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Whole album matching and fingerprinting (#592) * Cache result of GetAllArtists * Fixed: Manual import not respecting album import notifications * Fixed: partial album imports stay in queue, prompting manual import * Fixed: Allow release if tracks are missing * Fixed: Be tolerant of missing/extra "The" at start of artist name * Improve manual import UI * Omit video tracks from DB entirely * Revert "faster test packaging in" This reverts commit 2723e2a7b86bcbff9051fd2aced07dd807b4bcb7. -u and -T are not supported on macOS * Fix tests on linux and macOS * Actually lint on linux On linux yarn runs scripts with sh not bash so ** doesn't recursively glob * Match whole albums * Option to disable fingerprinting * Rip out MediaInfo * Don't split up things that have the same album selected in manual import * Try to speed up IndentificationService * More speedups * Some fixes and increase power of recording id * Fix NRE when no tags * Fix NRE when some (but not all) files in a directory have missing tags * Bump taglib, tidy up tag parsing * Add a health check * Remove media info setting * Tags -> audioTags * Add some tests where tags are null * Rename history events * Add missing method to interface * Reinstate MediaInfo tags and update info with artist scan Also adds migration to remove old format media info * This file no longer exists * Don't penalise year if missing from tags * Formatting improvements * Use correct system newline * Switch to the netstandard2.0 library to support net 461 * TagLib.File is IDisposable so should be in a using * Improve filename matching and add tests * Neater logging of parsed tags * Fix disk scan tests for new media info update * Fix quality detection source * Fix Inexact Artist/Album match * Add button to clear track mapping * Fix warning * Pacify eslint * Use \ not / * Fix UI updates * Fix media covers Prevent localizing URL propaging back to the metadata object * Reduce database overhead broadcasting UI updates * Relax timings a bit to make test pass * Remove irrelevant tests * Test framework for identification service * Fix PreferMissingToBadMatch test case * Make fingerprinting more robust * More logging * Penalize unknown media format and country * Prefer USA to UK * Allow Data CD * Fix exception if fingerprinting fails for all files * Fix tests * Fix NRE * Allow apostrophes and remove accents in filename aggregation * Address codacy issues * Cope with old versions of fpcalc and suggest upgrade * fpcalc health check passes if fingerprinting disabled * Get the Artist meta with the artist * Fix the mapper so that lazy loaded lists will be populated on Join And therefore we can join TrackFiles on Tracks by default and avoid an extra query * Rename subtitle -> lyric * Tidy up MediaInfoFormatter
6 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Parser
public static class IsoCountries
// see
private static readonly HashSet<IsoCountry> All = new HashSet<IsoCountry>
new IsoCountry("AF", "Afghanistan"),
Whole album matching and fingerprinting (#592) * Cache result of GetAllArtists * Fixed: Manual import not respecting album import notifications * Fixed: partial album imports stay in queue, prompting manual import * Fixed: Allow release if tracks are missing * Fixed: Be tolerant of missing/extra "The" at start of artist name * Improve manual import UI * Omit video tracks from DB entirely * Revert "faster test packaging in" This reverts commit 2723e2a7b86bcbff9051fd2aced07dd807b4bcb7. -u and -T are not supported on macOS * Fix tests on linux and macOS * Actually lint on linux On linux yarn runs scripts with sh not bash so ** doesn't recursively glob * Match whole albums * Option to disable fingerprinting * Rip out MediaInfo * Don't split up things that have the same album selected in manual import * Try to speed up IndentificationService * More speedups * Some fixes and increase power of recording id * Fix NRE when no tags * Fix NRE when some (but not all) files in a directory have missing tags * Bump taglib, tidy up tag parsing * Add a health check * Remove media info setting * Tags -> audioTags * Add some tests where tags are null * Rename history events * Add missing method to interface * Reinstate MediaInfo tags and update info with artist scan Also adds migration to remove old format media info * This file no longer exists * Don't penalise year if missing from tags * Formatting improvements * Use correct system newline * Switch to the netstandard2.0 library to support net 461 * TagLib.File is IDisposable so should be in a using * Improve filename matching and add tests * Neater logging of parsed tags * Fix disk scan tests for new media info update * Fix quality detection source * Fix Inexact Artist/Album match * Add button to clear track mapping * Fix warning * Pacify eslint * Use \ not / * Fix UI updates * Fix media covers Prevent localizing URL propaging back to the metadata object * Reduce database overhead broadcasting UI updates * Relax timings a bit to make test pass * Remove irrelevant tests * Test framework for identification service * Fix PreferMissingToBadMatch test case * Make fingerprinting more robust * More logging * Penalize unknown media format and country * Prefer USA to UK * Allow Data CD * Fix exception if fingerprinting fails for all files * Fix tests * Fix NRE * Allow apostrophes and remove accents in filename aggregation * Address codacy issues * Cope with old versions of fpcalc and suggest upgrade * fpcalc health check passes if fingerprinting disabled * Get the Artist meta with the artist * Fix the mapper so that lazy loaded lists will be populated on Join And therefore we can join TrackFiles on Tracks by default and avoid an extra query * Rename subtitle -> lyric * Tidy up MediaInfoFormatter
6 years ago
new IsoCountry("AX", "Åland Islands"),
new IsoCountry("AL", "Albania"),
new IsoCountry("DZ", "Algeria"),
new IsoCountry("AS", "American Samoa"),
new IsoCountry("AD", "Andorra"),
new IsoCountry("AO", "Angola"),
new IsoCountry("AI", "Anguilla"),
new IsoCountry("AQ", "Antarctica"),
new IsoCountry("AG", "Antigua and Barbuda"),
new IsoCountry("AR", "Argentina"),
new IsoCountry("AM", "Armenia"),
new IsoCountry("AW", "Aruba"),
new IsoCountry("AU", "Australia"),
new IsoCountry("AT", "Austria"),
new IsoCountry("AZ", "Azerbaijan"),
new IsoCountry("BS", "Bahamas"),
new IsoCountry("BH", "Bahrain"),
new IsoCountry("BD", "Bangladesh"),
new IsoCountry("BB", "Barbados"),
new IsoCountry("BY", "Belarus"),
new IsoCountry("BE", "Belgium"),
new IsoCountry("BZ", "Belize"),
new IsoCountry("BJ", "Benin"),
new IsoCountry("BM", "Bermuda"),
new IsoCountry("BT", "Bhutan"),
new IsoCountry("BO", "Bolivia"),
new IsoCountry("BA", "Bosnia and Herzegovina"),
new IsoCountry("BW", "Botswana"),
new IsoCountry("BV", "Bouvet Island"),
new IsoCountry("BR", "Brazil"),
new IsoCountry("IO", "British Indian Ocean Territory"),
new IsoCountry("BN", "Brunei Darussalam"),
new IsoCountry("BG", "Bulgaria"),
new IsoCountry("BF", "Burkina Faso"),
new IsoCountry("BI", "Burundi"),
new IsoCountry("KH", "Cambodia"),
new IsoCountry("CM", "Cameroon"),
new IsoCountry("CA", "Canada"),
new IsoCountry("CV", "Cape Verde"),
new IsoCountry("KY", "Cayman Islands"),
new IsoCountry("CF", "Central African Republic"),
new IsoCountry("TD", "Chad"),
new IsoCountry("CL", "Chile"),
new IsoCountry("CN", "China"),
new IsoCountry("CX", "Christmas Island"),
new IsoCountry("CC", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"),
new IsoCountry("CO", "Colombia"),
new IsoCountry("KM", "Comoros"),
new IsoCountry("CG", "Congo"),
new IsoCountry("CD", "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the"),
new IsoCountry("CK", "Cook Islands"),
new IsoCountry("CR", "Costa Rica"),
new IsoCountry("CI", "Cote d'Ivoire"),
new IsoCountry("HR", "Croatia"),
new IsoCountry("CU", "Cuba"),
new IsoCountry("CY", "Cyprus"),
new IsoCountry("XC", "Czechoslovakia"),
new IsoCountry("CZ", "Czech Republic"),
new IsoCountry("DK", "Denmark"),
new IsoCountry("DJ", "Djibouti"),
new IsoCountry("DM", "Dominica"),
new IsoCountry("DO", "Dominican Republic"),
new IsoCountry("XG", "East Germany"),
new IsoCountry("EC", "Ecuador"),
new IsoCountry("EG", "Egypt"),
new IsoCountry("SV", "El Salvador"),
new IsoCountry("GQ", "Equatorial Guinea"),
new IsoCountry("ER", "Eritrea"),
new IsoCountry("EE", "Estonia"),
new IsoCountry("ET", "Ethiopia"),
new IsoCountry("XE", "Europe"),
new IsoCountry("FK", "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"),
new IsoCountry("FO", "Faroe Islands"),
new IsoCountry("FJ", "Fiji"),
new IsoCountry("FI", "Finland"),
new IsoCountry("FR", "France"),
new IsoCountry("GF", "French Guiana"),
new IsoCountry("PF", "French Polynesia"),
new IsoCountry("TF", "French Southern Territories"),
new IsoCountry("GA", "Gabon"),
new IsoCountry("GM", "Gambia"),
new IsoCountry("GE", "Georgia"),
new IsoCountry("DE", "Germany"),
new IsoCountry("GH", "Ghana"),
new IsoCountry("GI", "Gibraltar"),
new IsoCountry("GR", "Greece"),
new IsoCountry("GL", "Greenland"),
new IsoCountry("GD", "Grenada"),
new IsoCountry("GP", "Guadeloupe"),
new IsoCountry("GU", "Guam"),
new IsoCountry("GT", "Guatemala"),
new IsoCountry("GG", "Guernsey"),
new IsoCountry("GN", "Guinea"),
new IsoCountry("GW", "Guinea-Bissau"),
new IsoCountry("GY", "Guyana"),
new IsoCountry("HT", "Haiti"),
new IsoCountry("HM", "Heard and Mc Donald Islands"),
new IsoCountry("HN", "Honduras"),
new IsoCountry("HK", "Hong Kong"),
new IsoCountry("HU", "Hungary"),
new IsoCountry("IS", "Iceland"),
new IsoCountry("IN", "India"),
new IsoCountry("ID", "Indonesia"),
new IsoCountry("IR", "Iran (Islamic Republic of)"),
new IsoCountry("IQ", "Iraq"),
new IsoCountry("IE", "Ireland"),
new IsoCountry("IM", "Isle of Man"),
new IsoCountry("IL", "Israel"),
new IsoCountry("IT", "Italy"),
new IsoCountry("JM", "Jamaica"),
new IsoCountry("JP", "Japan"),
new IsoCountry("JE", "Jersey"),
new IsoCountry("JO", "Jordan"),
new IsoCountry("KZ", "Kazakhstan"),
new IsoCountry("KE", "Kenya"),
new IsoCountry("KI", "Kiribati"),
new IsoCountry("KP", "Korea (North), Democratic People's Republic of"),
new IsoCountry("KR", "Korea (South), Republic of"),
new IsoCountry("KW", "Kuwait"),
new IsoCountry("KG", "Kyrgyzstan"),
new IsoCountry("LA", "Lao People's Democratic Republic"),
new IsoCountry("LV", "Latvia"),
new IsoCountry("LB", "Lebanon"),
new IsoCountry("LS", "Lesotho"),
new IsoCountry("LR", "Liberia"),
new IsoCountry("LY", "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya"),
new IsoCountry("LI", "Liechtenstein"),
new IsoCountry("LT", "Lithuania"),
new IsoCountry("LU", "Luxembourg"),
new IsoCountry("MO", "Macau"),
new IsoCountry("MK", "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of"),
new IsoCountry("MG", "Madagascar"),
new IsoCountry("MW", "Malawi"),
new IsoCountry("MY", "Malaysia"),
new IsoCountry("MV", "Maldives"),
new IsoCountry("ML", "Mali"),
new IsoCountry("MT", "Malta"),
new IsoCountry("MH", "Marshall Islands"),
new IsoCountry("MQ", "Martinique"),
new IsoCountry("MR", "Mauritania"),
new IsoCountry("MU", "Mauritius"),
new IsoCountry("YT", "Mayotte"),
new IsoCountry("MX", "Mexico"),
new IsoCountry("FM", "Micronesia, Federated States of"),
new IsoCountry("MD", "Moldova, Republic of"),
new IsoCountry("MC", "Monaco"),
new IsoCountry("MN", "Mongolia"),
new IsoCountry("ME", "Montenegro"),
new IsoCountry("MS", "Montserrat"),
new IsoCountry("MA", "Morocco"),
new IsoCountry("MZ", "Mozambique"),
new IsoCountry("MM", "Myanmar"),
new IsoCountry("NA", "Namibia"),
new IsoCountry("NR", "Nauru"),
new IsoCountry("NP", "Nepal"),
new IsoCountry("NL", "Netherlands"),
new IsoCountry("AN", "Netherlands Antilles"),
new IsoCountry("NC", "New Caledonia"),
new IsoCountry("NZ", "New Zealand"),
new IsoCountry("NI", "Nicaragua"),
new IsoCountry("NE", "Niger"),
new IsoCountry("NG", "Nigeria"),
new IsoCountry("NU", "Niue"),
new IsoCountry("NF", "Norfolk Island"),
new IsoCountry("MP", "Northern Mariana Islands"),
new IsoCountry("NO", "Norway"),
new IsoCountry("OM", "Oman"),
new IsoCountry("PK", "Pakistan"),
new IsoCountry("PW", "Palau"),
new IsoCountry("PS", "Palestinian Territory"),
new IsoCountry("PA", "Panama"),
new IsoCountry("PG", "Papua New Guinea"),
new IsoCountry("PY", "Paraguay"),
new IsoCountry("PE", "Peru"),
new IsoCountry("PH", "Philippines"),
new IsoCountry("PN", "Pitcairn"),
new IsoCountry("PL", "Poland"),
new IsoCountry("PT", "Portugal"),
new IsoCountry("PR", "Puerto Rico"),
new IsoCountry("QA", "Qatar"),
new IsoCountry("RE", "Reunion"),
new IsoCountry("RO", "Romania"),
new IsoCountry("RU", "Russian Federation"),
new IsoCountry("RW", "Rwanda"),
new IsoCountry("BL", "Saint Barthélemy"),
new IsoCountry("SH", "Saint Helena"),
new IsoCountry("KN", "Saint Kitts and Nevis"),
new IsoCountry("LC", "Saint Lucia"),
new IsoCountry("MF", "Saint Martin"),
new IsoCountry("PM", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"),
new IsoCountry("VC", "Saint Vincent and The Grenadines"),
new IsoCountry("WS", "Samoa"),
new IsoCountry("SM", "San Marino"),
new IsoCountry("ST", "Sao Tome and Principe"),
new IsoCountry("SA", "Saudi Arabia"),
new IsoCountry("SN", "Senegal"),
new IsoCountry("RS", "Serbia"),
new IsoCountry("CS", "Serbia and Montenegro"),
new IsoCountry("SC", "Seychelles"),
new IsoCountry("SL", "Sierra Leone"),
new IsoCountry("SG", "Singapore"),
new IsoCountry("SK", "Slovakia"),
new IsoCountry("SI", "Slovenia"),
new IsoCountry("SB", "Solomon Islands"),
new IsoCountry("SO", "Somalia"),
new IsoCountry("ZA", "South Africa"),
new IsoCountry("GS", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"),
new IsoCountry("SU", "Soviet Union"),
new IsoCountry("ES", "Spain"),
new IsoCountry("LK", "Sri Lanka"),
new IsoCountry("SD", "Sudan"),
new IsoCountry("SR", "Suriname"),
new IsoCountry("SJ", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"),
new IsoCountry("SZ", "Swaziland"),
new IsoCountry("SE", "Sweden"),
new IsoCountry("CH", "Switzerland"),
new IsoCountry("SY", "Syrian Arab Republic"),
new IsoCountry("TW", "Taiwan"),
new IsoCountry("TJ", "Tajikistan"),
new IsoCountry("TZ", "Tanzania, United Republic of"),
new IsoCountry("TH", "Thailand"),
new IsoCountry("TL", "Timor-Leste"),
new IsoCountry("TG", "Togo"),
new IsoCountry("TK", "Tokelau"),
new IsoCountry("TO", "Tonga"),
new IsoCountry("TT", "Trinidad and Tobago"),
new IsoCountry("TN", "Tunisia"),
new IsoCountry("TR", "Turkey"),
new IsoCountry("TM", "Turkmenistan"),
new IsoCountry("TC", "Turks and Caicos Islands"),
new IsoCountry("TV", "Tuvalu"),
new IsoCountry("UG", "Uganda"),
new IsoCountry("UA", "Ukraine"),
new IsoCountry("AE", "United Arab Emirates"),
new IsoCountry("GB", "United Kingdom"),
new IsoCountry("US", "United States"),
new IsoCountry("UM", "United States Minor Outlying Islands"),
new IsoCountry("XU", "[Unknown Country]"),
new IsoCountry("UY", "Uruguay"),
new IsoCountry("UZ", "Uzbekistan"),
new IsoCountry("VU", "Vanuatu"),
new IsoCountry("VA", "Vatican City State (Holy See)"),
new IsoCountry("VE", "Venezuela"),
new IsoCountry("VN", "Viet Nam"),
new IsoCountry("VG", "Virgin Islands, British"),
new IsoCountry("VI", "Virgin Islands, U.S."),
new IsoCountry("WF", "Wallis and Futuna Islands"),
new IsoCountry("EH", "Western Sahara"),
new IsoCountry("XW", "[Worldwide]"),
new IsoCountry("YE", "Yemen"),
new IsoCountry("YU", "Yugoslavia"),
new IsoCountry("ZM", "Zambia"),
new IsoCountry("ZW", "Zimbabwe")
public static IsoCountry Find(string value)
if (value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
return null;
else if (value.Length == 2)
return All.SingleOrDefault(l => l.TwoLetterCode.Equals(value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
else if (value.Length == 3)
return All.SingleOrDefault(l => l.TwoLetterCode.Equals(value.Substring(0, 2), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
return All.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Name.Equals(value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));