@ -7,17 +7,20 @@ const errorHandler = require('./helpers/errorHandler');
const OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin = require ( 'optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin' ) ;
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require ( 'mini-css-extract-plugin' ) ;
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require ( 'html-webpack-plugin' ) ;
const TerserPlugin = require ( 'terser-webpack-plugin' ) ;
const uiFolder = 'UI' ;
const frontendFolder = path . join ( _ _dirname , '..' ) ;
const srcFolder = path . join ( frontendFolder , 'src' ) ;
const isProduction = process . argv . indexOf ( '--production' ) > - 1 ;
const isProfiling = isProduction && process . argv . indexOf ( '--profile' ) > - 1 ;
const distFolder = path . resolve ( frontendFolder , '..' , '_output' , uiFolder ) ;
console . log ( 'Source Folder:' , srcFolder ) ;
console . log ( 'Output Folder:' , distFolder ) ;
console . log ( 'isProduction:' , isProduction ) ;
console . log ( 'isProfiling:' , isProduction ) ;
const cssVarsFiles = [
'../src/Styles/Variables/colors' ,
@ -216,6 +219,24 @@ const config = {
} ;
if ( isProfiling ) {
config . resolve . alias [ 'react-dom$' ] = 'react-dom/profiling' ;
config . resolve . alias [ 'scheduler/tracing' ] = 'scheduler/tracing-profiling' ;
config . optimization . minimizer = [
new TerserPlugin ( {
cache : true ,
parallel : true ,
sourceMap : true , // Must be set to true if using source-maps in production
terserOptions : {
mangle : false ,
keep _classnames : true ,
keep _fnames : true
} )
] ;
gulp . task ( 'webpack' , ( ) => {
return webpackStream ( config )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( '_output/UI' ) ) ;