You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

107 lines
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var Handlebars = require('handlebars');
var StatusModel = require('../../System/StatusModel');
var _ = require('underscore');
Handlebars.registerHelper('poster', function() {
var placeholder = StatusModel.get('urlBase') + '/Content/Images/poster-dark.png';
var poster = _.where(this.images, { coverType : 'poster' });
if (poster[0]) {
if (!poster[0].url.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
9 years ago
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<img class="series-poster x-series-poster" {0}>'.format(, poster[0].url, 250)));
} else {
var url = poster[0].url.replace(/^https?\:/, '');
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<img class="series-poster x-series-poster" {0}>'.format(, url)));
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<img class="series-poster placeholder-image" src="{0}">'.format(placeholder));
Handlebars.registerHelper('traktUrl', function() {
return '' + this.tvdbId + '?id_type=show';
Handlebars.registerHelper('imdbUrl', function() {
return '' + this.imdbId;
Handlebars.registerHelper('tvdbUrl', function() {
return '' + this.tvdbId;
Handlebars.registerHelper('tvRageUrl', function() {
return '' + this.tvRageId;
Handlebars.registerHelper('tvMazeUrl', function() {
return '' + this.tvMazeId + '/_';
Handlebars.registerHelper('route', function() {
return StatusModel.get('urlBase') + '/series/' + this.titleSlug;
Handlebars.registerHelper('percentOfEpisodes', function() {
var episodeCount = this.episodeCount;
var episodeFileCount = this.episodeFileCount;
var percent = 100;
if (episodeCount > 0) {
percent = episodeFileCount / episodeCount * 100;
return percent;
Handlebars.registerHelper('seasonCountHelper', function() {
var seasonCount = this.seasonCount;
var continuing = this.status === 'continuing';
if (continuing) {
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<span class="label label-info">Season {0}</span>'.format(seasonCount));
if (seasonCount === 1) {
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<span class="label label-info">{0} Season</span>'.format(seasonCount));
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<span class="label label-info">{0} Seasons</span>'.format(seasonCount));
Handlebars.registerHelper ('truncate', function (str, len) {
if (str && str.length > len && str.length > 0) {
var new_str = str + " ";
new_str = str.substr (0, len);
new_str = str.substr (0, new_str.lastIndexOf(" "));
new_str = (new_str.length > 0) ? new_str : str.substr (0, len);
return new Handlebars.SafeString ( new_str +'...' );
return str;
Handlebars.registerHelper('albumCountHelper', function() {
var albumCount = this.albumCount;
if (albumCount === 1) {
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<span class="label label-info">{0} Albums</span>'.format(albumCount));
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<span class="label label-info">{0} Albums</span>'.format(albumCount));
/*Handlebars.registerHelper('titleWithYear', function() {
if (this.title.endsWith(' ({0})'.format(this.year))) {
return this.title;
if (!this.year) {
return this.title;
return new Handlebars.SafeString('{0} <span class="year">({1})</span>'.format(this.title, this.year));