diff --git a/App_Data/Config.xml b/App_Data/Config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bb6fbd51..000000000
--- a/App_Data/Config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- 8989
- true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libraries/Telerik/Telerik.Web.Mvc.dll b/Libraries/Telerik/Telerik.Web.Mvc.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 819473d0c..000000000
Binary files a/Libraries/Telerik/Telerik.Web.Mvc.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Libraries/Telerik/Telerik.Web.Mvc.xml b/Libraries/Telerik/Telerik.Web.Mvc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 830dfeed3..000000000
--- a/Libraries/Telerik/Telerik.Web.Mvc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23101 +0,0 @@
- Telerik.Web.Mvc
- Contains the extension methods of .
- Create Nullable instance of the passed .
- Contains extension methods of .
- Get the Application root path.
- The instance.
- Determines whether this instance can compress the specified instance.
- The instance.
- true if this instance can compress the specified instance; otherwise, false.
- Basic building block to locate the correct virtual path.
- Returns the correct virtual path based upon the debug mode and version.
- The virtual path.
- The version.
- A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
- Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
- Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
- resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Bold.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Insert hyperlink.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to delete "{0}"?.
- Looks up a localized string similar to A directory with this name was not found..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Empty Folder.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Select font family.
- Looks up a localized string similar to (inherited font).
- Looks up a localized string similar to Select font size.
- Looks up a localized string similar to (inherited size).
- Looks up a localized string similar to Select block type.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Indent.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Insert HTML.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Insert image.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Insert ordered list.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Insert unordered list.
- Looks up a localized string similar to The selected file \"{0}\" is not valid. Supported file types are {1}..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Italic.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Center text.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Justify.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Align text left.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Align text right.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Arrange by:.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Name.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Size.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Outdent.
- Looks up a localized string similar to 'A file with name "{0}" already exists in the current directory. Do you want to overwrite it?.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Strikethrough.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Styles.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Underline.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Remove hyperlink.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Upload.
- View component base class.
- Defines the basic building block of scriptable component.
- Writes the initialization script.
- The writer.
- Writes the cleanup script.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets the asset key.
- The asset key.
- Gets or sets the script files path. Path must be a virtual path.
- The script files path.
- Gets or sets the script file names.
- The script file names.
- Gets the client side object writer factory.
- The client side object writer factory.
- Defines whether one navigation item can have content output immediately
- The HtmlAttributes applied to objects which can have child items
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The view context.
- The client side object writer factory.
- Renders the component.
- Writes the initialization script.
- The writer.
- Writes the cleanup script.
- The writer.
- Writes the HTML.
- Gets or sets the name.
- The name.
- Gets the id.
- The id.
- Gets the HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Gets or sets the asset key.
- The asset key.
- Gets or sets the script files path. Path must be a virtual path.
- The script files path.
- Gets or sets the script file names.
- The script file names.
- Gets the client side object writer factory.
- The client side object writer factory.
- Gets or sets the view context to rendering a view.
- The view context.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- View component Builder base class.
- Helper interface used to hide the base
- members from the fluent API to make it much cleaner
- in Visual Studio intellisense.
- Equalses the specified value.
- The value.
- Gets the hash code.
- Gets the type.
- Toes the string.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to TViewComponent.
- The builder.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns the internal view component.
- Sets the name of the component.
- The name.
- Sets the web asset key for the component.
- The key.
- Sets the Scripts files path.. Path must be a virtual path.
- The path.
- Sets the Script file names.
- The names.
- Sets the HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Renders the component.
- Gets the view component.
- The component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Use it to enable filling the first matched item text.
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .AutoFill(true)
- %>
- Use it to configure Data binding.
- Action that configures the data binding options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "ComboBox")
- );
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnLoad("onLoad")
- )
- %>
- Configures the effects of the AutoComplete.
- The action which configures the effects.
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .Effects(fx =>
- {
- fx.Slide()
- .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal)
- .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal);
- })
- Use it to configure filtering settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled(true)
- .FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.Contains));
- %>
- Use it to enable multiple values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .Multiple();
- %>
- Use it to configure autocompleting multiple values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .Multiple(multi => multi.Enabled(true)
- .Separator(" "));
- %>
- Use it to enable highlighting of first matched item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .HighlightFirstMatch(true)
- %>
- Enables or disables the autocomplete.
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enable or disable autocompleting multiple values into a single field
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .Multiple(multi =>
- {
- multi.Enabled((bool)ViewData["multiple"]);
- })
- %>
- Set multiple values separator.
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .Multiple(multi =>
- {
- multi.Separator(", ");
- })
- %>
- Represents a category axis in the component
- The type of the data item
- Represents a chart axis
- Defines a generic Chart axis
- Gets the axis serializer.
- Gets or sets the minor tick size.
- Gets or sets the major tick size.
- The major tick type.
- The minor tick type.
- The major grid lines configuration.
- The minor grid lines configuration.
- The axis line configuration.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Gets the axis serializer.
- Gets or sets the chart.
- The chart.
- Gets or sets the minor tick size. The default is 3.
- Gets or sets the major tick size. The default is 4.
- The major tick type. The default is .
- The minor tick type. The default is .
- The major grid lines configuration.
- The minor grid lines configuration.
- The axis line configuration.
- Represents a category axis
- The categories displayed on the axis
- The Model member used to populate the
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Gets the axis serializer.
- The categories displayed on the axis
- Gets the member name to be used as category.
- The member.
- Represents a numeric axis in the component
- The type of the data item
- Represents a numeric axis
- Represents a generic value axis
- The axis minimum value
- The axis maximum value
- The interval between major divisions
- The value at which the first perpendicular axis crosses this axis
- The axis label format
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Gets the axis serializer.
- The minimum axis value.
- The axis maximum value.
- The value at which the first perpendicular axis crosses this axis
- The interval between major divisions
- The axis label format
- Telerik Chart for ASP.NET MVC is a view component for rendering charts.
- Features:
- - Bar Chart
- - Column Chart
- For more information, see the online documentation.
- For internal use
- The component UrlGenerator
- The component view context
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The view context.
- The client side object writer factory.
- The URL Generator.
- Writes the initialization script.
- The writer object.
- Writes the Chart HTML.
- The writer object.
- Gets or sets the data source.
- The data source.
- Represents the client-side event handlers for the component
- Gets or sets the URL generator.
- The URL generator.
- Gets or sets the Chart area.
- The Chart area.
- Gets or sets the Plot area.
- The Plot area.
- Gets or sets the Chart theme.
- The Chart theme.
- Gets or sets the Chart title.
- The Chart title.
- Gets or sets the Chart legend.
- The Chart legend.
- Gets the chart series.
- Gets the default settings for all series.
- Configuration for the default category axis (if any)
- Configuration for the default value axis
- Gets the data binding configuration.
- Gets or sets the series colors.
- Represents the client-side events of the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Serializes the client-side events.
- The writer object to serialize to.
- Defines the Load client-side event handler
- Defines the DataBound client-side event handler
- Represents the chart title
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the title text
- Gets or sets the title font.
- Specify a font in CSS format. For example "16px Verdana, sans-serif".
- Gets or sets the title position.
- The default value is
- Gets or sets the title text alignment.
- The default value is
- Gets or sets a value indicating if the title is visible
- Gets or sets the title margin
- Gets or sets the title padding
- Gets or sets the legend border
- Represents the chart legend
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the legend font.
- Specify a font in CSS format. For example "16px Verdana, sans-serif".
- Gets or sets the legend position.
- The default value is
- Gets or sets the legend X-offset from its position.
- Gets or sets the legend Y-offset from its position.
- Gets or sets a value indicating if the legend is visible
- Gets or sets the legend margin
- Gets or sets the legend margin
- Gets or sets the legend border
- Represents chart element spacing
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The spacing to be applied in all directions.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the top spacing.
- Gets or sets the right spacing.
- Gets or sets the bottom spacing.
- Gets or sets the left spacing.
- Represents chart element border
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the width of the border.
- Gets or sets the color of the border.
- Represents the Chart area options
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the Chart area background.
- The Chart area background.
- Gets or sets the Chart area border.
- The Chart area border.
- Gets or sets the Chart area margin.
- The Chart area margin.
- Represents chart line styling
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the line width.
- Gets or sets the line color.
- Gets or sets the line visibility.
- Represents an object that can serialize itself
- Serializes the current instance
- Represents chart line markers styling
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the markers size.
- Gets or sets the markers background.
- Gets or sets the markers type.
- Gets or sets the markers visibility.
- Gets or sets the markers border.
- Defines the shape of the marker.
- The marker shape is square.
- The marker shape is triangle.
- The marker shape is circle.
- Defines the position of line chart labels.
- The label is positioned at the top of the line chart marker.
- The label is positioned at the right of the line chart marker.
- The label is positioned at the bottom of the line chart marker.
- The label is positioned at the left of the line chart marker.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring bar series.
- The type of the data item
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring series.
- The type of the series builder.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The series.
- Sets the series title displayed in the legend.
- The title.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Name("Sales"))
- %>
- Sets the series opacity.
- The series opacity in the range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
- The default value is 1.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Opacity(0.5))
- %>
- Sets the bar fill color
- The bar fill color (CSS syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Color("Red"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Gets or sets the series.
- The series.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The series.
- Sets a value indicating if the lines should be stacked.
- A value indicating if the bars should be stacked.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Line(s => s.Sales).Stack(true))
- %>
- Configures the line chart labels.
- The configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Position(ChartBarLabelsPosition.Above)
- .Visible(true)
- );
- )
- %>
- Sets the visibility of line chart labels.
- The visibility. The default value is false.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(true);
- )
- %>
- Sets the line chart line width.
- The line width.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Line(s => s.Sales).Width(2))
- .Render();
- %>
- Configures the line chart markers.
- The configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Markers(markers => markers
- .Type(ChartMarkerShape.Triangle)
- );
- )
- %>
- Sets the visibility of line chart markers.
- The visibility. The default value is true.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Markers(true);
- )
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data labels.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data labels.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The data labels configuration.
- Sets the data labels font
- The data labels font (CSS format).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Font("14px Verdana, sans-serif")
- .Visible(true)
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels visibility
- The labels visibility.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Visible(true)
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels background color
- The data labels background color.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Background("Red")
- .Visible(true);
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels text color
- The data labels text color.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Color("Red")
- .Visible(true);
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels margin
- The data labels top margin.
- The data labels right margin.
- The data labels top margin.
- The data labels top margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Margin(0, 5, 5, 0)
- .Visible(true);
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels margin
- The data labels margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Margin(20)
- .Visible(true);
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels padding
- The data labels top padding.
- The data labels right padding.
- The data labels top padding.
- The data labels top padding.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Padding(0, 5, 5, 0)
- .Visible(true);
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels padding
- The data labels padding.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Padding(20)
- .Visible(true);
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels border
- The data labels border width.
- The data labels border color (CSS syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Border(1, "Red")
- .Visible(true);
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the labels format
- The data labels format.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Format("{0:C}")
- .Visible(true);
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The data labels configuration.
- Sets the labels position
- The data labels position.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Position(ChartLineLabelsPosition.Above)
- .Visible(true)
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data labels.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The line chart markers configuration.
- Sets the markers shape type.
- The markers shape type.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Markers(markers => markers
- .Type(ChartMarkerShape.Triangle)
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the markers size.
- The markers size.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Markers(markers => markers
- .Size(10)
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the markers visibility
- The markers visibility.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Markers(markers => markers
- .Visible(true)
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the markers border
- The markers border width.
- The markers border color (CSS syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Line(s => s.Sales)
- .Markers(markers => markers
- .Border(1, "Red")
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart area.
- Sets the Plot area background color
- The background color.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.Background("Red"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the Plot area margin
- The plot area top margin.
- The plot area right margin.
- The plot area top margin.
- The plot area top margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.Margin(0, 5, 5, 0))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the Plot area margin
- The plot area margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.Margin(5))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the Plot area border
- The border width.
- The border color (CSS syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.Border(1, "#000"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Represents the Plot area options
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the Plot area background.
- The Plot area background.
- Gets or sets the Plot area border.
- The Chart area border.
- Gets or sets the Plot area margin.
- The Chart area margin.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the chart data labels.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The data labels configuration.
- Sets the labels position
- The data labels position.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Position(ChartBarLabelsPosition.InsideEnd)
- .Visible(true)
- );
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart area.
- Sets the Chart area background color
- The background color.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.Background("Red"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the Chart area margin
- The chart area top margin.
- The chart area right margin.
- The chart area top margin.
- The chart area top margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.Margin(0, 5, 5, 0))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the Chart area margin
- The chart area margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.Margin(5))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the Chart area border
- The border width.
- The border color (CSS syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.Border(1, "#000"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart line.
- Sets the line color
- The line color (CSS format).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Color("#f00")))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the line width
- The line width.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Width(2)))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the line visibility
- The line visibility.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis.MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(true)))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the default settings for bar series.
- Defines the default settings for column series.
- Defines the default settings for line series.
- Represents the options of the bar chart labels
- Represents the options of the chart data labels
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the label font.
- Specify a font in CSS format. For example "12px Verdana, sans-serif".
- Gets or sets a value indicating if the label is visible
- Gets or sets the label background.
- The label background.
- Gets or sets the label border.
- The label border.
- Gets or sets the label margin.
- The label margin.
- Gets or sets the label padding.
- The label padding.
- Gets or sets the label color.
- The label color.
- Gets or sets the label format.
- The label format.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the label position.
- The default value is for clustered series and
- for stacked series.
- Defines the position chart title
- The title is positioned on the top
- The title is positioned on the bottom
- Defines text alignment options
- The text is aligned to the left
- The text is aligned to the middle
- The text is aligned to the right
- Defines the position of axis ticks
- The tick is drawn on the outer side of the axis
- No tick is drawn
- Defines the position chart legend
- The legend is positioned on the top
- The legend is positioned on the bottom
- The legend is positioned on the left
- The legend is positioned on the right
- The legend is positioned using OffsetX and OffsetY
- Defines the position of bar/column chart labels
- The label is positioned at the bar center
- The label is positioned inside, near the end of the bar
- The label is positioned inside, near the base of the bar
- The label is positioned outside, near the end of the bar.
- Not applicable for stacked bar series.
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Home").Enabled((bool)ViewData["bindSales"]);
- })
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable binding based on certain conditions.
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select(MVC.Home.SalesData().GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"month", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Home", new { month = 1 });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action and controller for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Home");
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"month", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", new {month = 1});
- })
- %>
- Sets the route name for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default");
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select<HomeController>(controller => controller.SalesData()));
- })
- %>
- Creates value axis for the .
- The type of the data item to which the chart is bound to
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The container.
- Defines a numeric value axis.
- The parent Chart
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring axes.
- The type of the series builder.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The axis.
- Sets the axis minor tick size.
- The minor tick size.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MinorTickSize(10))
- %>
- Sets the axis major tick size.
- The major tick size.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MajorTickSize(10))
- %>
- Sets the major tick type.
- The major tick type.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MajorTickType(ChartAxisTickType.Inside))
- %>
- Sets the minor tick type.
- The minor tick type.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MinorTickType(ChartAxisTickType.Inside))
- %>
- Configures the major grid lines.
- The configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
- .Categories(s => s.DateString)
- .MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(true))
- )
- %>
- Sets color and width of the major grid lines and enables them.
- The major gridlines width
- The major gridlines color (CSS syntax)
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
- .Categories(s => s.DateString)
- .MajorGridLines(2, "red")
- )
- %>
- Configures the minor grid lines.
- The configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
- .Categories(s => s.DateString)
- .MinorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(true))
- )
- %>
- Sets color and width of the minor grid lines and enables them.
- The minor gridlines width
- The minor gridlines color (CSS syntax)
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
- .Categories(s => s.DateString)
- .MinorGridLines(2, "red")
- )
- %>
- Configures the axis line.
- The configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
- .Categories(s => s.DateString)
- .Line(line => line.Color("#f00"))
- )
- %>
- Sets color and width of the lines and enables them.
- The axis line width
- The axis line color (CSS syntax)
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
- .Categories(s => s.DateString)
- .Line(2, "#f00")
- )
- %>
- Gets or sets the axis.
- The axis.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring numeric axis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The axis.
- Sets the axis minimum value.
- The axis minimum value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().Min(4))
- %>
- Sets the axis maximum value.
- The axis maximum value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().Max(4))
- %>
- Sets the interval between major divisions.
- The interval between major divisions.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().MajorUnit(4))
- %>
- Sets value at which the first perpendicular axis crosses this axis.
- The value at which the first perpendicular axis crosses this axis.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().AxisCrossingValue(4))
- %>
- Sets the axis labels format
- The axis labels format.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().Format("{0:C}"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart title.
- Sets the title text
- The text title.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Text("Chart"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title font
- The title font (CSS format).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Font("16px Verdana, sans-serif"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title position
- The title position.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Position(ChartTitlePosition.Bottom))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title alignment
- The title alignment.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Align(ChartTextAlignment.Left))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title visibility
- The title visibility.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Visible(false))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title margin
- The title top margin.
- The title right margin.
- The title top margin.
- The title top margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Margin(20))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title margin
- The title margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Margin(20))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title padding
- The title top padding.
- The title right padding.
- The title top padding.
- The title top padding.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Padding(20))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title padding
- The title padding.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Padding(20))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the title border
- The title border width.
- The title border color.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Border(1, "#000"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart legend.
- Sets the legend font
- The legend font (CSS format).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Font("16px Verdana, sans-serif"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the legend position
- The legend position.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Position(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the legend visibility
- The legend visibility.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Visible(false))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the legend X and Y offset from its position
- The legend X offset from its position.
- The legend Y offset from its position.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Offset(10, 50))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the legend margin
- The legend top margin.
- The legend right margin.
- The legend top margin.
- The legend top margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Margin(0, 5, 5, 0))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the legend margin
- The legend margin.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Margin(20))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the legend padding
- The legend top padding.
- The legend right padding.
- The legend top padding.
- The legend top padding.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Padding(0, 5, 5, 0))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the legend padding
- The legend padding.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Padding(20))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the legend border
- The legend border width.
- The legend border color (CSS syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Border(1, "#000"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ClientEvents(events => events
- .OnLoad("onLoad")
- )
- %>
- Sets the theme of the chart.
- The Chart theme.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Theme("Telerik")
- %>
- Sets the Chart area.
- The Chart area.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea.margin(20))
- %>
- Sets the Plot area.
- The Plot area.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .PlotArea(plotArea => plotArea.margin(20))
- %>
- Sets the title of the chart.
- The Chart title.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title("Yearly sales")
- %>
- Defines the title of the chart.
- The configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Title(title => title.Text("Yearly sales"))
- %>
- Sets the legend visibility.
- A value indicating whether to show the legend.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(false)
- %>
- Configures the legend.
- The configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Legend(legend => legend.Visible(true).Position(ChartLegendPosition.Bottom))
- %>
- Defines the chart series.
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series =>
- {
- series.Bar(s => s.SalesAmount);
- })
- %>
- Defines the options for all chart series of the specified type.
- The configurator.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .SeriesDefaults(series => series.Bar().Stack(true))
- %>
- Configures the category axis
- The configurator
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
- .Categories(s => s.DateString)
- )
- %>
- Configures the value axis
- The configurator
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .ValueAxis(a => a.Numeric().TickSize(4))
- %>
- Use it to configure binding.
- Use the configurator to set different data binding options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Chart").Enabled((bool)ViewData["bindSales"]);
- })
- %>
- Sets the series colors.
- A list of the series colors.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .SeriesColors(new string[] { "#f00", "#0f0", "#00f" })
- %>
- Sets the series colors.
- The series colors.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .SeriesColors("#f00", "#0f0", "#00f")
- %>
- Creates series for the .
- The type of the data item to which the chart is bound to
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The container.
- Defines bound bar series.
- The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model
- Defines bound bar series.
- The name of the value member.
- Defines bound bar series.
- The type of the value member.
- The name of the value member.
- Defines bar series bound to inline data.
- The data to bind to.
- Defines bound column series.
- The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model
- Defines bound bar series.
- The name of the value member.
- Defines bound bar series.
- The type of the value member.
- The name of the value member.
- Defines bar series bound to inline data.
- The data to bind to
- Defines bound line series.
- The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model
- Defines bound line series.
- The name of the value member.
- Defines bound line series.
- The type of the value member.
- The name of the value member.
- Defines line series bound to inline data.
- The data to bind to
- The parent Chart
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring bar series.
- The type of the data item
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The series.
- Sets a value indicating if the bars should be stacked.
- A value indicating if the bars should be stacked.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Stack(true))
- %>
- Sets a value indicating the distance between bars / categories.
- Value of 1 means that the distance between bars is equal to their width.
- The default value is 0
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Spacing(s => s.Sales).Spacing(1))
- %>
- Configures the bar chart labels.
- The configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(labels => labels
- .Position(ChartBarLabelsPosition.InsideEnd)
- .Visible(true)
- );
- )
- %>
- Sets the visibility of bar chart labels.
- The visibility. The default value is false.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series
- .Bar(s => s.Sales)
- .Labels(true);
- )
- %>
- Sets the bars border
- The bars border width.
- The bars border color (CSS syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Border("1", "#000"))
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the bar effects overlay
- The bar effects overlay. The default is ChartBarSeriesOverlay.Glass
- <% Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => series.Bar(s => s.Sales).Overlay(ChartBarSeriesOverlay.None))
- .Render();
- %>
- Configures the category axis for the .
- The type of the data item to which the chart is bound to
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Defines bound categories.
- The expression used to extract the categories value from the chart model
- Defines categories.
- The list of categories
- Defines categories.
- The list of categories
- The parent Chart
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring data binding.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The configuration.
- Use it to configure Ajax binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SalesData", "Chart");
- })
- %>
- An HTML Builder for the Chart component
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The Chart component.
- Creates the chart top-level div.
- Builds the Chart component markup.
- Represents chart bar or column series
- The Chart model type
- The value type
- Represents Chart series bound to data.
- The Chart model type
- The value type
- Represents a series in the component
- The type of the data item
- Represents chart series
- Creates a serializer for the series
- The series name.
- The series opacity
- The series base color
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Creates a serializer for the series
- Gets or sets the chart.
- The chart.
- Gets or sets the title of the series.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the series opacity.
- A value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).
- Gets or sets the series base color
- Represents Chart series bound to data.
- Gets the data member of the series.
- The data used for binding.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- The expression.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- The data.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Binds the series
- Gets a function which returns the value of the property to which the column is bound to.
- The data used for binding.
- The expression used to extract the value from the model
- Gets the model data member name.
- The model data member name.
- Represents chart bar or column series
- A value indicating if the bars should be stacked.
- The distance between category clusters.
- Space between bars.
- The orientation of the bars.
- Gets the bar chart data labels configuration
- Gets or sets the bar's border
- Gets or sets the effects overlay
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parent chart
- The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parent chart
- The data to bind to.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Creates a serializer for the series
- A value indicating if the bars should be stacked.
- The distance between category clusters.
- A value of 1 means that there is a total of 1 column width / bar height between categories.
- The distance is distributed evenly on each side.
- Space between bars.
- Value of 1 means that the distance between bars is equal to their width.
- The orientation of the bars.
- Can be either horizontal (bar chart)
- or vertical vertical (column chart).
- The default value is horizontal.
- Gets the bar chart data labels configuration
- Gets or sets the bar border
- Gets or sets the effects overlay
- Defines the possible bar series orientation.
- The bars are horizontal (bar chart)
- The bars are vertical (column chart)
- Represents the default settings for all series in the component
- The type of the data item
- Represents default chart series settings
- The default settings for all bar series
- The default settings for all column series
- The default settings for all line series
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Creates a serializer for the series defaults
- The default settings for all bar series.
- The default settings for all column series.
- The default settings for all line series.
- Represents the options of the line chart labels
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates a serializer
- Gets or sets the label position.
- The default value is for clustered series and
- for stacked series.
- Represents chart line series
- The Chart model type
- The value type
- Represents chart line chart series
- A value indicating if the lines should be stacked.
- Gets the line chart data labels configuration
- The line chart markers configuration.
- The line chart line width.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parent chart
- The expression used to extract the series value from the chart model.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parent chart
- The data to bind to.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Creates a serializer for the series
- A value indicating if the lines should be stacked.
- Gets the line chart data labels configuration
- The line chart markers configuration.
- The line chart line width.
- Defines the available bar series effects overlays
- The bars have no effect overlay
- The bars have glass effect overlay
- Represents the chart binding settings
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Serializes the binding settings to the specified writer
- The settings key
- The writer
- Gets or sets a value indicating if the binding is enabled
- The request settings for the Select operation
- Represents the chart data binding settings
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The chart.
- Represents the chart Ajax binding settings
- Gets the id.
- The id.
- Gets the items of the ComboBox.
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables filtering.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Filterable(filtering =>
- {
- filtering.Enabled((bool)ViewData["filtering"]);
- })
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable/disable filtering based on certain conditions.
- Defines filter mode.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Filterable(filtering =>
- {
- filtering.FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.StartsWith);
- })
- %>
- Set minimum chars number needed to start filtering.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Filterable(filtering =>
- {
- filtering.MinimumChars(2);
- })
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnLoad("onLoad")
- )
- %>
- Configures the effects of the dropdownlist.
- The action which configures the effects.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .Effects(fx =>
- {
- fx.Slide()
- .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal)
- .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal);
- })
- Defines the items in the DropDownList
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- %>
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Use it to enable filtering of items.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Filterable();
- %>
- Use it to configure filtering settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled(true)
- .FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.Contains));
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes of the hidden input element.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the HTML attributes of the hidden input element.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the HTML attributes of the input element.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the HTML attributes of the input element.
- The HTML attributes.
- Use it to enable filling the first matched item text.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .AutoFill(true)
- %>
- Use it to configure Data binding.
- Action that configures the data binding options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "ComboBox")
- );
- %>
- Use it to enable highlighting of first matched item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .HighlightFirstMatch(true)
- %>
- Use it to set selected item index
- Item index.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .SelectedIndex(0);
- %>
- Enables or disables the combobox.
- Sets whether to open items list on focus.
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]);
- })
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable binding based on certain conditions.
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select(MVC.Home.Indec(1).GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new { {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home");
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", new {id=1});
- })
- %>
- Sets the route name for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default");
- })
- %>
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables cache of items.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Cache((bool)ViewData["cache"]);
- })
- %>
- The Cache method is useful when you need to enable/disable caching based on certain conditions.
- Default value is true.
- Specifies delay of the Ajax/WebServer request.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Delay(400);
- })
- %>
- The Delay method is useful when you need to postpone request to the server for some time.
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Defines filter mode.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Filterable(filtering =>
- {
- filtering.FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.StartsWith);
- })
- %>
- Set minimum chars number needed to start filtering.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Filterable(filtering =>
- {
- filtering.MinimumChars(2);
- })
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data binding.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The configuration.
- Use it to configure Ajax binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView")
- )
- %>
- Use it to configure web service binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .WebService().Select("~/Models/ProductDDI.asmx/GetProducts")
- )
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the treeview webservice.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Specify the web service url for loading data
- The web service url
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .WebService().Select("~/Models/ProductDDI.asmx/GetProducts")
- )
- %>
- Enables / disables web service functionality.
- Whether to enable or to disable the web service.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Enabled(true).Select("_AjaxLoading", "DropDownList")
- )
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable ajax based on certain conditions.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables cache of items.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.WebService().Select("~/Models/Product.asmx/GetProducts").Cache((bool)ViewData["cache"]);
- })
- %>
- The Cache method is useful when you need to enable/disable caching based on certain conditions.
- Default value is true.
- Specifies delay of the Ajax/WebServer request.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.WebService().Select("~/Models/Product.asmx/GetProducts").Delay(400);
- })
- %>
- The Delay method is useful when you need to postpone request to the server for some time.
- Represents a client-side event of a view component
- An action that renders the code of the client-side handler upon execution.
- An action that renders the code of the client-side handler upon execution.
- A function that returns the code of the client-side handler.
- The name of the client-side handler function.
- Gets the id.
- The id.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Configures the effects of the datepicker.
- The action which configures the effects.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .Effects(fx =>
- {
- fx.Height()
- .Opacity()
- .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal)
- .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal);
- })
- Sets whether calendar should open on focus.
- Sets the date format, which will be used to parse and format the machine date.
- Sets the minimal date, which can be selected in DatePicker.
- Sets the maximal date, which can be selected in DatePicker.
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnLoad("onLoad").OnSelect("onSelect")
- )
- %>
- Sets the Input HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the Input HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Enables or disables the datepicker.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring datepicker client events.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Datepicker client-side events.
- The context of the View.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(
- @<text>
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the OnOpen client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the OnClose client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Sets the value of the dateTimePicker input
- Sets the value of the dateTimePicker input
- Sets the minimal date, which can be selected in DateTimePicker.
- Sets the maximal date, which can be selected in DateTimePicker.
- Sets the minimal time, which can be selected in DateTimePicker.
- Sets the minimal time, which can be selected in DateTimePicker.
- Sets the maximal time, which can be selected in DateTimePicker.
- Sets the maximal time, which can be selected in DateTimePicker.
- Sets the interval between hours.
- Sets the title of the DateTimePicker button.
- Sets the title of the DateTimePicker button.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring timepicker client events.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Timepicker client-side events.
- The context of the View.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnOpen client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnClose client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the treeview webservice.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Represent item in the DropDownList/ComboBox items.
- Gets the items of the treeview.
- Use it to set selected item index
- Item index.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .SelectedIndex(0);
- %>
- Use it to configure Data binding.
- Action that configures the data binding options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "DropDownList")
- );
- %>
- Enables or disables the dropdownlist.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- The view context.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnOpen client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnClose client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBinding client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding("OnDataBinding"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBound client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound("onDataBound"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data binding.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The configuration.
- Use it to configure Ajax binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView")
- )
- %>
- Use it to configure web service binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .WebService().Select("~/Models/ProductDDI.asmx/GetProducts")
- )
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring child DropDonwList items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The item.
- Sets the value for the item.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First item."))
- %>
- Sets the value for the item.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Value("1"))
- %>
- Define when the item will be expanded on intial render.
- If true the item will be selected.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Selected(true);
- })
- %>
- Creates items for the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Defines a item.
- Determines if content of a given path can be browsed.
- The path which will be browsed.
- true if browsing is allowed, otherwise false.
- Retrieves the content of a given folder.
- The folder's path, which content will be served.
- A containing folder's files and child folders.
- Throws 403 Forbidden if the supplied is outside of the valid paths.
- Throws 404 File Not Found if refered folder does not exist.
- Determines if a file can be uploaded to a given path.
- The path to which the file should be uploaded.
- The file which should be uploaded.
- true if the upload is allowed, otherwise false.
- Uploads a file to a given path.
- The path to which the file should be uploaded.
- The file which should be uploaded.
- A containing the uploaded file's size and name.
- Forbidden
- Determines if an image's thumbnail should be served.
- The path to image's thumbnail.
- true if image's thumbnail should be served, otherwise false.
- Serves an image's thumbnail by given path.
- The path to the image.
- Thumbnail of an image.
- Throws 403 Forbidden if the is outside of the valid paths.
- Throws 404 File Not Found if the refers to a non existant image.
- Determines if a file can be deleted.
- The path to the file.
- true if file can be deleted, otherwise false.
- Deletes a file.
- The path to the file.
- An empty .
- Forbidden
- Determines if a folder can be deleted.
- The path to the folder.
- true if folder can be deleted, otherwise false.
- Deletes a folder.
- The path to the folder.
- An empty .
- Forbidden
- Determines if a folder can be created.
- The path to the parent folder in which the folder should be created.
- Name of the folder.
- true if folder can be created, otherwise false.
- Creates a folder with a given name.
- The path to the parent folder in which the folder should be created.
- Name of the folder.
- An empty .
- Forbidden
- Gets the base paths from which content will be served.
- Gets the valid file extensions by which served files will be filtered.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- @(Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- )))
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnPaste client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnPaste(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- @(Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnPaste(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- )
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnPaste client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnPaste("onPaste"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnExecute client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExecute(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnExecute client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExecute(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnExecute client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExecute("onExecute"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelectionChange client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelectionChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelectionChange client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelectionChange(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelectionChange client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelectionChange("onSelectionChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError"))
- %>
- Sets the HTML content that will show initially in the editor.
- The action which renders the HTML content.
- <% Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .Value(() => { %>
- <blockquote>
- According to Deep Thought, the answer to the ultimate question of
- life, the universe and everything is <strong>42</strong>.
- </blockquote>
- <% })
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the HTML content which the item should display as a string.
- An HTML string.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .Value("<blockquote>A towel has <strong>immense</strong> psychological value</blockquote>")
- %>
- Encode HTML content.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .Value("<blockquote>A towel has <strong>immense</strong> psychological value</blockquote>")
- .Encode(true)
- %>
- Sets the localization culture of the editor.
- The culture.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor")
- .Value("<blockquote>A towel has <strong>immense</strong> psychological value</blockquote>")
- .Localizable("de-DE")
- %>
- Enables toggle animation.
- Enables opacity animation.
- Enables opacity animation.
- Builder, which sets different opacity properties.
- Enables expand animation.
- Enables expand animation.
- Builder, which sets different expand properties.
- Enables slide animation.
- Enables slide animation.
- Builder, which sets different slide properties.
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]);
- })
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable binding based on certain conditions.
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select(MVC.Home.Index().GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new { id = 1 });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action and controller for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home");
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", new {id=1});
- })
- %>
- Sets the route name for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default");
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index()));
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the insert operation
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Insert(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for insert operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for insert operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("Index", "Home", new { id = 1 });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action and controller for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("Index", "Home");
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for insert operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for insert operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("Default", new {id=1});
- })
- %>
- Sets the route name for insert operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("Default");
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for insert operation
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Insert<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index()));
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the update operation
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Update(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for update operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Update(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for update operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Index", "Home", new { id = 1 });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action and controller for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Index", "Home");
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for update operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for update operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Default", new {id=1});
- })
- %>
- Sets the route name for update operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Update("Default");
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for update operation
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Update<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index()));
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the delete operation
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Delete(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for delete operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for delete operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Index", "Home", new { id = 1 });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action and controller for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Index", "Home");
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for delete operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for delete operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Default", new {id=1});
- })
- %>
- Sets the route name for delete operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Delete("Default");
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for delete operation
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Delete<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index()));
- })
- %>
- Gets or sets the operation mode of the grid. By default the grid will make a request to the
- server when it needs data for paging, sorting, filtering or grouping. If you set the
- operation mode to GridOperationMode.Client it will make only one request for all data. Any other
- paging, sorting, filtering or grouping will be performed client-side.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables keyboard navigation.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .KeyboardNavigation(setting => setting.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableKeyBoardNavigation"]))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable keyboard navigation based on certain conditions.
- Sets the button type.
- The button type.
- Sets the HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the image HTML attributes.
- The Image HTML attributes.
- Sets the image HTML attributes.
- The Image HTML attributes.
- Simple wrapper used to trick the Grid's generic DataSource when custom binding is used
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring grid editing.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables grid editing.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>()
- .Name("Orders")
- .Editable(settings => settings.Enabled(true))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable grid editing on certain conditions.
- Specify an editor template which to be used for InForm or PopUp modes
- name of the editor template
- This settings is applicable only when Mode is
- or
- Enables or disables delete confirmation.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>()
- .Name("Orders")
- .Editable(settings => settings.DisplayDeleteConfirmation(true))
- %>
- Gets the HTML attributes of the form rendered during editing
- The attributes.
- Gets the HTML attributes of the form rendered during editing
- The attributes.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring template columns
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring columns.
- The type of the column builder.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The column.
- Sets the title displayed in the header of the column.
- The text.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Title("ID"))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the header cell of the column.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).HeaderHtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-header"}))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the header cell of the column.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).HeaderHtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-header"}))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the footer cell of the column.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).FooterHtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-footer"}))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the footer cell of the column.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).FooterHtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-footer"}))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the content cell of the column.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).HtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-cell"}))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the content cell of the column.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).HtmlAttributes(new {@class="order-cell"}))
- %>
- Sets the width of the column in pixels.
- The width in pixels.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Width(100))
- %>
- Sets the width of the column.
- The width to set.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o =>
- {
- %>
- <%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Home", new { id = o.OrderID}) %>
- <%
- })
- .Render();
- %>
- Makes the column visible or not. By default all columns are visible. Invisible columns are not rendered in the output HTML.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Visible((bool)ViewData["visible"]))
- %>
- Makes the column hidden or not. By default all columns are not hidden. Hidden columns are rendered in the output HTML but are hidden.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Hidden((bool)ViewData["hidden"]))
- %>
- Hides a column. By default all columns are not hidden. Hidden columns are rendered in the output HTML but are hidden.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Hidden())
- %>
- Sets the header template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Sets the header template for the column.
- The string defining the template.
- Sets the header template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Sets the footer template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Sets the footer template for the column.
- The string defining the template.
- Sets the footer template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Gets or sets the column.
- The column.
- Defines an interface that supports navigation.
- Gets or sets the name of the route.
- The name of the route.
- Gets or sets the name of the controller.
- The name of the controller.
- Gets or sets the name of the action.
- The name of the action.
- Gets the route values.
- The route values.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- The URL.
- Determines if group header should be shown.
- true if visible, otherwise false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether member access expression used
- by this builder should be lifted to null. The default value is true;
- true if member access should be lifted to null; otherwise, false.
- Provided expression should have string type
- ArgumentException.
- ArgumentException.
- Provided 's is not
- Provided type is not
- Provided 's is not
- Provided 's is not
- ArgumentException.
- did not implement .
- Invalid name for property or field; or indexer with the specified arguments.
- InvalidOperationException.
- InvalidCastException.
- Holds extension methods for .
- Child element with name specified by does not exists.
- Represents a filtering descriptor which serves as a container for one or more child filtering descriptors.
- Base class for all used for
- handling the logic for property changed notifications.
- Represents a filtering abstraction that knows how to create predicate filtering expression.
- Creates a predicate filter expression used for collection filtering.
- The instance expression, which will be used for filtering.
- A predicate filter expression.
- Creates a filter expression by delegating its creation to
- , if
- is , otherwise throws
- The instance expression, which will be used for filtering.
- A predicate filter expression.
- Parameter should be of type
- Creates a predicate filter expression used for collection filtering.
- The parameter expression, which will be used for filtering.
- A predicate filter expression.
- Creates a predicate filter expression combining
- expressions with .
- The parameter expression, which will be used for filtering.
- A predicate filter expression.
- Gets or sets the logical operator used for composing of .
- The logical operator used for composition.
- Gets or sets the filter descriptors that will be used for composition.
- The filter descriptors used for composition.
- Logical operator used for filter descriptor composition.
- Combines filters with logical AND.
- Combines filters with logical OR.
- The class enables implementation of custom filtering logic.
- The method checks whether the passed parameter satisfies filter criteria.
- Creates a predicate filter expression that calls .
- The parameter expression, which parameter
- will be passed to method.
- If false will not execute.
- Represents declarative filtering.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The member.
- The filter operator.
- The filter value.
- Creates a predicate filter expression.
- The parameter expression, which will be used for filtering.
- A predicate filter expression.
- Determines whether the specified descriptor
- is equal to the current one.
- The other filter descriptor.
- True if all members of the current descriptor are
- equal to the ones of , otherwise false.
- Determines whether the specified
- is equal to the current descriptor.
- Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
- A hash code for the current filter descriptor.
- Gets or sets the member name which will be used for filtering.
- The member that will be used for filtering.
- Gets or sets the type of the member that is used for filtering.
- Set this property if the member type cannot be resolved automatically.
- Such cases are: items with ICustomTypeDescriptor, XmlNode or DataRow.
- Changing this property did not raise
- event.
- The type of the member used for filtering.
- Gets or sets the filter operator.
- The filter operator.
- Gets or sets the target filter value.
- The filter value.
- Represents collection of .
- Operator used in
- Left operand must be smaller than the right one.
- Left operand must be smaller than or equal to the right one.
- Left operand must be equal to the right one.
- Left operand must be different from the right one.
- Left operand must be larger than the right one.
- Left operand must be larger than or equal to the right one.
- Left operand must start with the right one.
- Left operand must end with the right one.
- Left operand must contain the right one.
- Left operand must be contained in the right one.
- InvalidOperationException.
- Gets the key for this group.
- The key for this group.
- Gets the items in this groups.
- The items in this group.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance has sub groups.
- true if this instance has sub groups; otherwise, false.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- Gets the subgroups, if is true, otherwise empty collection.
- The subgroups.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance has any sub groups.
- true if this instance has sub groups; otherwise, false.
- Gets the number of items in this group.
- The items count.
- Gets the subgroups, if is true, otherwise empty collection.
- The subgroups.
- Gets the items in this groups.
- The items in this group.
- Gets the key for this group.
- The key for this group.
- Gets the aggregate results generated for the given aggregate functions.
- The aggregate results for the provided aggregate functions.
- functions is null.
- Gets or sets the aggregate functions projection for this group.
- This projection is used to generate aggregate functions results for this group.
- The aggregate functions projection.
- Creates the aggregate expression that is used for constructing expression
- tree that will calculate the aggregate result.
- The grouping expression.
- Generates default name for this function using this type's name.
- Function name generated with the following pattern:
- {.}_{}
- Gets or sets the informative message to display as an illustration of the aggregate function.
- The caption to display as an illustration of the aggregate function.
- Gets or sets the name of the field, of the item from the set of items, which value is used as the argument of the aggregate function.
- The name of the field to get the argument value from.
- Gets or sets the name of the aggregate function, which appears as a property of the group record on which records the function works.
- The name of the function as visible from the group record.
- Gets or sets a string that is used to format the result value.
- The format string.
- Represents a collection of items.
- Gets the with the specified function name.
- First with the specified function name
- if any, otherwise null.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the result.
- The number of arguments used for the calculation of the result.
- Function that generated the result.
- function is null.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- that generated the result.
- function is null.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The value of the result.
- that generated the result.
- Returns a that represents the current .
- A that represents the current .
- Gets or sets the value of the result.
- The value of the result.
- Gets the formatted value of the result.
- The formatted value of the result.
- Gets or sets the number of arguments used for the calulation of the result.
- The number of arguments used for the calulation of the result.
- Gets or sets the text which serves as a caption for the result in a user interface..
- The text which serves as a caption for the result in a user interface.
- Gets the name of the function.
- The name of the function.
- Gets the first which
- is equal to .
- The for the specified function if any, otherwise null.
- Represents a function that returns the arithmetic mean of a set of arguments.
- Represents an that uses aggregate extension
- methods provided in using
- as a member selector.
- Base class for all aggregate functions that will use extension
- methods in for aggregation.
- Gets the type of the extension methods that holds the extension methods for
- aggregation. For example or .
- The type of that holds the extension methods. The default value is .
- Creates the aggregate expression using .
- The grouping expression.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the the Average method name.
- Average.
- Represents a function that returns the number of items in a set of items, including nested sets.
- Represents an that uses aggregate extension
- methods provided in .
- Creates the aggregate expression using .
- The grouping expression.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the the Count method name.
- Count.
- Gets the the First method name.
- First.
- Represents a function that returns the last item from a set of items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the the Last method name.
- Last.
- Represents a function that returns the greatest item from a set of items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the the Max method name.
- Max.
- Represents a function that returns the least item from a set of items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the the Min method name.
- Min.
- Represents a function that returns the sum of all items from a set of items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the the Min method name.
- Min.
- Represents grouping criteria.
- Represents declarative sorting.
- Gets or sets the member name which will be used for sorting.
- The member that will be used for sorting.
- Gets or sets the sort direction for this sort descriptor. If the value is null
- no sorting will be applied.
- The sort direction. The default value is null.
- Changes the to the next logical value.
- Gets or sets the type of the member that is used for grouping.
- Set this property if the member type cannot be resolved automatically.
- Such cases are: items with ICustomTypeDescriptor, XmlNode or DataRow.
- Changing this property did not raise
- event.
- The type of the member used for grouping.
- Gets or sets the content which will be used from UI.
- The content that will be used from UI.
- Gets or sets the aggregate functions used when grouping is executed.
- The aggregate functions that will be used in grouping.
- Calculates unique int for given group in a group sequence,
- taking into account groups order, each group key and groups' count.
- Gets or sets the format for displaying the value in the tooltip.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.Format("{0:P"))
- %>
- Display tooltip while drag.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.Enable(false))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().RangeSlider()
- .Name("RangeSlider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider()
- .Name("RangeSlider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().RangeSlider()
- .Name("RangeSlider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider()
- .Name("RangeSlider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSlide client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().RangeSlider()
- .Name("RangeSlider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSlide(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSlide client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider()
- .Name("RangeSlider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSlide("OnSlide"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSlide client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSlide(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSlide client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSlide("OnSlide"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Sets the value of the range slider.
- Sets the value of the range slider.
- Sets orientation of the range slider.
- Sets a value indicating how to display the tick marks on the range slider.
- Sets the minimum value of the range slider.
- Sets the maximum value of the range slider.
- Sets the step with which the range slider value will change.
- Sets the delta with which the value will change when user click on the track.
- Display tooltip while drag.
- Use it to configure tooltip while drag.
- Use builder to set different tooltip options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip
- .Enable(true)
- .Format("{0:P}")
- );
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider()
- .Name("RangeSlider")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnLoad("onLoad").OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Sets a value indicating whether the range slider can respond to user interaction.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Sets the value of the slider.
- Sets the title of the slider increase button.
- Sets whether slider to be rendered with increase/decrease button.
- Sets the title of the slider decrease button.
- Sets orientation of the slider.
- Sets a value indicating how to display the tick marks on the slider.
- Sets the minimum value of the slider.
- Sets the maximum value of the slider.
- Sets the step with which the slider value will change.
- Sets the delta with which the value will change when user click on the slider.
- Display tooltip while drag.
- Use it to configure tooltip.
- Use builder to set different tooltip options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip
- .Enable(true)
- .Format("{0:P}")
- );
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnLoad("onLoad").OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Sets a value indicating whether the slider can respond to user interaction.
- Specifies the general layout of the slider.
- The slider is oriented horizontally.
- The slider is oriented vertically.
- Specifies the location of tick marks in a component.
- No tick marks appear in the component.
- Tick marks are located on the top of a horizontal component or on the
- left of a vertical component.
- Tick marks are located on the bottom of a horizontal component or on the
- right side of a vertical component.
- Tick marks are located on both sides of the component.
- Sets the pane size.
- The desired size. Only sizes in pixels and percentages are allowed.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add().Size("220px");
- })
- %>
- Sets the minimum pane size.
- The desired minimum size. Only sizes in pixels and percentages are allowed.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add().MinSize("220px");
- })
- %>
- Sets the maximum pane size.
- The desired maximum size. Only sizes in pixels and percentages are allowed.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add().MaxSize("220px");
- })
- %>
- Sets whether the pane shows a scrollbar when its content overflows.
- Whether the pane will be scrollable.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add().Scrollable(false);
- })
- %>
- Sets whether the pane can be resized by the user.
- Whether the pane will be resizable.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add().Resizable(true);
- })
- %>
- Sets whether the pane is initially collapsed.
- Whether the pane will be initially collapsed.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add().Collapsed(true);
- })
- %>
- Sets whether the pane can be collapsed by the user.
- Whether the pane can be collapsed by the user.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add().Collapsible(true);
- })
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the outer HTML element rendered for the item
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add().HtmlAttributes(new { style = "background: red" });
- })
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the outer HTML element rendered for the item
- The attributes.
- Sets the HTML content of the pane.
- The action which renders the HTML content.
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add()
- .Content(() => { >%
- <p>Content</p>
- %<});
- })
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the HTML content of the pane.
- The Razor template for the HTML content.
- @(Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add()
- .Content(@<p>Content</p>);
- })
- .Render();)
- Sets the HTML content of the pane.
- The HTML content.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes =>
- {
- panes.Add()
- .Content("<p>Content</p>");
- })
- %>
- Sets the Url which will be requested to return the pane content.
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes => {
- panes.Add()
- .LoadContentFrom(MVC.Home.Index().GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the pane content.
- The action name.
- The controller name.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes => {
- panes.Add()
- .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Splitter");
- })
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The action name.
- The controller name.
- Route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes => {
- panes.Add()
- .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Splitter", new { id = 10 });
- })
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the pane content.
- The url.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes => {
- panes.Add()
- .LoadContentFrom(Url.Action("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Splitter"));
- })
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- The fluent interface that configures the .
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnResize client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnResize client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnResize client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize("onResize"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnExpand client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand("onExpand"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnCollapse client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse("onCollapse"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnContentLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnContentLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnContentLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad("onContentLoad"))
- %>
- Specifies the orientation in which the splitter panes will be ordered
- Panes are oredered horizontally
- Panes are oredered vertically
- Sets the splitter orientation.
- The desired orientation.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Orientation(SplitterOrientation.Vertical)
- %>
- Defines the panes in the splitter.
- The action that configures the panes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .Panes(panes => {
- panes.Add().LoadContentFrom("Navigation", "Shared");
- panes.Add().LoadContentFrom("Index", "Home");
- })
- %>
- Configures the client events for the splitter.
- The action that configures the client events.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter")
- .ClientEvents(events => events
- .OnLoad("onLoad")
- )
- %>
- Defines properties for a content pane.
- Defines whether one navigation item can have content loaded asynchroniously.
- Url, which will be used as a destination for the Ajax request.
- Specifies the size of the pane
- Specifies the minimum size of the pane
- Specifies the maximum size of the pane
- Specifies whether the pane is initially collapsed
- Specifies whether the pane can be collapsed by the user
- Specifies whether the pane can be resized by the user
- Specifies whether the pane shows a scrollbar when its content overflows
- Specifies URL from which to load the pane content
- Specifies HTML attributes for the pane
- Specifies the pane contents
- Gets the id.
- The id.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Sets the initial value of the textbox.
- Sets the step, used ti increment/decrement the value of the textbox.
- Sets the minimal possible value allowed to the user.
- Sets the maximal possible value allowed to the user.
- Sets the group size of the number.
- Sets the group separator of the number.
- Sets the index of the negative pattern.
- Sets the text which will be displayed if the textbox is empty.
- Enables or disables the spin buttons.
- Define the tooltip text of the up button.
- Define the tooltip text of the down button.
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().NumericTextBox()
- .Name("NumericTextBox")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnLoad("onLoad").OnChange("onChange")
- )
- %>
- Sets the Input HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the Input HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Enables or disables the textbox.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Defines the number of the decimal digits.
- Sets the decimal separator.
- Sets the index of the positive pattern.
- Sets the percent symbol.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Defines the number of the decimal digits.
- Sets the decimal separator.
- Sets the index of the positive pattern.
- Sets the currency symbol.
- source is null.
- ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local
- Executes the provided delegate for each item.
- The instance.
- The action to be applied.
- index is out of range.
- first is null.
- second is null.
- resultSelector is null.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The source.
- Sorts the elements of a sequence using the specified sort descriptors.
- A sequence of values to sort.
- The sort descriptors used for sorting.
- An whose elements are sorted according to a .
- Pages through the elements of a sequence until the specified
- using .
- A sequence of values to page.
- Index of the page.
- Size of the page.
- An whose elements are at the specified .
- Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.
- An whose elements are the result of invoking a
- projection selector on each element of .
- A sequence of values to project.
- A projection function to apply to each element.
- Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified key selector function.
- An whose elements to group.
- A function to extract the key for each element.
- An with items,
- whose elements contains a sequence of objects and a key.
- Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order according to a key.
- An whose elements are sorted according to a key.
- A sequence of values to order.
- A function to extract a key from an element.
- Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order according to a key.
- An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key.
- A sequence of values to order.
- A function to extract a key from an element.
- Calls
- or depending on the .
- The source.
- The key selector.
- The sort direction.
- An whose elements are sorted according to a key.
- Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified .
- An whose elements to group.
- The group descriptors used for grouping.
- An with items,
- whose elements contains a sequence of objects and a key.
- Calculates the results of given aggregates functions on a sequence of elements.
- An whose elements will
- be used for aggregate calculation.
- The aggregate functions.
- Collection of s calculated for each function.
- Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
- An that contains elements from the input sequence
- that satisfy the condition specified by .
- An to filter.
- A function to test each element for a condition.
- Filters a sequence of values based on a collection of .
- The source.
- The filter descriptors.
- An that contains elements from the input sequence
- that satisfy the conditions specified by each filter descriptor in .
- Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence.
- An that contains the specified number
- of elements from the start of .
- The sequence to return elements from.
- The number of elements to return.
- is null.
- Bypasses a specified number of elements in a sequence
- and then returns the remaining elements.
- An that contains elements that occur
- after the specified index in the input sequence.
- An to return elements from.
- The number of elements to skip before returning the remaining elements.
- is null.
- Returns the number of elements in a sequence.
- The number of elements in the input sequence.
- The that contains the elements to be counted.
- is null.
- Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence.
- The element at the specified position in .
- An to return an element from.
- The zero-based index of the element to retrieve.
- is null.
- is less than zero.
- Creates a from an where T is .
- A that contains elements from the input sequence.
- The to create a from.
- is null.
- Represents an attribute that is used to populate in view data.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The site maps.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Called before an action result executes.
- The filter context.
- Called after an action result executes.
- The filter context.
- Gets or sets the default view data key.
- The default view data key.
- Gets or sets the name of the site map.
- The name of the site map.
- Gets or sets the view data key.
- The view data key.
- Gets or sets the site maps.
- The site maps.
- Defines a base class that represents site map.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The site map.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns a new builder.
- Resets this instance.
- Gets or sets the default cache duration in minutes.
- The default cache duration in minutes.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether [default compress].
- true if [default compress]; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether [default generate search engine map].
- true if [default generate search engine map]; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the root node.
- The root node.
- Gets or sets the cache duration in minutes.
- The cache duration in minutes.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is compress.
- true if compress; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether [generate search engine map].
- true if [generate search engine map]; otherwise, false.
- The builder to fluently configuring .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The site map.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The builder.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns the internal sitemap.
- Caches the duration in minutes.
- The value.
- Compresses the specified value.
- if set to true [value].
- Generates the search engine map.
- if set to true [value].
- Gets the root node.
- The root node.
- Sitemap change frequency
- Automatic
- Daily
- Always
- Hourly
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Yearly
- Never
- Defines a class that is used to store against a key.
- Registers the specified name.
- The type of the site map.
- The name.
- The configure.
- Adds an item to the .
- The object to add to the .
- The is read-only.
- Adds an element with the provided key and value to the .
- The object to use as the key of the element to add.
- The object to use as the value of the element to add.
- is null.
- An element with the same key already exists in the .
- The is read-only.
- Removes all items from the .
- The is read-only.
- Determines whether the contains a specific value.
- The object to locate in the .
- true if is found in the ; otherwise, false.
- Determines whether the contains an element with the specified key.
- The key to locate in the .
- true if the contains an element with the key; otherwise, false.
- is null.
- Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index.
- The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing.
- The zero-based index in at which copying begins.
- is null.
- is less than 0.
- is multidimensional.
- -or-
- is equal to or greater than the length of .
- -or-
- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from to the end of the destination .
- -or-
- Type cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
- A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the .
- The object to remove from the .
- true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original .
- The is read-only.
- Removes the element with the specified key from the .
- The key of the element to remove.
- true if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if was not found in the original .
- is null.
- The is read-only.
- Gets the value associated with the specified key.
- The key whose value to get.
- When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
- true if the object that implements contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false.
- is null.
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
- An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Gets or sets the default site map factory.
- The default site map factory.
- Gets or sets the default site map.
- The default site map.
- Gets the number of elements contained in the .
- The number of elements contained in the .
- Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
- true if the is read-only; otherwise, false.
- Gets an containing the keys of the .
- An containing the keys of the object that implements .
- Gets an containing the values in the .
- An containing the values in the object that implements .
- Gets or sets the with the specified key.
- Defines a class that is used to generate searach engine sitemap xml.
- Provides a common base set of functionality for IHttpHandler implementations.
- Enables processing of HTTP Web requests by a custom HttpHandler that implements the interface.
- An object that provides references to the intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) used to service HTTP requests.
- Processes the request.
- The context.
- Gets a value indicating whether another request can use the instance.
- true if the instance is reusable; otherwise, false.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The site maps.
- The HTTP response compressor.
- The HTTP response cacher.
- The URL generator.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Processes the request.
- The context.
- Gets or sets the default path.
- The default path.
- Defines a class that is used to store global sitemaps.
- Gets the site maps.
- The site maps.
- Defines a class that is used to store single url.
- Serves as the base class for classes that provides linked object information.
- Gets or sets the T object that is the parent of the current node.
- The parent.
- Gets the previous T object on the same level as the current one, relative to the T.ParentNode object (if one exists).
- The previous sibling.
- Gets the next T node on the same hierarchical level as the current one, relative to the T.ParentNode property (if one exists).
- The next sibling.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The node.
- The result of the conversion.
- Gets or sets the title.
- The title.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is visible.
- true if visible; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the last modified at.
- The last modified at.
- Gets or sets the name of the route.
- The name of the route.
- Gets or sets the name of the controller.
- The name of the controller.
- Gets or sets the name of the action.
- The name of the action.
- Gets or sets the route values.
- The route values.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- The URL.
- Gets or sets the change frequency.
- The change frequency.
- Gets or sets the update priority.
- The update priority.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether [include in search engine index].
- true if [include in search engine index]; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the attributes.
- The attributes.
- Gets or sets the child nodes.
- The child nodes.
- Builder class for fluently configuring .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The site map node.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The builder.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns the internal node.
- Sets the title.
- The value.
- Sets the visibility.
- if set to true [value].
- Sets the Lasts the modified date..
- The value.
- Sets the route.
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- Sets the route.
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- Sets the route.
- Name of the route.
- Sets the action to which the date should navigate
- The route values of the Action method.
- Sets the action, controller and route values.
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- Sets the action, controller and route values.
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- Sets the action and controller.
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- Expression based controllerAction.
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- Sets the url.
- The value.
- Sets the change frequency.
- The value.
- Sets the update priority.
- The value.
- Marks an item that it would be included in the search engine index.
- if set to true [value].
- Sets the attributes
- The value.
- Sets the attributes
- The value.
- Executes the provided delegate to configure the child node.
- The add actions.
- Defines a factory that is used to create .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parent.
- Adds this instance.
- Sitemap update priority.
- Automatic
- Low
- Normal
- High
- Critical
- Xml file based sitemap.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Loads from the default path.
- Loads from the specified path.
- The relative virtual path.
- Gets or sets the default path.
- The default path.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Sets selected date.
- DateTime object represents the selected date.
- Sets selected date.
- Date passed as string.
- Sets the smallest possible date, which user can choose.
- Sets the smallest possible date, which user can choose.
- Sets the biggest possible date, which user can choose.
- Sets the smallest possible date, which user can choose.
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Calendar()
- .Name("Calendar")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnLoad("onLoad")
- )
- %>
- Configures the selection settings of the calendar.
- SelectAction settings, which includes Action name and IEnumerable of DateTime objects.
- Defines fluent interface for configuring calendar client events.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Client events of the calendar.
- The context of the View.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Calendar()
- .Name("Calendar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Calendar()
- .Name("Calendar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the OnDateSelect client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Calendar()
- .Name("Calendar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Calendar()
- .Name("Calendar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Calendar()
- .Name("Calendar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Contains constants for CSS class names, used across all UI extensions
- Next navigation link
- Previous navigavtion link
- Previous navigavtion link
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The selection settings.
- The view context.
- Defines list of dates. This list determines which dates to be rendered with action link.
- List of objects
- Sets the action to which the date should navigate
- The route values of the Action method.
- Sets the action to which the date should navigate
- Name of the action.
- The route values.
- Sets the action to which the item should navigate
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring delete action command.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring command.
- The type of the model
- The type of the command.
- The type of the builder.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The column.
- Sets the button type.
- The button type.
- Sets the HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the HTML attributes.
- The HTML attributes.
- Sets the image HTML attributes.
- The Image HTML attributes.
- Sets the image HTML attributes.
- The Image HTML attributes.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The command.
- Represents a column in the component
- The type of the data item
- Gets or sets the grid.
- The grid.
- Gets the member of the column.
- The member.
- Gets the template of the column.
- Gets the header template of the column.
- Gets the footer template of the column.
- Gets or sets the title of the column.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the width of the column.
- The width.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is hidden.
- true if hidden; otherwise, false.
- Hidden columns are output as HTML but are not visible by the end-user.
- Gets the header HTML attributes.
- The header HTML attributes.
- Gets the footer HTML attributes.
- The footer HTML attributes.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is visible.
- true if visible; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Invisible columns are not output in the HTML.
- Gets the HTML attributes of the cell rendered for the column
- The HTML attributes.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the edit action command.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The command.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data binding.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The configuration.
- Use it to configure Server binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Server().Select("FirstLook", "Grid"});
- })
- .Pagealbe()
- .Sortable();
- %>
- Use it to configure Ajax binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("_FirstLook", "Grid").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]);
- })
- .Pagealbe()
- .Sortable();
- %>
- Use it to configure web service binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.WebService().Select("~/Models/Orders.asmx/GetOrders")
- })
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data key.
- The type of the model
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The dataKey.
- Sets the RouteKey.
- The value.
- Gets the HTML attributes of the form rendered during editing
- The HTML attributes.
- Creates data key for the .
- The type of the data item
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The grid.
- Defines a data key.
- Gets or sets the operation mode of the grid. By default the grid will make a request to the
- server when it needs data for paging, sorting, filtering or grouping. If you set the
- operation mode to GridOperationMode.Client it will make only one request for all data. Any other
- paging, sorting, filtering or grouping will be performed client-side.
- Defines which objects can have child items.
- Child items collection.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Defines the number of the decimal digits.
- Sets the decimal separator.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox()
- .Name("IntegerTextBox")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChange client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox()
- .Name("IntegerTextBox")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChange client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox()
- .Name("IntegerTextBox")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox()
- .Name("IntegerTextBox")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox()
- .Name("IntegerTextBox")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox()
- .Name("IntegerTextBox")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Sets the value of the timepicker input
- Sets the value of the timepicker input
- Sets the value of the timepicker input
- Sets the minimum time, which can be selected in timepicker
- Sets the minimum time, which can be selected in timepicker
- Sets the maximum time, which can be selected in timepicker
- Sets the maximum time, which can be selected in timepicker
- Sets the interval between hours.
- Sets whether timepicker to be rendered with button, which shows timeview on click.
- Sets the title of the timepicker button.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring TreeView drag&drop.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables / disables drag&drop functionality.
- Whether to enable or to disable the drag&drop.
- Allows elements to be dropped on arbitrary HTML elements
- jQuery selector that specifies the elements that qualify as drop targets.
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]);
- })
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable binding based on certain conditions.
- Sets the action, controller and route values
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home", new { {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the select operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Index", "Home");
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- })
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default", new {id=1});
- })
- %>
- Sets the route name for the select operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("Default");
- })
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Defines the items in the TreeView
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- .OnDataBinding("onDataBinding")
- .OnItemDataBound("onItemDataBound")
- )
- %>
- Binds the TreeView to a sitemap
- The view data key.
- The action to configure the item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .BindTo("examples", (item, siteMapNode) =>
- {
- })
- %>
- Binds the TreeView to a sitemap.
- The view data key.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .BindTo("examples")
- %>
- Binds the TreeView to a list of objects. The TreeView will be "flat" which means a TreeView item will be created for
- every item in the data source.
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- The action executed for every data bound item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .BindTo(new []{"First", "Second"}, (item, value)
- {
- item.Text = value;
- })
- %>
- Binds the TreeView to a list of objects. The TreeView will create a hierarchy of items using the specified mappings.
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- The action which will configure the mappings
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .BindTo(Model, mapping => mapping
- .For<Customer>(binding => binding
- .Children(c => c.Orders) // The "child" items will be bound to the the "Orders" property
- .ItemDataBound((item, c) => item.Text = c.ContactName) // Map "Customer" properties to TreeViewItem properties
- )
- .For<Order<(binding => binding
- .Children(o => null) // "Orders" do not have child objects so return "null"
- .ItemDataBound((item, o) => item.Text = o.OrderID.ToString()) // Map "Order" properties to TreeViewItem properties
- )
- )
- %>
- Use it to configure Data binding.
- Action that configures the data binding options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView")
- );
- %>
- Callback for each item.
- Action, which will be executed for each item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ItemAction(item =>
- {
- item
- .Text(...)
- .HtmlAttributes(...);
- })
- %>
- Select item depending on the current URL.
- If true the item will be highlighted.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .HighlightPath(true)
- %>
- Configures the effects of the TreeView.
- The action which configures the effects.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Effects(fx =>
- {
- fx.Slide()
- .Opacity()
- .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal)
- .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal);
- })
- Expand all the items.
- If true all the items will be expanded.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ExpandAll(true)
- %>
- ShowLines indicates if lines connecting child nodes to parent nodes are displayed.
- If true lines connecting child nodes to parent nodes are displayed.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ShowLines(true)
- %>
- ShowCheckBox indicates if checkbox displayed before node.
- If true checkbox will be displayed for every node.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ShowCheckBox(true)
- %>
- Enables drag & drop between treeview nodes.
- If true, drag & drop is enabled.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- .DragAndDrop(true)
- %>
- Enables drag & drop between treeview nodes.
- Action that configures the drag and drop options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- .DragAndDrop(settings =>
- {
- })
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- The view context.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnExpand client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand("onExpand"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnCollapse client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse("onCollapse"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragStart client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragStart(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragStart client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragStart(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDragStart client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragStart("onNodeDragStrat"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDrop client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDrop(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDrop client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDrop(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDrop client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDrop("OnNodeDrop"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDropped client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDropped(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDropped client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDropped(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDropped client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDropped("OnNodeDropped"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragCancelled client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragCancelled(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragCancelled client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragCancelled(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDragCancelled client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragCancelled("OnNodeDragCancelled"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragging client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragging(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnNodeDragging client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragging(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnNodeDragging client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnNodeDragging("OnNodeDragging"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBinding client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding("OnDataBinding"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDataBound client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBound client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound("OnDataBound"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChecked client-side event. Requires ShowCheckBox to be true.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChecked(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnChecked client-side event. Requires ShowCheckBox to be true.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChecked(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- // event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnChecked client-side event. Requires ShowCheckBox to be true.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnChecked("onChecked"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the data binding.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The configuration.
- Use it to configure Ajax binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView")
- )
- %>
- Use it to configure web service binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .WebService().Select("~/Models/Employees.asmx/GetEmployees")
- )
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring child TreeView items.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring navigation items
- The type of the item.
- The type of the builder.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The item.
- Returns the inner navigation item
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the outer HTML element rendered for the item
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Attributes(new {@class="first-item"}))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes applied to the outer HTML element rendered for the item
- The attributes.
- Sets the text displayed by the item.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item"))
- %>
- Makes the item visible or not. Invisible items are not rendered in the output HTML.
- Sets the text displayed by the item.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Visible((bool)ViewData["visible"])
- %>
- Enables or disables the item. Disabled item cannot be clicked, expanded or open (depending on the item type - menu, tabstrip, panelbar).
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Enabled((bool)ViewData["enabled"])
- %>
- Selects or unselects the item. By default items are not selected.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Selected(true))
- %>
- Sets the route to which the item should navigate.
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Route("Default", new RouteValueDictionary{{"id", 1}}))
- %>
- Sets the route to which the item should navigate.
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Route("Default", new {id, 1}))
- %>
- Sets the route to which the item should navigate.
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").Route("Default"))
- %>
- Sets the action to which the item should navigate
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("Index").Action(MVC.Home.Index(3).GetRouteValueDictionary()))
- %>
- Sets the action to which the item should navigate
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("Index").Action("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{{"id", 1}}))
- %>
- Sets the action to which the item should navigate
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("Index").Action("Index", "Home", new {id, 1}))
- %>
- Sets the action to which the item should navigate
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("Index").Action("Index", "Home"))
- %>
- Sets the URL to which the item should navigate
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("www.example.com").Url("http://www.example.com"))
- %>
- Sets the URL of the image that should be displayed by the item.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("First Item").ImageUrl("~/Content/first.png"))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes for the item image.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items
- .Add().Text("First Item")
- .ImageUrl("~/Content/first.png")
- .ImageHtmlAttributes(new {@class="first-item-image"}))
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes for the item image.
- The attributes.
- Sets the sprite CSS class names.
- The CSS classes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items
- .Add().Text("First Item")
- .SpriteCssClasses("icon", "first-item")
- %>
- Sets the HTML content which the item should display.
- The action which renders the content.
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items
- .Add()
- .Text("First Item")
- .Content(() =>
- {
- %>
- <strong> First Item Content</strong>
- <%
- });)
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the HTML content which the item should display.
- The content wrapped in a regular HTML tag or text tag (Razor syntax).
- @(Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items
- .Add()
- .Text("First Item")
- .Content(
- @<text>
- Some text
- <strong> First Item Content</strong>
- </text>
- );
- )
- )
- Sets the HTML content which the item should display as a string.
- The action which renders the content.
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items
- .Add()
- .Text("First Item")
- .Content("<strong> First Item Content</strong>");
- )
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes of the content element of the item.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items
- .Add().Text("First Item")
- .Content(() => { %> <strong>First Item Content</strong> <% })
- .ContentHtmlAttributes(new {@class="first-item-content"})
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes of the content element of the item.
- The attributes.
- Makes the item navigate to the specified controllerAction method.
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items
- .Add().Text("First Item")
- .Action<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index()))
- %>
- Sets whether the Text property should be encoded when the item is rendered.
- Whether the property should be encoded. Default: true.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Text("<strong>First Item</strong>").Encoded(false))
- %>
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The item.
- Configures the child items of a .
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren =>
- {
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1");
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2");
- });
- })
- %>
- Sets the value for the item.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items => items.Add().Value("1"))
- %>
- Define when the item will be expanded on intial render.
- If true the item will be expanded.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren =>
- {
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1");
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2");
- })
- .Expanded(true);
- })
- %>
- Define when the item will be checked on intial render.
- If true the item will be checked.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren =>
- {
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1");
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2");
- })
- .Checked(true);
- })
- %>
- Enables/disables the rendering of a checkbox for this item.
- If false, no checkbox will be rendered.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren =>
- {
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1");
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2");
- })
- .Checkable(false);
- })
- %>
- Sets the expand mode of the treeview item.
- If true then item will be load on demand from client side.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren =>
- {
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1");
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2");
- })
- .LoadOnDemand(true);
- })
- %>
- Creates items for the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Defines a item.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the treeview webservice.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Specify the web service url for loading data
- The web service url
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .WebService().Select("~/Models/Employees.asmx/GetEmployees")
- )
- %>
- Enables / disables web service functionality.
- Whether to enable or to disable the web service.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
- .Ajax().Enabled(true).Select("_AjaxLoading", "TreeView")
- )
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable ajax based on certain conditions.
- Telerik Treeview for ASP.NET MVC is a view component for presenting hierarchical data.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The view context.
- The client side object writer factory.
- The URL generator.
- The navigation item authorization.
- The builder factory.
- Gets the client events of the treeview.
- The client events.
- Gets the items of the treeview.
- Gets or sets the item action.
- Gets or sets the effects.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the item is expanded.
- true if expand all is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the item is expanded.
- true if expand all is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the item is expanded.
- true if expand all is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false
- Gets the ajax configuration.
- Gets the web service configuration
- Defines whether one navigation item can have content output immediately
- The HtmlAttributes which will be added to the wrapper of the content.
- The action which will output the content.
- Gets the id.
- The id.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Sets whether datepicker to be rendered with button, which shows calendar on click.
- Sets the title of the datepicker button.
- Sets the value of the datepicker input
- Sets the value of the datepicker input
- Sets the minimal date, which can be selected in DatePicker.
- Sets the maximal date, which can be selected in DatePicker.
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(parent => {
- parent.Add()
- .LoadContentFrom(MVC.Home.Index().GetRouteValueDictionary());
- })
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The action name.
- The controller name.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(parent => {
- parent.Add()
- .Text("Completely Open Source")
- .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "PanelBar");
- })
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The action name.
- The controller name.
- Route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(parent => {
- parent.Add()
- .Text("Completely Open Source")
- .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "PanelBar", new { id = 10});
- })
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The url.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(parent => {
- parent.Add()
- .Text("Completely Open Source")
- .LoadContentFrom(Url.Action("AjaxView_OpenSource", "PanelBar"));
- })
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the ajax settings
- Defines the fluent interface for building
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Sets the route and values
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Route("Default", new {id=1}))
- %>
- Sets the route and values
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Route("Default", new RouteValueDictionary{{"id",1}}))
- %>
- Sets the route name
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Route("Default"))
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action(MVC.Home.Index(1).GetRouteValueDictionary()))
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("Index", "Home", new {id = 1}))
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("Index", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} }))
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("Index", "Home"))
- %>
- Gets or sets the settings.
- The settings.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables Ajax binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableAjax"]))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable ajax based on certain conditions.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The property to which the column is bound to.
- Gets type of the property to which the column is bound to.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is groupable.
- true if groupable; otherwise, false.
- Gets the name of the column
- Gets a function which returns the value of the property to which the column is bound to.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is sortable.
- true if sortable; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is filterable.
- true if filterable; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring bound columns
- The type of the data item
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The column.
- Gets or sets the format for displaying the data.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"))
- %>
- Makes the column read-only or not. By default bound columns are not read-only.
- If a column is read-only it cannot be modified during editing.
- true if the column should be read-only;otherwise false
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).ReadOnly(true))
- %>
- Makes the column read-only.
- If a column is read-only it cannot be modified during editing.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).ReadOnly())
- %>
- Specify which editor template should be used for the column
- name of the editor template
- Enables or disables sorting the column. All bound columns are sortable by default.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Sortable(false))
- %>
- Enables or disables grouping by that column. All bound columns are groupable by default.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Groupable(false))
- %>
- Enables or disables filtering the column. All bound columns are filterable by default.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Filterable(false))
- %>
- Enables or disables HTML encoding the data of the column. All bound columns are encoded by default.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns.Bound(o => o.OrderDate).Encoded(false))
- %>
- Sets the template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Columns(columns => columns
- .Add(c => c.CustomerID)
- .Template(() =>
- {
- %>
- >img
- alt="<%= c.CustomerID %>"
- src="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/Grid/Customers/" + c.CustomerID + ".jpg") %>"
- />
- <%
- }).Title("Picture");)
- .Render();
- %>
- Sets the footer template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Sets the footer template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Sets the group footer template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Sets the group footer template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Sets the group footer template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Sets the group footer template for the column.
- The action defining the template.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The events.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //Load handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //Load handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSubmitChanges client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSubmitChanges(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSubmitChanges client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSubmitChanges(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSubmitChanges client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSubmitChanges("onSubmitChanges"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnEdit client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnEdit(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnEdit client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnEdit(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnEdit client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnEdit("onEdit"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSave client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSave client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSave client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave("onSave"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDetailViewExpand client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewExpand(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDetailViewExpand client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewExpand(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDetailViewExpand client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewExpand("onDetailViewExpand"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDetailViewCollapse client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewCollapse(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnDetailViewCollapse client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewCollapse(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDetailViewCollapse client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDetailViewCollapse("onDetailViewCollapse"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSave client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSave client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //edit handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDelete client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSave("onDelete"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnColumnResize client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnResize(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnColumnResize client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnResize(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnColumnResize client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnResize("onColumnResize"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnColumnReorder client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnReorder(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnColumnReorder client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnReorder(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnColumnResize client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnColumnReorder("onColumnReorder"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnRowSelect client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowSelect(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //Error handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnRowSelect client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowSelect(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //Error handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnRowSelect client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowSelect("onRowSelect"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //Error handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //Error handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError"))
- %>
- Defines the inline error handler of the OnDataBound client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //data bound handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline error handler of the OnDataBound client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //data bound handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBound client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBound("onDataBound"))
- %>
- Defines the inline error handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //data binding handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline error handler of the OnDataBinding client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //data binding handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnDataBinding client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnDataBinding("onDataBinding"))
- %>
- Defines the inline error handler of the OnRowDataBound client-side event.
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- var row = e.row;
- var dataItem = e.dataItem;
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline error handler of the OnRowDataBound client-side event.
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- var row = e.row;
- var dataItem = e.dataItem;
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnRowDataBound client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The column.
- Creates command for the .
- The type of the data item
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The column.
- Defines a edit command.
- Defines a delete command.
- Defines a select command.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables filtering
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableFiltering"]))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable filtering based on certain conditions.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables scrolling.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Scrolling(scrolling => scrolling.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableScrolling"]))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable scrolling based on certain conditions.
- Sets the height of the scrollable area in pixels.
- The height in pixels.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Scrolling(scrolling => scrolling.Height(400))
- %>
- Sets the height of the scrollable.
- The height in pixels.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Scrolling(scrolling => scrolling.Height("20em"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- The pager will display only a status message
- The pager will display first/previous/next/last links
- The pager will display page numbers as link buttons.
- The pager will display an input field and the total number of pages.
- The pager will display a dropdown and the total number of pages.
- (first) (previous) (page numbers) (next) (last)
- (first) (previous) (page input field) (next) (last)
- (first) (previous) (page size drop down) (next) (last)
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring
- Enables or disables selection.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Selectable(selection => selection.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableSelection"]))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable scrolling based on certain conditions.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Enables or disables sorting.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Sorting(sorting => sorting.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableSorting"]))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable sorting based on certain conditions.
- Sets the sort mode of the grid.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Sorting(sorting => sorting.SortMode(GridSortMode.MultipleColumns))
- %>
- Configures the initial sort order.
- The configurator.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The settings.
- Sets the url of the web service which the will request for data.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .WebService(webService => webService.Url("~/Models/Orders.asmx/GetOrders")))
- %>
- Enables or disables web service binding.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .WebService(webService => webService.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enableWebServiceBinding"]))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable web service binding based on certain conditions.
- Specifies the animation duration of item.
- Fast animation, duration is set to 200.
- Normal animation, duration is set to 400.
- Slow animation, duration is set to 600.
- Helper class to convert jQuery Animation Duration.
- Converts specified duration in jQuery equivalent value.
- The duration.
- Defines the basic building block of creating client side object.
- Starts writing this instance.
- Appends the specified key value pair to the end of this instance.
- The key value pair.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and nullable value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- The default value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- if set to true [value].
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- if set to true [value].
- if set to true [default value].
- Appends the specified name and only the date of the passed .
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The action.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The action.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The HtmlTemplate.
- Appends the object.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and Action or String specified in the ClientEvent object.
- The name.
- Client event of the component.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The type of the enum.
- The name.
- The value.
- The default value.
- Completes this instance.
- Defines the factory to create .
- Creates a writer.
- The id.
- The type.
- The text writer.
- Defines the sort modes supported by
- The user can sort only by one column at the same time.
- The user can sort by more than one column at the same time.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The view context.
- The client side object writer factory.
- The URL generator.
- The builder factory.
- Gets the selection configuration
- Gets the template which the grid will use to render a row
- Gets the client events of the grid.
- The client events.
- Gets the filtering configuration.
- Gets the web service configuration
- Gets the server binding configuration.
- Gets the scrolling configuration.
- Gets the keyboard navigation configuration.
- Gets the ajax configuration.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom binding is enabled.
- true if custom binding is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false
- Gets the paging configuration.
- Gets the columns of the grid.
- Gets or sets the data source.
- The data source.
- Gets the page size of the grid.
- Gets the sorting configuration.
- The sorting.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to add the property of the grid as a prefix in url parameters.
- true if prefixing is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is true
- Gets or sets the action executed when rendering a row.
- Gets or sets the action executed when rendering a cell.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Sets the row template of the grid
- The template
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .RowTemplate(o =>
- {
- %>
- <%= o.Name %>
- <%= o.Age %>
- <%
- })
- %>
- Sets the row template of the grid
- The template
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .RowTemplate(o =>
- {
- %>
- <%= o.Name %>
- <%= o.Age %>
- <%
- })
- %>
- Sets the row template of the grid using Razor syntax
- The template
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .RowTemplate(@<text>
- @item.Name
- @item.Age
- </text>)
- %>
- Configures the grid resizing settings
- Resizing settings configurator method
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Resizable(resizing => resizing.Columns(true))
- %>
- Configures the grid reordering settings
- Resizing settings configurator method
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Reorderable(reordering => reordering.Columns(true))
- %>
- Sets the localization culture of the grid.
- The culture.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>()
- .Name("Orders")
- .Localizable("de-DE")
- %>
- Configures the grid editing settings.
- Configurator for the edit settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>()
- .Name("Orders")
- .Editable(settings => settings.Enabled(true))
- %>
- Configures the toolbar of the grid.
- ToolBar configurator.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>()
- .Name("Orders")
- .ToolBar(commands => commands.Insert())
- %>
- Defines a list of the private keys.
- DataKeys configurator.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>()
- .Name("Orders")
- .DataKeys(keys =>
- {
- keys.Add(c => c.CustomerID);
- })
- %>
- Configure when to show footer of the grid.
- If it is true, the feature is visible.
- Binds the grid to a list of objects
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>()
- .Name("Orders")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]);
- %>
- Callback for each row.
- Action, which will be executed for each row.
- You can format the entire row
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .RowAction(row =>
- {
- // "DataItem" is the Order object to which the current row is bound to
- if (row.DataItem.Freight > 10)
- {
- //Set the background of the entire row
- row.HtmlAttributes["style"] = "background:red;";
- }
- });
- %>
- Callback for each cell.
- Action, which will be executed for each cell.
- You can format a concrete cell.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .CellAction(cell =>
- {
- if (cell.Column.Name == "Freight")
- {
- if (cell.DataItem.Freight > 10)
- {
- //Set the background of this cell only
- cell.HtmlAttributes["style"] = "background:red;";
- }
- }
- });
- %>
- Enables or disables the custom binding of the grid.
- If true enables custom binding.
- Defines the columns of the grid.
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"]);
- %>
- Allows sorting of the columns.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Sortable();
- %>
- Allows sorting of the columns.
- Use builder to define sort settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Sortable(sorting => sorting.SortMode(GridSortMode.MultipleColumn)
- %>
- Enables row selection.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Selectable()
- %>
- Enables row selection.
- Use builder to define the selection settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Selectable(selection => selection.Enabled(true))
- %>
- Put grid name as a prefix.
- Allows paging of the data.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Pageable();
- %>
- Allows paging of the data.
- Use builder to define paging settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Pageable(paging =>
- paging.PageSize(20)
- .Style(GridPagerStyles.NextPreviousAndNumeric)
- .Position(GridPagerPosition.Bottom)
- )
- %>
- Use it to configure Server binding.
- Use builder to set different server binding settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .ServerBinding(serverBinding => serverBinding
- .Action("Index", "Home", new {id = (string)ViewData["id"]})
- )
- .Pagealbe()
- .Sortable();
- %>
- Use it to configure binding option when performing data operations - paging, sorting and filtering.
- Use builder to set different data binding options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
- {
- dataBinding.Server().Select("FirstLook", "Grid"});
- dataBinding.Ajax().Select("_FirstLook", "Grid").Enabled((bool)ViewData["ajax"]);
- })
- .Pagealbe()
- .Sortable();
- %>
- Use it to configure Ajax binding.
- Use builder to set different ajax binding settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_AjaxBinding", "Home"))
- .Pagealbe()
- .Sortable();
- %>
- Allows filtering of the columns.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Filterable();
- %>
- Allows filtering of the columns.
- Use builder to define filtering settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled(true);
- %>
- Show scrollbar if there are many items.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Scrollable();
- %>
- Show scrollbar if there are many items.
- Use builder to define scrolling settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Scrollable(scrolling => scrolling.Enabled(true);
- %>
- Enables keyboard navigation.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .KeyboardNavigation();
- %>
- Enables keyboard navigation.
- Use builder to define keyboard navigation settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .KeyboardNavigation(navigation => navigation.Enabled(true));
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .ClientEvents(events => events
- .OnDataBinding("onDataBinding")
- .OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound")
- )
- %>
- Use it to configure grouping.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Groupable(grouping => grouping.Enabled(true);
- %>
- Allows grouping.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_RelatedGrids_Orders", "Grid", new { customerID = "ALFKI" }))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- .BindTo((IEnumerable<Order>)ViewData["Orders"])
- .Groupable();
- %>
- Use it to configure web service binding.
- Use builder to set different web service binding settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .WebService(webService => webService.Url("~/Models/Orders.asmx/GetOrders"))
- .Columns(columns=>
- {
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderID).Width(100);
- columns.Add(c => c.OrderDate).Width(200).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipAddress);
- columns.Add(c => c.ShipCity).Width(200);
- })
- %>
- Sets the HTML content which the grid should display.
- The action which renders the message when grid has no data.
- <% Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .NoRecordsTemplate(() =>
- {
- %>
- <strong> Hello World!!!;/strong>
- <%
- })
- %>
- Sets the empty message template which will be display if the grid has no data.
- The Razor inline message.
- @(Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .NoRecordsTemplate(@<strong> Hello World!!!</strong>))
- Sets the empty message template which will be display if the grid has no data.
- The action which renders the message when grid has no data.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid()
- .Name("Grid")
- .NoRecordsTemplate("<strong> Hello World!!!</strong>")
- %>
- Creates columns for the .
- The type of the data item to which the grid is bound to
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The container.
- Defines a bound column.
- Defines a bound column.
- Defines a bound column.
- Defines a bound column.
- Determines if columns should be automatically generated.
- If true columns should be generated, otherwise false.
- Determines if columns should be automatically generated.
- Action which will be executed for each generated column.
- Defines a template column.
- Defines a template column.
- Defines a command column.
- Used for action methods when using Ajax or Custom binding
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the name of the action parameter. The default value is "command".
- The name of the action parameter.
- [GridAction(ActionParameterName="param")]
- public ActionResult Index(GridCommand param)
- {
- }
- Gets or sets the name of the Grid that is populated by the associated action method. Required
- when custom server binding is enabled and the grid query string parameters are prefixed.
- [GridAction(EnableCustomBinding=true, GridName="Employees")]
- public ActionResult Index(GridCommand param)
- {
- }
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom binding is enabled. Used when implementing custom ajax binding.
- true if custom binding is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is false.
- [GridAction(EnableCustomBinding=true)]
- public ActionResult Index(GridCommand param)
- {
- }
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The pager.
- Sets the position at which to display the pager.
- The pager position.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Pageable(paging => paging.Position(GridPagerPosition.Bottom))
- %>
- Sets the page size of the grid.
- The number of items to display in a single page.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Pageable(paging => paging.PageSize(20))
- %>
- Sets the page size of the grid.
- The number of items to display in a single page.
- The values shown in the pageSize dropdown
- Sets the current page of the grid.
- The page which the grid should display initially. Must be greater than zero.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Pageable(paging => paging.PageTo(2))
- %>
- Sets the pager style.
- The pager style to set.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Pageable(paging => paging.Style(GridPagerStyles.PageInput | GridPagerStyles.Numeric))
- %>
- Sets the total number of items in the data source. Required during Custom binding.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Pageable(paging => paging.Total((int)ViewData["total"]))
- %>
- Enables or disables paging.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Pageable(paging => paging.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enablePaging"]))
- %>
- The Enabled method is useful when you need to enable paging based on certain conditions.
- Enables or disables paging on scroll.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- .Pageable(paging => paging.PageOnScroll((bool)ViewData["pageOnScroll"]))
- %>
- The PageOnScroll method is useful when you need to enable paging on scroll based on certain conditions.
- Defines methods to manipulate generic link object collections.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parent.
- Adds an item to the .
- The object to add to the .
- The is read-only.
- Removes all items from the .
- The is read-only.
- Determines whether the contains a specific value.
- The object to locate in the .
- true if is found in the ; otherwise, false.
- Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index.
- The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing.
- The zero-based index in at which copying begins.
- is null.
- is less than 0.
- is multidimensional.
- -or-
- is equal to or greater than the length of .
- -or-
- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from to the end of the destination .
- -or-
- Type cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination .
- Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
- A that can be used to iterate through the collection.
- Determines the index of a specific item in the .
- The object to locate in the .
- The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1.
- Inserts an item to the at the specified index.
- The zero-based index at which should be inserted.
- The object to insert into the .
- is not a valid index in the .
- The is read-only.
- Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the .
- The object to remove from the .
- true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original .
- The is read-only.
- Removes the item at the specified index.
- The zero-based index of the item to remove.
- is not a valid index in the .
- The is read-only.
- Gets or sets the T object that is the parent of the current node.
- The parent.
- Gets the number of elements contained in the .
- The number of elements contained in the .
- Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
- true if the is read-only; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the at the specified index.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Defines the items in the menu
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnOpen("onOpen").OnClose("onClose")
- )
- %>
- Sets the menu orientation.
- The desired orientation.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Orientation(MenuOrientation.Vertical)
- %>
- Enables or disables the "open-on-click" feature.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .OpenOnClick(true)
- %>
- Binds the menu to a sitemap
- The view data key.
- The action to configure the item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .BindTo("examples", (item, siteMapNode) =>
- {
- })
- %>
- Binds the menu to a sitemap.
- The view data key.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .BindTo("examples")
- %>
- Binds the menu to a list of objects. The menu will be "flat" which means a menu item will be created for
- every item in the data source.
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- The action executed for every data bound item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .BindTo(new []{"First", "Second"}, (item, value)
- {
- item.Text = value;
- })
- %>
- Binds the menu to a list of objects. The menu will create a hierarchy of items using the specified mappings.
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- The action which will configure the mappings
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .BindTo(Model, mapping => mapping
- .For<Customer>(binding => binding
- .Children(c => c.Orders) // The "child" items will be bound to the the "Orders" property
- .ItemDataBound((item, c) => item.Text = c.ContactName) // Map "Customer" properties to MenuItem properties
- )
- .For<Order<(binding => binding
- .Children(o => null) // "Orders" do not have child objects so return "null"
- .ItemDataBound((item, o) => item.Text = o.OrderID.ToString()) // Map "Order" properties to MenuItem properties
- )
- )
- %>
- Configures the effects of the menu.
- The action which configures the effects.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Effects(fx =>
- {
- fx.Slide()
- .Opacity()
- .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal)
- .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal);
- })
- Selects the item at the specified index.
- The index.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- .SelectedIndex(1)
- %>
- Callback for each item.
- Action, which will be executed for each item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ItemAction(item =>
- {
- item
- .Text(...)
- .HtmlAttributes(...);
- })
- %>
- Select item depending on the current URL.
- If true the item will be highlighted.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .HighlightPath(true)
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring child menu items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The item.
- Configures the child items of a .
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren =>
- {
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1");
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2");
- });
- })
- %>
- Specifies the orientation in which the menu items will be ordered
- Items are oredered horizontally
- Items are oredered vertically
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- The view context.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnOpen client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnClose client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- INavigatable extension for providing access to .
- Sets the action, controller name and route values of object.
- The object.
- The route values of the Action method.
- Sets the action and controller name, along with Route values of object.
- The object.
- Action name.
- Controller name.
- Route values as an object
- Sets the action, controller name and route values of object.
- The object.
- Action name.
- Controller name.
- Route values as
- Sets the action and route values of object.
- The object.
- The controller action.
- Sets the url property of object.
- The object.
- The Url.
- Sets the route name and route values of object.
- The object.
- Route name.
- Route values as an object.
- Sets the route name and route values of object.
- The object.
- Route name.
- Route values as .
- Generating url depending on the ViewContext and the generator.
- The object.
- The object
- The generator.
- Determines whether the specified navigatable matches the current request URL.
- The object.
- The object.
- The generator.
- Generating url depending on the ViewContext and the generator.
- The object.
- The object
- The generator.
- Verify whether the object is accessible.
- The object.
- The object.
- The object
- Verifies whether collection of objects is accessible.
- Object of type.
- The object.
- The object.
- The object
- Determines whether this instance has value.
- true if either ActionName and ControllerName, RouteName or Url are set; false otherwise
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Defines the items in the panelbar
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnExpand("onExpand").OnCollapse("onCollapse")
- )
- %>
- Binds the panelbar to a sitemap
- The view data key.
- The action to configure the item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .BindTo("examples", (item, siteMapNode) =>
- {
- })
- %>
- Binds the panelbar to a sitemap.
- The view data key.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .BindTo("examples")
- %>
- Binds the panelbar to a list of objects
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- The action executed for every data bound item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .BindTo(new []{"First", "Second"}, (item, value)
- {
- item.Text = value;
- })
- %>
- Binds the panelbar to a list of objects. The panelbar will create a hierarchy of items using the specified mappings.
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- The action which will configure the mappings
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .BindTo(Model, mapping => mapping
- .For<Customer>(binding => binding
- .Children(c => c.Orders) // The "child" items will be bound to the the "Orders" property
- .ItemDataBound((item, c) => item.Text = c.ContactName) // Map "Customer" properties to PanelBarItem properties
- )
- .For<Order<(binding => binding
- .Children(o => null) // "Orders" do not have child objects so return "null"
- .ItemDataBound((item, o) => item.Text = o.OrderID.ToString()) // Map "Order" properties to PanelBarItem properties
- )
- )
- %>
- Configures the effects of the panelbar.
- The action which configures the effects.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Effects(fx =>
- {
- fx.Height()
- .Opacity()
- .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal)
- .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal);
- })
- Callback for each item.
- Action, which will be executed for each item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ItemAction(item =>
- {
- item
- .Text(...)
- .HtmlAttributes(...);
- })
- %>
- Select item depending on the current URL.
- If true the item will be highlighted.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .HighlightPath(true)
- %>
- Renders the panelbar with expanded items.
- If true the panelbar will be expanded.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ExpandAll(true)
- %>
- Sets the expand mode of the panelbar.
- The desired expand mode.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ExpandMode(PanelBarExpandMode.Multiple)
- %>
- Selects the item at the specified index.
- The index.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- .SelectedIndex(1)
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- The view context.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnExpand client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnExpand client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnExpand("onExpand"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnCollapse client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnCollapse client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCollapse("onCollapse"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError"))
- %>
- Specifies the expand mode in which the panelbar will expand its items
- Only one item can be expanded.
- All items can be expanded
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring child panelbar items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The item.
- The context of the View.
- Configures the child items of a .
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren =>
- {
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1");
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2");
- });
- })
- %>
- Define when the item will be expanded on intial render.
- If true the item will be expanded.
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item").Items(firstItemChildren =>
- {
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 1");
- firstItemChildren.Add().Text("Child Item 2");
- })
- .Expanded(true);
- })
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- The view context.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnContentLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnContentLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnContentLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnContentLoad("onContentLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError"))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Defines the items in the tabstrip
- The add action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnSelect("onSelect").OnLoad("onLoad")
- )
- %>
- Binds the tabstrip to a sitemap
- The view data key.
- The action to configure the item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .BindTo("examples", (item, siteMapNode) =>
- {
- })
- %>
- Binds the tabstrip to a sitemap.
- The view data key.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .BindTo("examples")
- %>
- Binds the tabstrip to a list of objects
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- The action executed for every data bound item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .BindTo(new []{"First", "Second"}, (item, value)
- {
- item.Text = value;
- })
- %>
- Configures the effects of the tabstrip.
- The action which configures the effects.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .Effects(fx =>
- {
- fx.Slide()
- .Opacity()
- .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal)
- .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Normal);
- })
- Selects the item at the specified index.
- The index.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- .SelectedIndex(1)
- %>
- Callback for each item.
- Action, which will be executed for each item.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .ItemAction(item =>
- {
- item
- .Text(...)
- .HtmlAttributes(...);
- })
- %>
- Select item depending on the current URL.
- If true the item will be highlighted.
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .HighlightPath(true)
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring child tabstrip items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The item.
- The context of the View.
- Contains constants for CSS class names
- Active state of items
- Button with plain text content
- Button with an icon and text content
- Button with an icon only
- Bare button with an icon only (no background and borders)
- Content - rendered around custom content
- Default state of items
- Disabled state of items
- Group - rendered around grouped items (children)
- Header - rendered on headers or header items
- Hovered state of items
- Icon - icon from default icon set
- Image - image rendered through ImageUrl
- Item - rendered on items
- First in list of items
- Last in list of items
- Top in list of items
- Bottom in list of items
- Middle in list of items
- Last in list of headers
- Link - rendered on all links
- Reset - removes inherited styles
- Selected state of items
- Sprite - sprite rendered in the begging of the item.
- Widget - rendered always on the outmost HTML element of a UI component
- Input - input rendered in the div wrapper
- CheckBox - rendered on all checkbox
- ToolBar - rendered on all toolbars
- Alternating class for zebra stripes
- Scrollable - rendered on all elements that wish to be scrollable on touch devices
- Contains CSS classes for icons
- "Delete" icon
- "Delete Group" icon
- "Minimize" icon
- "Maximize" icon
- "Close" icon
- Contains CSS classes, used in the grid
- Grid action
- Container element for editing / inserting form
- Container element for editing / inserting form
- Toolbar which contains different commands
- Contains CSS classes, used in the treeview
- Class that shows treeview lines
- Contains CSS classes, used in the editor
- Button in editor toolbar
- Color picker in editor toolbar
- Editor tool icon
- Editor custom tool
- Editor textarea element
- Slider increase button.
- Slider decrease button.
- Horizontal splitter
- Vertical splitter
- Splitter pane
- UI primitives for Upload
- Upload button
- Contains CSS classes, used in the window
- Window content area
- Window title bar
- A builder class for
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The async settings.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("Save", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} })
- )
- %>
- Sets a value indicating whether to start the upload immediately after selecting a file
- true if the upload should start immediately after selecting a file, false otherwise; true by default
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the save operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("Save", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- )
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the save operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("Save", "Home", new { id = 1 });
- )
- %>
- Sets the action and controller for the save operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("Save", "Home");
- )
- %>
- Sets the route name for the save operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("Default");
- )
- %>
- Sets the route values for the save operation
- The route values of the action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save(MVC.Home.Save(1).GetRouteValueDictionary());
- )
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the save operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- )
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the save operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("Default", new { id = 1 });
- )
- %>
- Sets the action for the save operation
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save<HomeController>(controller => controller.Save()));
- )
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the remove operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Remove("Remove", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- )
- %>
- Sets the action, controller and route values for the remove operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Remove("Remove", "Home", new { id = 1 });
- )
- %>
- Sets the action and controller for the remove operation
- Name of the action.
- Name of the controller.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Remove("Remove", "Home");
- )
- %>
- Sets the route name for the remove operation
- Name of the route.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Remove("Default");
- )
- %>
- Sets the route values for the remove operation
- The route values of the action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Remove(MVC.Home.Remove(1).GetRouteValueDictionary());
- )
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the remove operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Remove("Default", "Home", new RouteValueDictionary{ {"id", 1} });
- )
- %>
- Sets the route and values for the remove operation
- Name of the route.
- The route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Remove("Default", new { id = 1 });
- )
- %>
- Sets the action for the remove operation
- The type of the controller.
- The action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Remove<HomeController>(controller => controller.Remove()));
- )
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The component.
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events configuration action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events
- .OnLoad("onLoad")
- .OnUpload("onUpload")
- )
- %>
- Enables or disables the component.
- true if the component should be enabled, false otherwise; the default is true.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Enable(false)
- %>
- Enables or disables multiple file selection.
- true if multiple file selection should be enabled, false otherwise; the default is true.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Multiple(false)
- %>
- Sets a value indicating whether to show the list of uploaded files
- true if the list of uploaded files should be visible, false otherwise; true by default
- Use it to configure asynchronous uploading.
- Use builder to set different asynchronous uploading options.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("Save", "Compose")
- .Remove("Remove", "Compose")
- );
- %>
- Sets the localization culture of the upload.
- The culture.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Localizable("de-DE")
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSelect client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSelect client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSelect("onSelect"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnUpload client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnUpload(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnUpload client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnUpload(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnUpload client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnUpload("onUpload"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSuccess client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSuccess(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnSuccess client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSuccess(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnSuccess client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnSuccess("onSuccess"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnComplete client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnComplete(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnComplete client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnComplete(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnComplete client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnComplete("onComplete"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnCancel client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCancel(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnCancel client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCancel(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnCancel client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnCancel("onCancel"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnRemove client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRemove(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnRemove client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRemove(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnRemove client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRemove("onRemove"))
- %>
- An HTML Builder for the Upload component
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The Upload component.
- Creates the upload top-level div.
- Creates the button text element.
- Creates the file input element.
- Builds the Upload component markup.
- Defines an interface for asynchronous upload settings
- Defines the Save action
- Defines the Remove action
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to start the upload immediately after selecting a file
- Defines the asynchronous uploading settings
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Serializes the asynchronous uploading settings to the writer.
- The writer object.
- Defines the Save action
- Defines the Remove action
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to start the upload immediately after selecting a file
- true if the upload should start immediately after selecting a file, false otherwise; true by default
- Telerik Upload for ASP.NET MVC is a view component for uploading files.
- It supports the following features:
- - Asynchronous uploading
- - Progress tracking
- - Multiple file selection
- - Drag & drop
- Note that some of the features depend on browser capabilities.
- For more information, see the online documentation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The view context.
- The client side object writer factory.
- Writes the initialization script.
- The writer object.
- Writes the Upload HTML.
- The writer object.
- Represents the client-side event handlers for the component
- Gets or sets a value indicating if the component is enabled.
- true if the component should be enabled, false otherwise; the default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating if multiple file selection is enabled.
- true if multiple file selection should be enabled, false otherwise; the default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the list of uploaded files
- true if the list of uploaded files should be visible, false otherwise; true by default
- Defines the asynchronous uploading settings
- Gets or sets the URL generator.
- The URL generator.
- The localization strings for the component
- Represents the client-side events of the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Serializes the client-side events.
- The writer object to serialize to.
- Defines the Load client-side event handler
- Defines the Select client-side event handler
- Defines the Upload client-side event handler
- Defines the Success client-side event handler
- Defines the Error client-side event handler
- Defines the Complete client-side event handler
- Defines the Cancel client-side event handler
- Defines the Remove client-side event handler
- Localization strings for the Upload component
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The localization service.
- The culture.
- Serializes the localization strings.
- The key.
- The writer.
- Gets the Select string.
- The default value is "Select...".
- Gets the Cancel string.
- The default value is "Cancel".
- Gets the Retry string.
- The default value is "Retry".
- Gets the Remove string.
- The default value is "Remove".
- Gets the UploadSelectedFiles string.
- The default value is "Upload files".
- Gets the DropFilesHere string.
- The default value is "drop files here to upload".
- Gets the "uploading" status string.
- The default value is "uploading".
- Gets the "uploaded" status string.
- The default value is "uploaded".
- Gets the "failed" status string.
- The default value is "failed".
- Provides the factory methods for creating Telerik View Components.
- Creates a
- <%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group
- group.Add("Site.css")
- .Add("telerik.common.css")
- .Add("telerik.vista.css")
- .Compressed(true)
- )
- %>
- Creates a
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- %>
- Creates a
- <%= Html.Telerik().Menu()
- .Name("Menu")
- .Items(items => { /* add items here */ });
- %>
- Creates a
- <%= Html.Telerik().Editor()
- .Name("Editor");
- %>
- Creates a new bound to the specified data item type.
- The type of the data item
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>()
- .Name("Grid")
- .BindTo(Model)
- %>
- Do not forget to bind the grid using the method when using this overload.
- Creates a new bound to the specified data source.
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
- .Name("Grid")
- %>
- Creates a new bound to a DataTable.
- DataTable from which the grid instance will be bound
- Creates a new bound to a DataView.
- DataView from which the grid instance will be bound
- Creates a new bound an item in ViewData.
- Type of the data item
- The data source view data key.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Grid<Order>("orders")
- .Name("Grid")
- %>
- Creates a
- <%= Html.Telerik().Splitter()
- .Name("Splitter");
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
- .Name("TabStrip")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First");
- items.Add().Text("Second");
- })
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePicker()
- .Name("DateTimePicker")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePicker()
- .Name("DatePicker")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().TimePicker()
- .Name("TimePicker")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().Calendar()
- .Name("Calendar")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().PanelBar()
- .Name("PanelBar")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First");
- items.Add().Text("Second");
- })
- %>
- Creates a
- <%= Html.Telerik().TreeView()
- .Name("TreeView")
- .Items(items => { /* add items here */ });
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().NumericTextBox()
- .Name("NumericTextBox")
- %>
- Returns .
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().CurrencyTextBox()
- .Name("CurrencyTextBox")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().PercentTextBox()
- .Name("PercentTextBox")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBox()
- .Name("IntegerTextBox")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList()
- .Name("DropDownList")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox()
- .Name("ComboBox")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoComplete()
- .Name("AutoComplete")
- .Items(items =>
- {
- items.Add().Text("First Item");
- items.Add().Text("Second Item");
- })
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().Slider()
- .Name("Slider")
- %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSlider()
- .Name("RangeSlider")
- %>
- Creates a
- <%= Html.Telerik().Upload()
- .Name("Upload")
- .Async(async => async
- .Save("ProcessAttachments", "Home")
- .Remove("RemoveAttachment", "Home")
- )
- %>
- Creates a
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart()
- .Name("Chart")
- %>
- Creates a new bound to the specified data source.
- The type of the data item
- The data source.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart(Model)
- .Name("Chart")
- %>
- Creates a new bound an item in ViewData.
- Type of the data item
- The data source view data key.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart<SalesData>("sales")
- .Name("Chart")
- %>
- Creates a new unbound .
- <%= Html.Telerik().Chart("sales")
- .Name("Chart")
- .Series(series => {
- series.Bar(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }).Name("Total Sales");
- })
- %>
- Creates a new UI component.
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().NumericTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().NumericTextBoxFor(m=>m.NullableProperty) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().IntegerTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().CurrencyTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().CurrencyTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().PercentTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().PercentTextBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().DateTimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().DatePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().TimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().TimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().TimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().TimePickerFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().DropDownListFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().ComboBoxFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().AutoCompleteFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().SliderFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().SliderFor(m=>m.NullableProperty) %>
- Creates a new .
- <%= Html.Telerik().RangeSliderFor(m=>m.Property) %>
- Enables zoom animation.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The instance that is to be configured
- Configures the window to show a close button
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Close())
- %>
- Configures the window to show a close button and sets a fallback URL for environments where JavaScript is turned off.
- The fallback URL
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Close(Url.Action("Home", "Index")))
- %>
- Configures the window to show a minimize button
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Maximize())
- %>
- Configures the window to show a minimize button and sets a fallback URL for environments where JavaScript is turned off.
- The fallback URL
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Maximize(Url.Action("Home", "Index")))
- %>
- Configures the window to show a refresh button
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Refresh())
- %>
- Configures the window to show a refresh button and sets a fallback URL for environments where JavaScript is turned off.
- The fallback URL
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Buttons(buttons => buttons.Refresh(Url.Action("Home", "Index")))
- %>
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The client events.
- The view context.
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnLoad client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnLoad client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnOpen client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnOpen client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnOpen("onOpen"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnActivate client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnActivate(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnActivate client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnActivate(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnActivate client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnActivate("onActivate"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnClose client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnClose client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnClose("onClose"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnMove client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnMove(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnMove client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnMove(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnMove client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnMove("onMove"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnResize client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnResize client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnResize client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnResize("onResize"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnRefresh client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRefresh(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnRefresh client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRefresh(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnRefresh client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRefresh("onRefresh"))
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The action defining the inline handler.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(() =>
- {
- %>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- <%
- }))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler of the OnError client-side event
- The handler code wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax).
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError(
- @<text>
- function(e) {
- //event handling code
- }
- </text>
- ))
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the the OnError client-side event.
- The name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events => events.OnError("onError"))
- %>
- Sets path to the icon.
- Path to the icon.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Icon(Url.Content("~/Content/Icons/WindowIcon.png"))
- %>
- Sets path and alternative text to the icon.
- Path to the icon.
- Alternative text to the icon.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Icon(Url.Content("~/Content/Icons/WindowIcon.png"), "icon")
- %>
- Sets title, which appears in the header of the window.
- Sets the HTML content which the window should display.
- The action which renders the content.
- <% Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Content(() =>
- {
- %>
- <strong> First Item Content</strong>
- <%
- })
- %>
- Sets the HTML content which the window should display
- The Razor inline template
- @(Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Content(@<strong> Hello World!!!</strong>))
- Sets the HTML content which the item should display as a string.
- The action which renders the content.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Content("<strong> First Item Content</strong>")
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes of the content element of the item.
- The attributes.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Content(() => { %> <strong>First Item Content</strong> <% })
- .ContentHtmlAttributes(new {@class="first-item-content"})
- %>
- Sets the HTML attributes of the content element of the item.
- The attributes.
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The route values of the Action method.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .LoadContentFrom(MVC.Home.Index().GetRouteValueDictionary());
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The action name.
- The controller name.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Window")
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The action name.
- The controller name.
- Route values.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .LoadContentFrom("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Window", new { id = 10})
- %>
- Sets the Url, which will be requested to return the content.
- The url.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .LoadContentFrom(Url.Action("AjaxView_OpenSource", "Window"))
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnOpen("onOpen").OnClose("onClose")
- )
- %>
- Enables windows resizing.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Resizable()
- %>
- Configures the resizing ability of the window.
- Resizing settings action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Resizable(settings =>
- settings.Enabled(true).MaxHeight(500).MaxWidth(500)
- )
- %>
- Configures the client-side events.
- The client events action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .ClientEvents(events =>
- events.OnOpen("onOpen").OnClose("onClose")
- )
- %>
- Sets the width of the window.
- Sets the height of the window.
- Sets whether the window should be rendered visible.
- Sets whether the window should have scrollbars.
- Configures the effects of the window.
- The action which configures the effects.
- <%= Html.Telerik().Window()
- .Name("Window")
- .Effects(fx =>
- {
- fx.Zoom()
- .Opacity()
- .OpenDuration(AnimationDuration.Fast)
- .CloseDuration(AnimationDuration.Fast);
- })
- Sets whether the window should be modal or not.
- Sets whether the window can be moved.
- Builder class for fluently configuring the shared group.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The default path.
- The assets.
- Adds the group.
- The name.
- The configure action.
- Gets the group.
- The name.
- The configure action.
- Executes the provided delegate that is used to configure stylesheets.
- The configure action.
- Executes the provided delegate that is used to configure scripts.
- The configure action.
- The web asset Configuration.
- Gets the name of the section.
- The name of the section.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use telerik content delivery network.
- true if [use telerik content delivery network]; otherwise, false.
- Gets the style sheets.
- The style sheets.
- Gets the scripts.
- The scripts.
- Web asset item configuration element.
- Gets or sets the source.
- The source.
- Web asset item configuration collection.
- Adds the specified element.
- The element.
- When overridden in a derived class, creates a new .
- A new .
- Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class.
- The to return the key for.
- An that acts as the key for the specified .
- Gets the with the specified source.
- Web asset group configuration element.
- Gets or sets the name.
- The name.
- Gets or sets the default path.
- The default path.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use telerik content delivery network.
- true if [use telerik content delivery network]; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the content delivery network URL.
- The content delivery network URL.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is enabled.
- true if enabled; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the version.
- The version.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is compress.
- true if compress; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the cache duration in days.
- The cache duration in days.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is combined.
- true if combined; otherwise, false.
- Gets the items.
- The items.
- Web asset group configuration collection
- Adds the specified element.
- The element.
- When overridden in a derived class, creates a new .
- A new .
- Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class.
- The to return the key for.
- An that acts as the key for the specified .
- Gets the with the specified name.
- The HttpHandler to compress, cache and combine web assets.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The asset registry.
- The HTTP response compressor.
- The HTTP response cacher.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Enables a WebAssetHttpHandler object to process of requests.
- The context.
- Gets or sets the default path of the asset.
- The default path.
- Gets or sets the name of the id parameter.
- The name of the id parameter.
- Contains default asset settings.
- Gets or sets the style sheet files path. Path must be a virtual path.
- The style sheet files path.
- Gets or sets the script files path. Path must be a virtual path.
- The script files path.
- Gets or sets the version.
- The version.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether assets should be served as compressed.
- true if compress; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether assets shoule be combined.
- true if combined; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the cache duration in days.
- The cache duration in days.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use telerik content delivery network].
- true if [use telerik content delivery network]; otherwise, false.
- Defines members that a class must implement in order to provide helper methods for resolving virtual path.
- Returns the physical path for the specified virtual path.
- The virtual path.
- Defines members that a class must implement in order to compress the response.
- Compresses the response.
- The context.
- Defines members that must be implemented for cache the http response
- Caches the response for the specified duration.
- The context.
- The duration.
- Defines the read operaations of configuration.
- Gets the section with the specified name.
- Name of the section.
- Defines the factory to create .
- Creates a writer.
- The id.
- The type.
- The text writer.
- Provides an attribute to change the enum value for client side.
- Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified value for the client side.
- The value.
- Gets or sets the value for client side.
- The value.
- Encapsulates the ConfigurationManager object that contains methods for accessing System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache object.
- Gets the section with the specified name.
- Name of the section.
- Contains extension methods of IDictionary<string, objectT>.
- Merges the specified instance.
- The instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if set to true [replace existing].
- Appends the in value.
- The instance.
- The key.
- The separator.
- The value.
- Appends the specified value at the beginning of the existing value
- Toes the attribute string.
- The instance.
- Merges the specified instance.
- The instance.
- From.
- if set to true [replace existing].
- Merges the specified instance.
- The instance.
- From.
- Merges the specified instance.
- The instance.
- The values.
- if set to true [replace existing].
- Merges the specified instance.
- The instance.
- The values.
- Contains extension methods of .
- Requests the context.
- The instance.
- Gets a value indicating whether we're running under Mono.
- true if Mono; otherwise, false.
- Gets a value indicating whether we're running under Linux or a Unix variant.
- true if Linux/Unix; otherwise, false.
- Encapsulates the HTTP intrinsic object that compress the response
- Compresses the response.
- The context.
- Class use to resolve physical path for virtual path.
- Returns the physical path for the specified virtual path.
- The virtual path.
- Helper class for argument validation.
- Ensures the specified argument is not null.
- The parameter.
- Name of the parameter.
- Ensures the specified string is not blank.
- The parameter.
- Name of the parameter.
- Ensures the specified array is not null or empty.
- The parameter.
- Name of the parameter.
- Ensures the specified collection is not null or empty.
- The parameter.
- Name of the parameter.
- Ensures the specified value is a positive integer.
- The parameter.
- Name of the parameter.
- Ensures the specified value is not a negative integer.
- The parameter.
- Name of the parameter.
- Ensures the specified value is not a negative float.
- The parameter.
- Name of the parameter.
- Ensures the specified path is a virtual path which starts with ~/.
- The parameter.
- Name of the parameter.
- Contains extension methods of .
- Starts thread safe read write code block.
- The instance.
- Starts thread safe read code block.
- The instance.
- Starts thread safe write code block.
- The instance.
- Contains the extension methods of .
- Replaces the format item in a specified System.String with the text equivalent of the value of a corresponding System.Object instance in a specified array.
- A string to format.
- An System.Object array containing zero or more objects to format.
- A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the System.String equivalent of the corresponding instances of System.Object in args.
- Determines whether this instance and another specified System.String object have the same value.
- The string to check equality.
- The comparing with string.
- true if the value of the comparing parameter is the same as this string; otherwise, false.
- Determines whether this instance and another specified System.String object have the same value.
- The string to check equality.
- The comparing with string.
- true if the value of the comparing parameter is the same as this string; otherwise, false.
- Compresses the specified instance.
- The instance.
- Decompresses the specified instance.
- The instance.
- A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
- Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
- Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
- resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
- Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" array cannot be empty..
- Looks up a localized string similar to You must use InCell edit mode for batch updates..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The Update data binding setting is required for batch updates. Please specify the Update action or url in the DataBinding configuration..
- Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" cannot be negative..
- Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" cannot be negative or zero..
- Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" cannot be null..
- Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" cannot be null or empty..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot find a public property of primitive type to sort by..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot have more one column in order when sort mode is set to single column..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot route to class named 'Controller'..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot use Ajax and WebService binding at the same time..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot use PageOnScroll with Server binding..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot use only server templates in Ajax or WebService binding mode. Please specify a client template as well..
- Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" collection cannot be empty..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Multiple types were found that match the controller named '{0}'. This can happen if the route that services this request does not specify namespaces to search for a controller that matches the request. If this is the case, register this route by calling an overload of the 'MapRoute' method that takes a 'namespaces' parameter.
- The request for '{0}' has found the following matching controllers:{1}.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Multiple types were found that match the controller named '{0}'. This can happen if the route that services this request ('{1}') does not specify namespaces to search for a controller that matches the request. If this is the case, register this route by calling an overload of the 'MapRoute' method that takes a 'namespaces' parameter.
- The request for '{0}' has found the following matching controllers:{2}.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Controller name must end with 'Controller'..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The DataKeys collection is empty. Please specify a data key..
- Looks up a localized string similar to DataTable InLine editing and custom EditorTemplate per column is not supported.
- Looks up a localized string similar to The Delete data binding setting is required by the delete command. Please specify the Delete action or url in the DataBinding configuration..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The Update data binding setting is required by the edit command. Please specify the Update action or url in the DataBinding configuration..
- Looks up a localized string similar to {0} should not be bigger then {1}..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Group with specified name already exists..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Group with specified name "{0}" already exists. Please specify a different name..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Group with "{0}" does not exist in {1} SharedWebAssets..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Group with specified name "{0}" does not exist. Please make sure you have specified a correct name..
- Looks up a localized string similar to InCell editing mode is not supported in server binding mode.
- Looks up a localized string similar to InCell editing mode is not supported when ClientRowTemplate is used.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Provided index is out of range..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The Insert data binding setting is required by the insert command. Please specify the Insert action or url in the DataBinding configuration..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Item with specified source already exists..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Local group with name "{0}" already exists..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The key with the following name "{0}" was not found. Please update all localization files..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Bound columns require a field or property access expression..
- Looks up a localized string similar to {0} should be less than {1}..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Name cannot be blank..
- Looks up a localized string similar to "None" is only used for internal purpose..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Only one ScriptRegistrar is allowed in a single request..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Only one StyleSheetRegistrar is allowed in a single request..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Only property and field expressions are supported.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Paging must be enabled to use PageOnScroll..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The {0} must be begger then 0..
- Looks up a localized string similar to {0} must be positive number..
- Looks up a localized string similar to {0} should be bigger than {1} and less then {2}.
- Looks up a localized string similar to The "{0}" class is no longer supported. To enable RTL support you must include telerik.rtl.css and apply the "t-rtl" class to a parent HTML element or the <body>..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Scrolling must be enabled to use PageOnScroll..
- Looks up a localized string similar to You must have SiteMap defined with key "{0}" in ViewData dictionary..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Source must be a virtual path which should starts with "~/".
- Looks up a localized string similar to Specified file does not exist: "{0}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Passed string cannot be parsed to DateTime object..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Passed string cannot be parsed to TimeSpan object..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The specified method is not an action method..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Time should be bigger than MinTime and less than MaxTime..
- Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot set Url and ContentUrl at the same time..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The value '{0}' is invalid..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The Url of the WebService must be set.
- Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot add more than once column when sort mode is set to single column..
- Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot use non generic BindTo overload without EnableCustomBinding set to true.
- Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot call render more than once..
- Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot call Start more than once..
- Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot configure a shared web asset group..
- Looks up a localized string similar to You must have to call Start prior calling this method..
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The default path.
- Finds the group with the specified name.
- The name.
- Finds the item with the specified source.
- The source.
- Adds the specified source as .
- The item source.
- Adds the specified source as in the specified .
- Name of the group.
- The item source.
- Inserts the specified source as at the specified index.
- The index.
- The item source.
- Inserts the specified source as at the specified index in the specified .
- The index.
- Name of the group.
- The item source.
- Inserts an element into the at the specified index.
- The zero-based index at which should be inserted.
- The object to insert. The value can be null for reference types.
- is less than zero.
- -or-
- is greater than .
- Replaces the element at the specified index.
- The zero-based index of the element to replace.
- The new value for the element at the specified index. The value can be null for reference types.
- is less than zero.
- -or-
- is greater than .
- Gets or sets the default path.
- The default path.
- Gets the asset groups.
- The asset groups.
- Gets the asset items.
- The asset items.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring web assets.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Type of the asset.
- The assets.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The builder.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns the internal collection.
- Adds a new web asset
- The source.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .Scripts(scripts => scripts.Add("script1.js"))
- %>
- Adds a new web asset group.
- The name.
- The configure action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .Scripts(scripts => scripts.AddGroup("Group1", group =>
- {
- group.Add("script1.js");
- }
- ))
- %>
- Adds the specified shared group.
- The name.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .Scripts(scripts => scripts.AddShareGroup("SharedGroup1"))
- %>
- Executes the provided delegate that is used to configure the group fluently.
- The name.
- The configure action.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The name.
- if set to true [is shared].
- Gets or sets the name.
- The name.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is shared.
- true if this instance is shared; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the default path.
- The default path.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik content delivery network would be used.
- true if [use Telerik content delivery network]; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the content delivery network URL.
- The content delivery network URL.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is disabled.
- true if disabled; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the version.
- The version.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is compress.
- true if compress; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the cache duration in days.
- The cache duration in days.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is combined.
- true if combined; otherwise, false.
- Gets the items.
- The items.
- Class used to build initialization script of jQuery plugin.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The id.
- The type.
- The text writer.
- Starts writing this instance.
- Appends the specified key value pair to the end of this instance.
- The key value pair.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and nullable value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- The default value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- if set to true [value].
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- if set to true [value].
- if set to true [default value].
- Appends the specified name and only the date of the passed .
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and only the date of the passed .
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The action.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The name.
- The action.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The type of the enum.
- The name.
- The value.
- Appends the specified name and value to the end of this instance.
- The type of the enum.
- The name.
- The value.
- The default value.
- Completes this instance.
- Defines members that a class must implement in order to provide helper methods for resolving relative path.
- Returns the relative path for the specified virtual path.
- The URL.
- HTMLHelper extension for providing access to .
- Gets the Telerik View Component Factory
- The helper.
- The Factory
- Gets the Telerik View Component Factory
- The helper.
- The Factory
- Container of scriptable component.
- Registers the specified component.
- The component.
- Defines members that a class must implement in order to act as wrapper for script,
- Gets the on page load start.
- The on page load start.
- Gets the on page load end.
- The on page load end.
- Gets the on page unload start.
- The on page unload start.
- Gets the on page unload end.
- The on page unload end.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The style sheet registrar.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The builder.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns the internal style sheet registrar.
- Sets the asset handler path. Path must be a virtual path.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar()
- .AssetHandlerPath("~/asset.axd")
- %>
- Configures the .
- The configure action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group
- .Add("style1.css")
- .Add("style2.css")
- .Combined(true)
- )
- %>
- Executes the provided delegate that is used to register the stylesheet files fluently.
- The configure action.
- Renders the
- <% Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar()
- .Render();
- %>
- Manages ASP.NET MVC views style sheet files.
- Used to ensure that the same instance is used for the same HttpContext.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The style sheets.
- The view context.
- The asset merger.
- Writes the stylesheets in the response.
- Writes all stylesheet source.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets the asset handler path. Path must be a virtual path. The default value is set to WebAssetHttpHandler.DefaultPath.
- The asset handler path.
- Gets or sets the default group.
- The default group.
- Gets the stylesheets that will be rendered in the view.
- The style sheets.
- Gets or sets the view context.
- The view context.
- Class used to resolve relative path for virtual path.
- Returns the relative path for the specified virtual path.
- The URL.
- Wrap the script for the jQuery ready/unload events.
- Gets the on page load start.
- The on page load start.
- Gets the on page load end.
- The on page load end.
- Gets the on page unload start.
- The on page unload start.
- Gets the on page unload end.
- The on page unload end.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The asset item group.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The builder.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns the internal group.
- Sets whether Telerik content delivery network would be used.
- if set to true [value].
- Sets the content delivery network URL.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group.ContentDeliveryNetworkUrl("http://www.example.com"))
- %>
- Enables or disables the group
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group.Enabled((bool)ViewData["enabled"]))
- %>
- Sets the version.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group.Version("1.1"))
- %>
- Sets whether the groups will be served as compressed. By default asset groups are not compressed.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group.Compress(true))
- %>
- Sets the caches the duration of this group.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group.CacheDurationInDays(365))
- %>
- Sets whether the groups items will be served as combined.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group.Combined(true))
- %>
- Sets the defaults path of the containing .
- The path.
- Adds the specified source as .
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group.Add("script1.js"))
- %>
- Manages ASP.NET MVC javascript files and statements.
- Used to ensure that the same instance is used for the same HttpContext.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The scripts.
- The scriptable components.
- The view context.
- The asset merger.
- The script wrapper.
- Registers the scriptable component.
- The component.
- Writes the scripts in the response.
- Writes all script source and script statements.
- The writer.
- Gets the framework script file names.
- The framework script file names.
- Gets the validation script file names.
- The validation script file names.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether [exclude framework scripts].
- true if [exclude framework scripts]; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether [exclude validation scripts].
- true if [exclude validation scripts]; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the asset handler path. Path must be a virtual path. The default value is set to .
- The asset handler path.
- Gets the default script group.
- The default group.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether [enable globalization].
- true if [enable globalization]; otherwise, false.
- Gets the scripts that will be rendered in the view.
- The scripts.
- Gets the on document ready actions.
- The on page load actions.
- Gets the on document ready statements that is used in RenderAction
- The on page load actions.
- Gets the on window unload actions.
- The on page unload actions.
- Gets the on window unload statements.that is used in RenderAction
- The on page load actions.
- Gets the view context.
- The view context.
- Gets the script wrapper that is used to write the script statements.
- The script wrapper.
- Defines the fluent interface for configuring the component.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The script registrar.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The builder.
- The result of the conversion.
- Returns the internal script registrar.
- Sets the asset handler path. Path must be a virtual path.
- The value.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .AssetHandlerPath("~/asset.axd")
- %>
- Configures the .
- The configure action.
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .DefaultGroup(group => group
- .Add("script1.js")
- .Add("script2.js")
- .Combined(true)
- )
- %>
- Enables globalization support.
- if set to true [enable].
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .Globalization(true)
- %>
- Includes the jQuery script files. By default jQuery JavaScript is included.
- Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC require jQuery so make sure you manually include the JavaScript file
- if you disable the automatic including.
- if set to true [enable].
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .jQuery(false)
- %>
- Sets whether the jQuery validation script files will be registered. By default jQuery Validation JavaScript is included, if needed.
- Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC use jQuery validation
- if set to true [enable].
- <%= Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .jQueryValidation(false)
- %>
- Executes the provided delegate that is used to register the script files fluently in different groups.
- The configure action.
- Defines the inline handler executed when the DOM document is ready (using the $(document).ready jQuery event)
- The action defining the inline handler
- <% Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .OnDocumentReady(() =>
- {
- %>
- function() {
- alert("Document is ready");
- }
- <%
- })
- .Render();
- %>
- Defines the inline handler executed when the DOM document is ready (using the $(document).ready jQuery event)
- The code of the inline handler wrapped in a text tag (Razor syntax)
- @(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .OnDocumentReady(
- @<text>
- alert("Document is ready");
- </text>
- })
- )
- Appends the specified statement in $(document).ready jQuery event. This method should be
- used in Html.RenderAction()
- The statements.
- Defines the inline handler executed when the DOM window object is unloaded.
- The action defining the inline handler
- <% Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .OnWindowUnload(() =>
- {
- %>
- function() {
- // event handler code
- }
- <%
- })
- .Render();
- %>
- Appends the specified statement window unload event. This method should be
- used in Html.RenderAction()
- The statements.
- Renders the
- <% Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
- .Render();
- %>
- Web asset types.
- None, used for internal purpose.
- Stylesheet
- Javascript
diff --git a/NzbDrone.1.1.dotCover b/NzbDrone.1.1.dotCover
deleted file mode 100644
index dfbada1f3..000000000
--- a/NzbDrone.1.1.dotCover
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- D:\My Dropbox\Git\NzbDrone
- *
- *
- *
\ No newline at end of file