"DownloadClientDelugeSettingsDirectoryCompleted":"Move When Completed Directory",
"DownloadClientDelugeSettingsDirectoryCompletedHelpText":"Optional location to move completed downloads to, leave blank to use the default Deluge location",
"DownloadClientDelugeSettingsDirectoryHelpText":"Optional location to put downloads in, leave blank to use the default Deluge location",
"DownloadClientPriorityHelpText":"Download Client Priority from 1 (Highest) to 50 (Lowest). Default: 1. Round-Robin is used for clients with the same priority.",
"DownloadClientQbittorrentSettingsContentLayoutHelpText":"Whether to use qBittorrent's configured content layout, the original layout from the torrent or always create a subfolder (qBittorrent 4.3.2+)",