"MonitoringOptionsHelpText":"Which albums should be monitored after the artist is added (one-time adjustment)",
"MoreInfo":"More Info",
"MountCheckMessage":"Mount containing a movie path is mounted read-only: ",
"MountCheckMessage":"Mount containing music path is mounted read-only: ",
"MoveAutomatically":"Move Automatically",
"MoveFiles":"Move Files",
"MultiDiscTrackFormat":"Multi Disc Track Format",
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@
"RemotePathHelpText":"Root path to the directory that the Download Client accesses",
"RemotePathMappingCheckBadDockerPath":"You are using docker; download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckDockerFolderMissing":"You are using docker; download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckDownloadPermissions":"{appName} can see but not access downloaded movie {0}. Likely permissions error.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckDownloadPermissions":"{appName} can see but not access downloaded music {0}. Likely permissions error.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFileRemoved":"File {0} was removed part way through processing.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFilesBadDockerPath":"You are using docker; download client {0} reported files in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFilesGenericPermissions":"Download client {0} reported files in {1} but {appName} cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder's permissions.",
@ -959,7 +959,7 @@
"RemotePathMappingCheckFilesWrongOSPath":"Remote download client {0} reported files in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your remote path mappings and download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckFolderPermissions":"{appName} can see but not access download directory {0}. Likely permissions error.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckGenericPermissions":"Download client {0} places downloads in {1} but {appName} cannot see this directory. You may need to adjust the folder's permissions.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckImportFailed":"{appName} failed to import a movie. Check your logs for details.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckImportFailed":"{appName} failed to import music. Check your logs for details.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckLocalFolderMissing":"Remote download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing or incorrect remote path mapping.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckLocalWrongOSPath":"Local download client {0} places downloads in {1} but this is not a valid {2} path. Review your download client settings.",
"RemotePathMappingCheckRemoteDownloadClient":"Remote download client {0} reported files in {1} but this directory does not appear to exist. Likely missing remote path mapping.",