using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Instrumentation.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer; using NzbDrone.Core.CustomFormats; using NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine.Specifications; using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Aggregation; using NzbDrone.Core.IndexerSearch.Definitions; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model; namespace NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine { public interface IMakeDownloadDecision { List GetRssDecision(List reports); List GetSearchDecision(List reports, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteriaBase); } public class DownloadDecisionMaker : IMakeDownloadDecision { private readonly IEnumerable _specifications; private readonly ICustomFormatCalculationService _formatCalculator; private readonly IParsingService _parsingService; private readonly IRemoteAlbumAggregationService _aggregationService; private readonly Logger _logger; public DownloadDecisionMaker(IEnumerable specifications, IParsingService parsingService, ICustomFormatCalculationService formatService, IRemoteAlbumAggregationService aggregationService, Logger logger) { _specifications = specifications; _parsingService = parsingService; _formatCalculator = formatService; _aggregationService = aggregationService; _logger = logger; } public List GetRssDecision(List reports) { return GetAlbumDecisions(reports).ToList(); } public List GetSearchDecision(List reports, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteriaBase) { return GetAlbumDecisions(reports, searchCriteriaBase).ToList(); } private IEnumerable GetAlbumDecisions(List reports, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria = null) { if (reports.Any()) { _logger.ProgressInfo("Processing {0} releases", reports.Count); } else { _logger.ProgressInfo("No results found"); } var reportNumber = 1; foreach (var report in reports) { DownloadDecision decision = null; _logger.ProgressTrace("Processing release {0}/{1}", reportNumber, reports.Count); _logger.Debug("Processing release '{0}' from '{1}'", report.Title, report.Indexer); try { var parsedAlbumInfo = Parser.Parser.ParseAlbumTitle(report.Title); if (parsedAlbumInfo == null && searchCriteria != null) { parsedAlbumInfo = Parser.Parser.ParseAlbumTitleWithSearchCriteria(report.Title, searchCriteria.Artist, searchCriteria.Albums); } if (parsedAlbumInfo != null && !parsedAlbumInfo.ArtistName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var remoteAlbum = _parsingService.Map(parsedAlbumInfo, searchCriteria); remoteAlbum.Release = report; _aggregationService.Augment(remoteAlbum); // try parsing again using the search criteria, in case it parsed but parsed incorrectly if ((remoteAlbum.Artist == null || remoteAlbum.Albums.Empty()) && searchCriteria != null) { _logger.Debug("Artist/Album null for {0}, reparsing with search criteria", report.Title); var parsedAlbumInfoWithCriteria = Parser.Parser.ParseAlbumTitleWithSearchCriteria(report.Title, searchCriteria.Artist, searchCriteria.Albums); if (parsedAlbumInfoWithCriteria != null && parsedAlbumInfoWithCriteria.ArtistName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { remoteAlbum = _parsingService.Map(parsedAlbumInfoWithCriteria, searchCriteria); } } remoteAlbum.Release = report; if (remoteAlbum.Artist == null) { decision = new DownloadDecision(remoteAlbum, new Rejection("Unknown Artist")); // shove in the searched artist in case of forced download in interactive search if (searchCriteria != null) { remoteAlbum.Artist = searchCriteria.Artist; remoteAlbum.Albums = searchCriteria.Albums; } } else if (remoteAlbum.Albums.Empty()) { decision = new DownloadDecision(remoteAlbum, new Rejection("Unable to parse albums from release name")); if (searchCriteria != null) { remoteAlbum.Albums = searchCriteria.Albums; } } else { _aggregationService.Augment(remoteAlbum); remoteAlbum.CustomFormats = _formatCalculator.ParseCustomFormat(remoteAlbum, remoteAlbum.Release.Size); remoteAlbum.CustomFormatScore = remoteAlbum?.Artist?.QualityProfile?.Value.CalculateCustomFormatScore(remoteAlbum.CustomFormats) ?? 0; remoteAlbum.DownloadAllowed = remoteAlbum.Albums.Any(); decision = GetDecisionForReport(remoteAlbum, searchCriteria); } } if (searchCriteria != null) { if (parsedAlbumInfo == null) { parsedAlbumInfo = new ParsedAlbumInfo { Quality = QualityParser.ParseQuality(report.Title, null, 0) }; } if (parsedAlbumInfo.ArtistName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var remoteAlbum = new RemoteAlbum { Release = report, ParsedAlbumInfo = parsedAlbumInfo }; decision = new DownloadDecision(remoteAlbum, new Rejection("Unable to parse release")); } } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error(e, "Couldn't process release."); var remoteAlbum = new RemoteAlbum { Release = report }; decision = new DownloadDecision(remoteAlbum, new Rejection("Unexpected error processing release")); } reportNumber++; if (decision != null) { if (decision.Rejections.Any()) { _logger.Debug("Release rejected for the following reasons: {0}", string.Join(", ", decision.Rejections)); } else { _logger.Debug("Release accepted"); } yield return decision; } } } private DownloadDecision GetDecisionForReport(RemoteAlbum remoteAlbum, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteria = null) { var reasons = new Rejection[0]; foreach (var specifications in _specifications.GroupBy(v => v.Priority).OrderBy(v => v.Key)) { reasons = specifications.Select(c => EvaluateSpec(c, remoteAlbum, searchCriteria)) .Where(c => c != null) .ToArray(); if (reasons.Any()) { break; } } return new DownloadDecision(remoteAlbum, reasons.ToArray()); } private Rejection EvaluateSpec(IDecisionEngineSpecification spec, RemoteAlbum remoteAlbum, SearchCriteriaBase searchCriteriaBase = null) { try { var result = spec.IsSatisfiedBy(remoteAlbum, searchCriteriaBase); if (!result.Accepted) { return new Rejection(result.Reason, spec.Type); } } catch (NotImplementedException) { _logger.Trace("Spec " + spec.GetType().Name + " not implemented."); } catch (Exception e) { e.Data.Add("report", remoteAlbum.Release.ToJson()); e.Data.Add("parsed", remoteAlbum.ParsedAlbumInfo.ToJson()); _logger.Error(e, "Couldn't evaluate decision on {0}", remoteAlbum.Release.Title); return new Rejection($"{spec.GetType().Name}: {e.Message}"); } return null; } } }