFolder . val ( options . model . id ) ;
this . _rootFolderChanged ( ) ;
} ,
_addSeries : function ( ) {
var icon = this . ui . addButton . find ( 'icon' ) ;
icon . removeClass ( 'icon-plus' ) . addClass ( 'icon-spin icon-spinner disabled' ) ;
var quality = this . ui . qualityProfile . val ( ) ;
var rootFolderPath = this . ui . rootFolder . children ( ':selected' ) . text ( ) ;
var startingSeason = this . ui . startingSeason . val ( ) ;
this . model . set ( 'qualityProfileId' , quality ) ;
this . model . set ( 'rootFolderPath' , rootFolderPath ) ;
this . model . setSeasonPass ( startingSeason ) ;
var self = this ;
SeriesCollection . add ( this . model ) ;
this . model . save ( ) . done ( function ( ) {
self . close ( ) ;
icon . removeClass ( 'icon-spin icon-spinner disabled' ) . addClass ( 'icon-search' ) ;
Messenger . show ( {
message : 'Added: ' + self . model . get ( 'title' )
} ) ;
App . vent . trigger ( App . Events . SeriesAdded , { series : self . model } ) ;
} ) . fail ( function ( ) {
icon . removeClass ( 'icon-spin icon-spinner disabled' ) . addClass ( 'icon-search' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
AsValidatedView . apply ( view ) ;
return view ;
} ) ;