New: Colon replacement naming option

(cherry picked from commit b3260ba8661f3b2c6996eee7e04974e8f41365d5)
Mark McDowall 1 year ago committed by Bogdan
parent 35248c277d
commit b6967aed47

@ -87,6 +87,15 @@ class Naming extends Component {
} = this.state;
const renameTracks = hasSettings && settings.renameTracks.value;
const replaceIllegalCharacters = hasSettings && settings.replaceIllegalCharacters.value;
const colonReplacementOptions = [
{ key: 0, value: translate('Delete') },
{ key: 1, value: translate('ReplaceWithDash') },
{ key: 2, value: translate('ReplaceWithSpaceDash') },
{ key: 3, value: translate('ReplaceWithSpaceDashSpace') },
{ key: 4, value: translate('SmartReplace'), hint: translate('DashOrSpaceDashDependingOnName') }
const standardTrackFormatHelpTexts = [];
const standardTrackFormatErrors = [];
@ -160,6 +169,24 @@ class Naming extends Component {
replaceIllegalCharacters ?
</FormGroup> :
renameTracks &&

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ namespace Lidarr.Api.V1.Config
public bool RenameTracks { get; set; }
public bool ReplaceIllegalCharacters { get; set; }
public int ColonReplacementFormat { get; set; }
public string StandardTrackFormat { get; set; }
public string MultiDiscTrackFormat { get; set; }
public string ArtistFolderFormat { get; set; }

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace Lidarr.Api.V1.Config
RenameTracks = model.RenameTracks,
ReplaceIllegalCharacters = model.ReplaceIllegalCharacters,
ColonReplacementFormat = (int)model.ColonReplacementFormat,
StandardTrackFormat = model.StandardTrackFormat,
MultiDiscTrackFormat = model.MultiDiscTrackFormat,
ArtistFolderFormat = model.ArtistFolderFormat
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ namespace Lidarr.Api.V1.Config
RenameTracks = resource.RenameTracks,
ReplaceIllegalCharacters = resource.ReplaceIllegalCharacters,
ColonReplacementFormat = (ColonReplacementFormat)resource.ColonReplacementFormat,
StandardTrackFormat = resource.StandardTrackFormat,
MultiDiscTrackFormat = resource.MultiDiscTrackFormat,

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using FizzWare.NBuilder;
using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NzbDrone.Core.CustomFormats;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles;
using NzbDrone.Core.Music;
using NzbDrone.Core.Organizer;
using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities;
using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.OrganizerTests.FileNameBuilderTests
public class ColonReplacementFixture : CoreTest<FileNameBuilder>
private Artist _artist;
private Album _album;
private AlbumRelease _release;
private Track _track;
private TrackFile _trackFile;
private NamingConfig _namingConfig;
public void Setup()
_artist = Builder<Artist>
.With(s => s.Name = "Nu:Tone")
_album = Builder<Album>
.With(s => s.Title = "Medical History")
_release = Builder<AlbumRelease>
.With(s => s.Media = new List<Medium> { new () { Number = 14 } })
_track = Builder<Track>.CreateNew()
.With(e => e.Title = "System: Accapella")
.With(e => e.AbsoluteTrackNumber = 14)
.With(e => e.AlbumRelease = _release)
_trackFile = new TrackFile { Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.MP3_256), ReleaseGroup = "LidarrTest" };
_namingConfig = NamingConfig.Default;
_namingConfig.RenameTracks = true;
.Setup(c => c.GetConfig()).Returns(_namingConfig);
.Setup(v => v.Get(Moq.It.IsAny<Quality>()))
.Returns<Quality>(v => Quality.DefaultQualityDefinitions.First(c => c.Quality == v));
.Setup(v => v.All())
.Returns(new List<CustomFormat>());
public void should_replace_colon_followed_by_space_with_space_dash_space_by_default()
_namingConfig.StandardTrackFormat = "{Artist Name} - {Album Title} - {Track Title}";
Subject.BuildTrackFileName(new List<Track> { _track }, _artist, _album, _trackFile)
.Should().Be("Nu-Tone - Medical History - System - Accapella");
[TestCase("System: Accapella", ColonReplacementFormat.Smart, "Nu-Tone - Medical History - System - Accapella")]
[TestCase("System: Accapella", ColonReplacementFormat.Dash, "Nu-Tone - Medical History - System- Accapella")]
[TestCase("System: Accapella", ColonReplacementFormat.Delete, "NuTone - Medical History - System Accapella")]
[TestCase("System: Accapella", ColonReplacementFormat.SpaceDash, "Nu -Tone - Medical History - System - Accapella")]
[TestCase("System: Accapella", ColonReplacementFormat.SpaceDashSpace, "Nu - Tone - Medical History - System - Accapella")]
public void should_replace_colon_followed_by_space_with_expected_result(string trackTitle, ColonReplacementFormat replacementFormat, string expected)
_track.Title = trackTitle;
_namingConfig.StandardTrackFormat = "{Artist Name} - {Album Title} - {Track Title}";
_namingConfig.ColonReplacementFormat = replacementFormat;
Subject.BuildTrackFileName(new List<Track> { _track }, _artist, _album, _trackFile)
[TestCase("Artist:Name", ColonReplacementFormat.Smart, "Artist-Name")]
[TestCase("Artist:Name", ColonReplacementFormat.Dash, "Artist-Name")]
[TestCase("Artist:Name", ColonReplacementFormat.Delete, "ArtistName")]
[TestCase("Artist:Name", ColonReplacementFormat.SpaceDash, "Artist -Name")]
[TestCase("Artist:Name", ColonReplacementFormat.SpaceDashSpace, "Artist - Name")]
public void should_replace_colon_with_expected_result(string artistName, ColonReplacementFormat replacementFormat, string expected)
_artist.Name = artistName;
_namingConfig.StandardTrackFormat = "{Artist Name}";
_namingConfig.ColonReplacementFormat = replacementFormat;
Subject.BuildTrackFileName(new List<Track> { _track }, _artist, _album, _trackFile)

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
using FluentMigrator;
using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Migration.Framework;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Migration
public class add_colon_replacement_to_naming_config : NzbDroneMigrationBase
protected override void MainDbUpgrade()

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
"Close": "Close",
"CollapseMultipleAlbums": "Collapse Multiple Albums",
"CollapseMultipleAlbumsHelpText": "Collapse multiple albums releasing on the same day",
"ColonReplacement": "Colon Replacement",
"Columns": "Columns",
"CombineWithExistingFiles": "Combine With Existing Files",
"CompletedDownloadHandling": "Completed Download Handling",
@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"CutoffHelpText": "Once this quality is reached Lidarr will no longer download albums",
"CutoffUnmet": "Cutoff Unmet",
"DBMigration": "DB Migration",
"DashOrSpaceDashDependingOnName": "Dash or Space Dash depending on name",
"Database": "Database",
"Date": "Date",
"DateAdded": "Date Added",
@ -711,6 +713,9 @@
"ReplaceExistingFiles": "Replace Existing Files",
"ReplaceIllegalCharacters": "Replace Illegal Characters",
"ReplaceIllegalCharactersHelpText": "Replace illegal characters. If unchecked, Lidarr will remove them instead",
"ReplaceWithDash": "Replace with Dash",
"ReplaceWithSpaceDash": "Replace with Space Dash",
"ReplaceWithSpaceDashSpace": "Replace with Space Dash Space",
"RequiredHelpText": "The release must contain at least one of these terms (case insensitive)",
"RequiredPlaceHolder": "Add new restriction",
"RequiresRestartToTakeEffect": "Requires restart to take effect",
@ -816,6 +821,7 @@
"SkipFreeSpaceCheckWhenImportingHelpText": "Use when Lidarr is unable to detect free space from your artist root folder",
"SkipRedownload": "Skip Redownload",
"SkipredownloadHelpText": "Prevents Lidarr from trying download alternative releases for the removed items",
"SmartReplace": "Smart Replace",
"SomeResultsFiltered": "Some results are hidden by the applied filter",
"SorryThatAlbumCannotBeFound": "Sorry, that album cannot be found.",
"SorryThatArtistCannotBeFound": "Sorry, that artist cannot be found.",

@ -242,30 +242,17 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
return TitlePrefixRegex.Replace(title, "$2, $1$3");
public static string CleanFileName(string name, bool replace = true)
public static string CleanFileName(string name)
string result = name;
string[] badCharacters = { "\\", "/", "<", ">", "?", "*", ":", "|", "\"" };
string[] goodCharacters = { "+", "+", "", "", "!", "-", "-", "", "" };
// Replace a colon followed by a space with space dash space for a better appearance
if (replace)
result = result.Replace(": ", " - ");
for (int i = 0; i < badCharacters.Length; i++)
result = result.Replace(badCharacters[i], replace ? goodCharacters[i] : string.Empty);
return result.Trim();
return CleanFileName(name, NamingConfig.Default);
public static string CleanFolderName(string name)
name = FileNameCleanupRegex.Replace(name, match => match.Captures[0].Value[0].ToString());
return name.Trim(' ', '.');
name = name.Trim(' ', '.');
return CleanFileName(name);
private void AddArtistTokens(Dictionary<string, Func<TokenMatch, string>> tokenHandlers, Artist artist)
@ -423,7 +410,7 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
replacementText = replacementText.Replace(" ", tokenMatch.Separator);
replacementText = CleanFileName(replacementText, namingConfig.ReplaceIllegalCharacters);
replacementText = CleanFileName(replacementText, namingConfig);
if (!replacementText.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
@ -551,6 +538,53 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(trackFile.Path);
private static string CleanFileName(string name, NamingConfig namingConfig)
var result = name;
string[] badCharacters = { "\\", "/", "<", ">", "?", "*", "|", "\"" };
string[] goodCharacters = { "+", "+", "", "", "!", "-", "", "" };
if (namingConfig.ReplaceIllegalCharacters)
// Smart replaces a colon followed by a space with space dash space for a better appearance
if (namingConfig.ColonReplacementFormat == ColonReplacementFormat.Smart)
result = result.Replace(": ", " - ");
result = result.Replace(":", "-");
var replacement = string.Empty;
switch (namingConfig.ColonReplacementFormat)
case ColonReplacementFormat.Dash:
replacement = "-";
case ColonReplacementFormat.SpaceDash:
replacement = " -";
case ColonReplacementFormat.SpaceDashSpace:
replacement = " - ";
result = result.Replace(":", replacement);
result = result.Replace(":", string.Empty);
for (var i = 0; i < badCharacters.Length; i++)
result = result.Replace(badCharacters[i], namingConfig.ReplaceIllegalCharacters ? goodCharacters[i] : string.Empty);
return result.TrimStart(' ', '.').TrimEnd(' ');
internal sealed class TokenMatch
@ -584,4 +618,13 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
Range = 4,
PrefixedRange = 5
public enum ColonReplacementFormat
Delete = 0,
Dash = 1,
SpaceDash = 2,
SpaceDashSpace = 3,
Smart = 4

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
RenameTracks = false,
ReplaceIllegalCharacters = true,
ColonReplacementFormat = ColonReplacementFormat.Smart,
StandardTrackFormat = "{Album Title} ({Release Year})/{Artist Name} - {Album Title} - {track:00} - {Track Title}",
MultiDiscTrackFormat = "{Album Title} ({Release Year})/{Medium Format} {medium:00}/{Artist Name} - {Album Title} - {track:00} - {Track Title}",
ArtistFolderFormat = "{Artist Name}",
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer
public bool RenameTracks { get; set; }
public bool ReplaceIllegalCharacters { get; set; }
public ColonReplacementFormat ColonReplacementFormat { get; set; }
public string StandardTrackFormat { get; set; }
public string MultiDiscTrackFormat { get; set; }
public string ArtistFolderFormat { get; set; }
