You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

264 lines
10 KiB

14 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
14 years ago
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers;
using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Jobs;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository;
using NzbDrone.Web.Models;
using Telerik.Web.Mvc;
14 years ago
namespace NzbDrone.Web.Controllers
14 years ago
public class SeriesController : Controller
private readonly EpisodeProvider _episodeProvider;
private readonly QualityProvider _qualityProvider;
private readonly RenameProvider _renameProvider;
private readonly SeriesProvider _seriesProvider;
private readonly TvDbProvider _tvDbProvider;
private readonly JobProvider _jobProvider;
private readonly SeasonProvider _seasonProvider;
14 years ago
// GET: /Series/
public SeriesController(SeriesProvider seriesProvider,
EpisodeProvider episodeProvider,
QualityProvider qualityProvider,
RenameProvider renameProvider,
TvDbProvider tvDbProvider,
JobProvider jobProvider,
SeasonProvider seasonProvider)
14 years ago
_seriesProvider = seriesProvider;
_episodeProvider = episodeProvider;
_qualityProvider = qualityProvider;
_renameProvider = renameProvider;
_tvDbProvider = tvDbProvider;
_jobProvider = jobProvider;
_seasonProvider = seasonProvider;
14 years ago
public ActionResult Index()
var profiles = _qualityProvider.GetAllProfiles();
ViewData["SelectList"] = new SelectList(profiles, "QualityProfileId", "Name");
14 years ago
return View();
public ActionResult RssSync()
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public ActionResult SeasonEditor(int seriesId)
var model =
_seriesProvider.GetSeries(seriesId).Seasons.Select(s => new SeasonEditModel
SeasonId = s.SeasonId,
SeasonNumber = s.SeasonNumber,
SeasonString = GetSeasonString(s.SeasonNumber),
Monitored = s.Monitored
}).OrderBy(s => s.SeasonNumber).ToList();
return View(model);
public ActionResult GetSingleSeasonView(SeasonEditModel model)
return PartialView("SingleSeason", model);
public ActionResult _AjaxSeriesGrid()
var series = GetSeriesModels(_seriesProvider.GetAllSeries().ToList());
return View(new GridModel(series));
public ActionResult _SaveAjaxSeriesEditing(int id, string path, bool monitored, bool seasonFolder, int qualityProfileId, List<SeasonEditModel> seasons)
var oldSeries = _seriesProvider.GetSeries(id);
oldSeries.Path = path;
oldSeries.Monitored = monitored;
oldSeries.SeasonFolder = seasonFolder;
oldSeries.QualityProfileId = qualityProfileId;
var series = GetSeriesModels(_seriesProvider.GetAllSeries().ToList());
return View(new GridModel(series));
public ActionResult _DeleteAjaxSeriesEditing(int id)
//Grab the series from the DB so we can remove it from the list we return to the client
var seriesInDb = _seriesProvider.GetAllSeries().ToList();
//Remove this so we don't send it back to the client (since it hasn't really been deleted yet)
seriesInDb.RemoveAll(s => s.SeriesId == id);
//Start removing this series
_jobProvider.QueueJob(typeof(DeleteSeriesJob), id);
var series = GetSeriesModels(seriesInDb);
return View(new GridModel(series));
public ActionResult _AjaxSeasonGrid(int seasonId)
var episodes = _episodeProvider.GetEpisodeBySeason(seasonId).Select(c => new EpisodeModel
EpisodeId = c.EpisodeId,
EpisodeNumber = c.EpisodeNumber,
SeasonNumber = c.SeasonNumber,
Title = c.Title,
Overview = c.Overview,
AirDate = c.AirDate,
Path = GetEpisodePath(c.EpisodeFile),
Status = c.Status.ToString(),
Quality = c.EpisodeFile == null
? String.Empty
: c.EpisodeFile.Quality.ToString()
return View(new GridModel(episodes));
//Local Helpers
private string GetEpisodePath(EpisodeFile file)
if (file == null)
return String.Empty;
//Return the path relative to the Series' Folder
return file.Path;
public ActionResult SearchForSeries(string seriesName)
var model = new List<SeriesSearchResultModel>();
//Get Results from TvDb and convert them to something we can use.
foreach (var tvdbSearchResult in _tvDbProvider.SearchSeries(seriesName))
model.Add(new SeriesSearchResultModel
TvDbId = tvdbSearchResult.Id,
TvDbName = tvdbSearchResult.SeriesName,
FirstAired = tvdbSearchResult.FirstAired
//model.Add(new SeriesSearchResultModel{ TvDbId = 12345, TvDbName = "30 Rock", FirstAired = DateTime.Today });
//model.Add(new SeriesSearchResultModel { TvDbId = 65432, TvDbName = "The Office (US)", FirstAired = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-100) });
return PartialView("SeriesSearchResults", model);
public ActionResult _SaveAjaxEditing(string id)
return RedirectToAction("UnMapped");
public ActionResult SaveSeasons(List<SeasonEditModel> seasons)
foreach (var season in seasons)
var seasonInDb = _seasonProvider.GetSeason(season.SeasonId);
seasonInDb.Monitored = season.Monitored;
return Content("Saved");
public ActionResult Details(int seriesId)
14 years ago
var series = _seriesProvider.GetSeries(seriesId);
return View(series);
14 years ago
public ActionResult SyncEpisodesOnDisk(int seriesId)
//Syncs the episodes on disk for the specified series
_jobProvider.QueueJob(typeof(DiskScanJob), seriesId);
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { seriesId });
public ActionResult UpdateInfo(int seriesId)
//Syncs the episodes on disk for the specified series
_jobProvider.QueueJob(typeof(UpdateInfoJob), seriesId);
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { seriesId });
public ActionResult RenameAll()
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public ActionResult RenameSeries(int seriesId)
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { seriesId });
public ActionResult RenameSeason(int seasonId)
//Todo: Stay of Series Detail... AJAX?
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public ActionResult RenameEpisode(int episodeId)
//Todo: Stay of Series Detail... AJAX?
return RedirectToAction("Index");
private List<SeriesModel> GetSeriesModels(List<Series> seriesInDb)
var series = new List<SeriesModel>();
seriesInDb.ForEach(s => series.Add(new SeriesModel
SeriesId = s.SeriesId,
Title = s.Title,
AirsDayOfWeek = s.AirsDayOfWeek.ToString(),
Monitored = s.Monitored,
Overview = s.Overview,
Path = s.Path,
QualityProfileId = s.QualityProfileId,
QualityProfileName = s.QualityProfile.Name,
SeasonsCount = s.Seasons.Where(x => x.SeasonNumber > 0).Count(),
SeasonFolder = s.SeasonFolder,
Status = s.Status
return series;
private string GetSeasonString(int seasonNumber)
if (seasonNumber == 0)
return "Specials";
return String.Format("Season# {0}", seasonNumber);
14 years ago