You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

294 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http;
using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration;
using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers;
using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
using Omu.ValueInjecter;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget
public class Nzbget : DownloadClientBase<NzbgetSettings>, IExecute<TestNzbgetCommand>
private readonly INzbgetProxy _proxy;
private readonly IHttpProvider _httpProvider;
public Nzbget(INzbgetProxy proxy,
IConfigService configService,
IParsingService parsingService,
IHttpProvider httpProvider,
Logger logger)
: base(configService, parsingService, logger)
_proxy = proxy;
_httpProvider = httpProvider;
public override DownloadProtocol Protocol
return DownloadProtocol.Usenet;
public override string Download(RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode)
var url = remoteEpisode.Release.DownloadUrl;
var title = remoteEpisode.Release.Title + ".nzb";
string category = Settings.TvCategory;
int priority = remoteEpisode.IsRecentEpisode() ? Settings.RecentTvPriority : Settings.OlderTvPriority;
_logger.Info("Adding report [{0}] to the queue.", title);
using (var nzb = _httpProvider.DownloadStream(url))
_logger.Info("Adding report [{0}] to the queue.", title);
var response = _proxy.DownloadNzb(nzb, title, category, priority, Settings);
return response;
private IEnumerable<DownloadClientItem> GetQueue()
NzbgetGlobalStatus globalStatus;
List<NzbgetQueueItem> queue;
Dictionary<Int32, NzbgetPostQueueItem> postQueue;
globalStatus = _proxy.GetGlobalStatus(Settings);
queue = _proxy.GetQueue(Settings);
postQueue = _proxy.GetPostQueue(Settings).ToDictionary(v => v.NzbId);
catch (DownloadClientException ex)
_logger.ErrorException(ex.Message, ex);
return Enumerable.Empty<DownloadClientItem>();
var queueItems = new List<DownloadClientItem>();
Int64 totalRemainingSize = 0;
foreach (var item in queue)
var postQueueItem = postQueue.GetValueOrDefault(item.NzbId);
var totalSize = MakeInt64(item.FileSizeHi, item.FileSizeLo);
var pausedSize = MakeInt64(item.PausedSizeHi, item.PausedSizeLo);
var remainingSize = MakeInt64(item.RemainingSizeHi, item.RemainingSizeLo);
var droneParameter = item.Parameters.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == "drone");
var queueItem = new DownloadClientItem();
queueItem.DownloadClientId = droneParameter == null ? item.NzbId.ToString() : droneParameter.Value.ToString();
queueItem.Title = item.NzbName;
queueItem.TotalSize = totalSize;
queueItem.Category = item.Category;
if (postQueueItem != null)
queueItem.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Downloading;
queueItem.Message = postQueueItem.ProgressLabel;
if (postQueueItem.StageProgress != 0)
queueItem.RemainingTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(postQueueItem.StageTimeSec * 1000 / postQueueItem.StageProgress - postQueueItem.StageTimeSec);
else if (globalStatus.DownloadPaused || remainingSize == pausedSize)
queueItem.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Paused;
queueItem.RemainingSize = remainingSize;
if (item.ActiveDownloads == 0 && remainingSize != 0)
queueItem.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Queued;
queueItem.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Downloading;
queueItem.RemainingSize = remainingSize - pausedSize;
if (globalStatus.DownloadRate != 0)
queueItem.RemainingTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((totalRemainingSize + queueItem.RemainingSize) / globalStatus.DownloadRate);
totalRemainingSize += queueItem.RemainingSize;
return queueItems;
private IEnumerable<DownloadClientItem> GetHistory()
List<NzbgetHistoryItem> history;
history = _proxy.GetHistory(Settings).Take(_configService.DownloadClientHistoryLimit).ToList();
catch (DownloadClientException ex)
_logger.ErrorException(ex.Message, ex);
return Enumerable.Empty<DownloadClientItem>();
var historyItems = new List<DownloadClientItem>();
var successStatus = new[] {"SUCCESS", "NONE"};
foreach (var item in history)
var droneParameter = item.Parameters.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == "drone");
var historyItem = new DownloadClientItem();
historyItem.DownloadClient = Definition.Name;
historyItem.DownloadClientId = droneParameter == null ? item.Id.ToString() : droneParameter.Value.ToString();
historyItem.Title = item.Name;
historyItem.TotalSize = MakeInt64(item.FileSizeHi, item.FileSizeLo);
historyItem.OutputPath = item.DestDir;
historyItem.Category = item.Category;
historyItem.Message = String.Format("PAR Status: {0} - Unpack Status: {1} - Move Status: {2} - Script Status: {3} - Delete Status: {4} - Mark Status: {5}", item.ParStatus, item.UnpackStatus, item.MoveStatus, item.ScriptStatus, item.DeleteStatus, item.MarkStatus);
historyItem.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Completed;
historyItem.RemainingTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
if (item.DeleteStatus == "MANUAL")
if (!successStatus.Contains(item.ParStatus) ||
!successStatus.Contains(item.UnpackStatus) ||
!successStatus.Contains(item.MoveStatus) ||
historyItem.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Failed;
return historyItems;
public override IEnumerable<DownloadClientItem> GetItems()
foreach (var downloadClientItem in GetQueue().Concat(GetHistory()))
if (downloadClientItem.Category != Settings.TvCategory) continue;
downloadClientItem.RemoteEpisode = GetRemoteEpisode(downloadClientItem.Title);
if (downloadClientItem.RemoteEpisode == null) continue;
yield return downloadClientItem;
public override void RemoveItem(string id)
_proxy.RemoveFromHistory(id, Settings);
public override void RetryDownload(string id)
_proxy.RetryDownload(id, Settings);
public override DownloadClientStatus GetStatus()
var config = _proxy.GetConfig(Settings);
var category = GetCategories(config).FirstOrDefault(v => v.Name == Settings.TvCategory);
var status = new DownloadClientStatus
IsLocalhost = Settings.Host == "" || Settings.Host == "localhost"
if (category != null)
status.OutputRootFolders = new List<string> { category.DestDir };
return status;
protected IEnumerable<NzbgetCategory> GetCategories(Dictionary<String, String> config)
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
var name = config.GetValueOrDefault("Category" + i + ".Name");
if (name == null) yield break;
var destDir = config.GetValueOrDefault("Category" + i + ".DestDir");
if (destDir.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
var mainDir = config.GetValueOrDefault("MainDir");
destDir = config.GetValueOrDefault("DestDir", String.Empty).Replace("${MainDir}", mainDir);
if (config.GetValueOrDefault("AppendCategoryDir", "yes") == "yes")
destDir = Path.Combine(destDir, name);
yield return new NzbgetCategory
Name = name,
DestDir = destDir,
Unpack = config.GetValueOrDefault("Category" + i + ".Unpack") == "yes",
DefScript = config.GetValueOrDefault("Category" + i + ".DefScript"),
Aliases = config.GetValueOrDefault("Category" + i + ".Aliases"),
private String GetVersion(string host = null, int port = 0, string username = null, string password = null)
return _proxy.GetVersion(Settings);
public override void Test()
public void Execute(TestNzbgetCommand message)
var settings = new NzbgetSettings();
// Javascript doesn't support 64 bit integers natively so json officially doesn't either.
// NzbGet api thus sends it in two 32 bit chunks. Here we join the two chunks back together.
// Simplified decimal example: "42" splits into "4" and "2". To join them I shift (<<) the "4" 1 digit to the left = "40". combine it with "2". which becomes "42" again.
private Int64 MakeInt64(UInt32 high, UInt32 low)
Int64 result = high;
result = (result << 32) | (Int64)low;
return result;