using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Disk; using NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine; using NzbDrone.Core.Download; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.TrackImport; using NzbDrone.Core.Music; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model; namespace NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles { public interface IDownloadedTracksImportService { List ProcessRootFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo); List ProcessPath(string path, ImportMode importMode = ImportMode.Auto, Artist artist = null, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem = null); bool ShouldDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, Artist artist); } public class DownloadedTracksImportService : IDownloadedTracksImportService { private readonly IDiskProvider _diskProvider; private readonly IDiskScanService _diskScanService; private readonly IArtistService _artistService; private readonly IParsingService _parsingService; private readonly IMakeImportDecision _importDecisionMaker; private readonly IImportApprovedTracks _importApprovedTracks; private readonly Logger _logger; public DownloadedTracksImportService(IDiskProvider diskProvider, IDiskScanService diskScanService, IArtistService artistService, IParsingService parsingService, IMakeImportDecision importDecisionMaker, IImportApprovedTracks importApprovedTracks, Logger logger) { _diskProvider = diskProvider; _diskScanService = diskScanService; _artistService = artistService; _parsingService = parsingService; _importDecisionMaker = importDecisionMaker; _importApprovedTracks = importApprovedTracks; _logger = logger; } public List ProcessRootFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo) { var results = new List(); foreach (var subFolder in _diskProvider.GetDirectories(directoryInfo.FullName)) { var folderResults = ProcessFolder(new DirectoryInfo(subFolder), ImportMode.Auto, null); results.AddRange(folderResults); } foreach (var videoFile in _diskScanService.GetNonAudioFiles(directoryInfo.FullName, false)) { var fileResults = ProcessFile(new FileInfo(videoFile), ImportMode.Auto, null); results.AddRange(fileResults); } return results; } public List ProcessPath(string path, ImportMode importMode = ImportMode.Auto, Artist artist = null, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem = null) { if (_diskProvider.FolderExists(path)) { var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (artist == null) { return ProcessFolder(directoryInfo, importMode, downloadClientItem); } return ProcessFolder(directoryInfo, importMode, artist, downloadClientItem); } if (_diskProvider.FileExists(path)) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); if (artist == null) { return ProcessFile(fileInfo, importMode, downloadClientItem); } return ProcessFile(fileInfo, importMode, artist, downloadClientItem); } _logger.Error("Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Lidarr: {0}", path); return new List(); } public bool ShouldDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, Artist artist) { var audioFiles = _diskScanService.GetNonAudioFiles(directoryInfo.FullName); var rarFiles = _diskProvider.GetFiles(directoryInfo.FullName, SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(f => Path.GetExtension(f).Equals(".rar", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); foreach (var audioFile in audioFiles) { var albumParseResult = Parser.Parser.ParseMusicTitle(Path.GetFileName(audioFile)); if (albumParseResult == null) { _logger.Warn("Unable to parse file on import: [{0}]", audioFile); return false; } var size = _diskProvider.GetFileSize(audioFile); var quality = QualityParser.ParseQuality(audioFile); //if (!_detectSample.IsSample(artist, quality, audioFile, size, albumParseResult.IsPossibleSpecialEpisode)) //{ // _logger.Warn("Non-sample file detected: [{0}]", audioFile); // return false; //} } if (rarFiles.Any(f => _diskProvider.GetFileSize(f) > 10.Megabytes())) { _logger.Warn("RAR file detected, will require manual cleanup"); return false; } return true; } private List ProcessFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, ImportMode importMode, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem) { var cleanedUpName = GetCleanedUpFolderName(directoryInfo.Name); var files = _diskScanService.GetAudioFiles(directoryInfo.FullName); var artist = _parsingService.GetArtist(files.First()); if (artist == null) { _logger.Debug("Unknown Artist {0}", cleanedUpName); return new List { UnknownArtistResult("Unknown Artist") }; } return ProcessFolder(directoryInfo, importMode, artist, downloadClientItem); } private List ProcessFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, ImportMode importMode, Artist artist, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem) { if (_artistService.ArtistPathExists(directoryInfo.FullName)) { _logger.Warn("Unable to process folder that is mapped to an existing artist"); return new List(); } var cleanedUpName = GetCleanedUpFolderName(directoryInfo.Name); var folderInfo = Parser.Parser.ParseAlbumTitle(directoryInfo.Name); var trackInfo = new ParsedTrackInfo { }; if (folderInfo != null) { _logger.Debug("{0} folder quality: {1}", cleanedUpName, folderInfo.Quality); trackInfo = new ParsedTrackInfo { AlbumTitle = folderInfo.AlbumTitle, ArtistTitle = folderInfo.ArtistName, Quality = folderInfo.Quality, ReleaseGroup = folderInfo.ReleaseGroup, ReleaseHash = folderInfo.ReleaseHash, }; } var audioFiles = _diskScanService.GetAudioFiles(directoryInfo.FullName); if (downloadClientItem == null) { foreach (var audioFile in audioFiles) { if (_diskProvider.IsFileLocked(audioFile)) { return new List { FileIsLockedResult(audioFile) }; } } } var decisions = _importDecisionMaker.GetImportDecisions(audioFiles.ToList(), artist, trackInfo); var importResults = _importApprovedTracks.Import(decisions, true, downloadClientItem, importMode); if ((downloadClientItem == null || downloadClientItem.CanMoveFiles) && importResults.Any(i => i.Result == ImportResultType.Imported) && ShouldDeleteFolder(directoryInfo, artist)) { _logger.Debug("Deleting folder after importing valid files"); _diskProvider.DeleteFolder(directoryInfo.FullName, true); } return importResults; } private List ProcessFile(FileInfo fileInfo, ImportMode importMode, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem) { var artist = _parsingService.GetArtist(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name)); if (artist == null) { _logger.Debug("Unknown Artist for file: {0}", fileInfo.Name); return new List { UnknownArtistResult(string.Format("Unknown Artist for file: {0}", fileInfo.Name), fileInfo.FullName) }; } return ProcessFile(fileInfo, importMode, artist, downloadClientItem); } private List ProcessFile(FileInfo fileInfo, ImportMode importMode, Artist artist, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.Name).StartsWith("._")) { _logger.Debug("[{0}] starts with '._', skipping", fileInfo.FullName); return new List { new ImportResult(new ImportDecision(new LocalTrack { Path = fileInfo.FullName }, new Rejection("Invalid music file, filename starts with '._'")), "Invalid music file, filename starts with '._'") }; } if (downloadClientItem == null) { if (_diskProvider.IsFileLocked(fileInfo.FullName)) { return new List { FileIsLockedResult(fileInfo.FullName) }; } } var decisions = _importDecisionMaker.GetImportDecisions(new List() { fileInfo.FullName }, artist, null); return _importApprovedTracks.Import(decisions, true, downloadClientItem, importMode); } private string GetCleanedUpFolderName(string folder) { folder = folder.Replace("_UNPACK_", "") .Replace("_FAILED_", ""); return folder; } private ImportResult FileIsLockedResult(string audioFile) { _logger.Debug("[{0}] is currently locked by another process, skipping", audioFile); return new ImportResult(new ImportDecision(new LocalTrack { Path = audioFile }, new Rejection("Locked file, try again later")), "Locked file, try again later"); } private ImportResult UnknownArtistResult(string message, string audioFile = null) { var localTrack = audioFile == null ? null : new LocalTrack { Path = audioFile }; return new ImportResult(new ImportDecision(localTrack, new Rejection("Unknown Artist")), message); } } }