using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration; using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles; using NzbDrone.Core.Tv; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Organizer { public interface IBuildFileNames { string BuildFilename(IList episodes, Series series, EpisodeFile episodeFile); string BuildFilename(IList episodes, Series series, EpisodeFile episodeFile, NamingConfig namingConfig); string BuildFilePath(Series series, int seasonNumber, string fileName, string extension); } public interface INamingConfigService { NamingConfig GetConfig(); NamingConfig Save(NamingConfig namingConfig); } public class NamingConfigService : INamingConfigService { private readonly IBasicRepository _repository; public NamingConfigService(IBasicRepository repository) { _repository = repository; } public NamingConfig GetConfig() { var config = _repository.SingleOrDefault(); if (config == null) { _repository.Insert(NamingConfig.Default); config = _repository.Single(); } return config; } public NamingConfig Save(NamingConfig namingConfig) { return _repository.Upsert(namingConfig); } } public class FileNameBuilder : IBuildFileNames { private readonly IConfigService _configService; private readonly INamingConfigService _namingConfigService; private readonly Logger _logger; private static readonly Regex TitleRegex = new Regex(@"(?\{(?:\w+)(?\s|\W|_)\w+\})", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); private static readonly Regex EpisodeRegex = new Regex(@"(?\{0*(?:episode)})", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); private static readonly Regex SeasonRegex = new Regex(@"(?\{0*(?:season)})", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); private static readonly Regex SeasonEpisodePatternRegex = new Regex(@"(?(?<=}).+?)?(?s?{0?season}(?e|x)?(?{0?episode}))(?.+?(?={))?", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); public FileNameBuilder(INamingConfigService namingConfigService, IConfigService configService, Logger logger) { _namingConfigService = namingConfigService; _configService = configService; _logger = logger; } public string BuildFilename(IList episodes, Series series, EpisodeFile episodeFile) { var nameSpec = _namingConfigService.GetConfig(); return BuildFilename(episodes, series, episodeFile, nameSpec); } public string BuildFilename(IList episodes, Series series, EpisodeFile episodeFile, NamingConfig nameSpec) { if (!nameSpec.RenameEpisodes) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(episodeFile.SceneName)) { return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(episodeFile.Path); } return episodeFile.SceneName; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nameSpec.StandardEpisodeFormat) && series.SeriesType == SeriesTypes.Standard) { throw new NamingFormatException("Standard episode format cannot be null"); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nameSpec.DailyEpisodeFormat) && series.SeriesType == SeriesTypes.Daily) { throw new NamingFormatException("Daily episode format cannot be null"); } var sortedEpisodes = episodes.OrderBy(e => e.EpisodeNumber).ToList(); var pattern = nameSpec.StandardEpisodeFormat; var episodeTitles = new List { Parser.Parser.CleanupEpisodeTitle(sortedEpisodes.First().Title) }; var tokenValues = new Dictionary(new FilenameBuilderTokenEqualityComparer()); tokenValues.Add("{Series Title}", series.Title); if (series.SeriesType == SeriesTypes.Daily) { pattern = nameSpec.DailyEpisodeFormat; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(episodes.First().AirDate)) { tokenValues.Add("{Air Date}", episodes.First().AirDate.Replace('-', ' ')); } else { tokenValues.Add("{Air Date}", "Unknown"); } } var seasonEpisode = SeasonEpisodePatternRegex.Match(pattern); if (seasonEpisode.Success) { var episodeFormat = new EpisodeFormat { EpisodeSeparator = seasonEpisode.Groups["episodeSeparator"].Value, Separator = seasonEpisode.Groups["separator"].Value, EpisodePattern = seasonEpisode.Groups["episode"].Value, SeasonEpisodePattern = seasonEpisode.Groups["seasonEpisode"].Value, }; pattern = pattern.Replace(episodeFormat.SeasonEpisodePattern, "{Season Episode}"); var seasonEpisodePattern = episodeFormat.SeasonEpisodePattern; foreach (var episode in sortedEpisodes.Skip(1)) { switch ((MultiEpisodeStyle)nameSpec.MultiEpisodeStyle) { case MultiEpisodeStyle.Duplicate: seasonEpisodePattern += episodeFormat.Separator + episodeFormat.SeasonEpisodePattern; break; case MultiEpisodeStyle.Repeat: seasonEpisodePattern += episodeFormat.EpisodeSeparator + episodeFormat.EpisodePattern; break; case MultiEpisodeStyle.Scene: seasonEpisodePattern += "-" + episodeFormat.EpisodeSeparator + episodeFormat.EpisodePattern; break; //MultiEpisodeStyle.Extend default: seasonEpisodePattern += "-" + episodeFormat.EpisodePattern; break; } episodeTitles.Add(Parser.Parser.CleanupEpisodeTitle(episode.Title)); } seasonEpisodePattern = ReplaceNumberTokens(seasonEpisodePattern, sortedEpisodes); tokenValues.Add("{Season Episode}", seasonEpisodePattern); } tokenValues.Add("{Episode Title}", String.Join(" + ", episodeTitles.Distinct())); tokenValues.Add("{Quality Title}", episodeFile.Quality.ToString()); return CleanFilename(ReplaceTokens(pattern, tokenValues).Trim()); } public string BuildFilePath(Series series, int seasonNumber, string fileName, string extension) { string path = series.Path; if (series.SeasonFolder) { string seasonFolder; if (seasonNumber == 0) { seasonFolder = "Specials"; } else { var tokenValues = new Dictionary(new FilenameBuilderTokenEqualityComparer()); tokenValues.Add("{Series Title}", series.Title); seasonFolder = ReplaceSeasonTokens(_configService.SeasonFolderFormat, seasonNumber); seasonFolder = ReplaceTokens(seasonFolder, tokenValues); } path = Path.Combine(path, seasonFolder); } return Path.Combine(path, fileName + extension); } public static string CleanFilename(string name) { string result = name; string[] badCharacters = { "\\", "/", "<", ">", "?", "*", ":", "|", "\"" }; string[] goodCharacters = { "+", "+", "{", "}", "!", "@", "-", "#", "`" }; for (int i = 0; i < badCharacters.Length; i++) result = result.Replace(badCharacters[i], goodCharacters[i]); return result.Trim(); } private string ReplaceTokens(string pattern, Dictionary tokenValues) { return TitleRegex.Replace(pattern, match => ReplaceToken(match, tokenValues)); } private string ReplaceToken(Match match, Dictionary tokenValues) { var separator = match.Groups["separator"].Value; var token = match.Groups["token"].Value; var replacementText = ""; var patternTokenArray = token.ToCharArray(); if (!tokenValues.TryGetValue(token, out replacementText)) return null; if (patternTokenArray.All(t => !char.IsLetter(t) || char.IsLower(t))) { replacementText = replacementText.ToLowerInvariant(); } else if (patternTokenArray.All(t => !char.IsLetter(t) || char.IsUpper(t))) { replacementText = replacementText.ToUpper(); } if (!separator.Equals(" ")) { replacementText = replacementText.Replace(" ", separator); } return replacementText; } private string ReplaceNumberTokens(string pattern, List episodes) { var episodeIndex = 0; pattern = EpisodeRegex.Replace(pattern, match => { var episode = episodes[episodeIndex].EpisodeNumber; episodeIndex++; return ReplaceNumberToken(match.Groups["episode"].Value, episode); }); return ReplaceSeasonTokens(pattern, episodes.First().SeasonNumber); } private string ReplaceSeasonTokens(string pattern, int seasonNumber) { return SeasonRegex.Replace(pattern, match => ReplaceNumberToken(match.Groups["season"].Value, seasonNumber)); } private string ReplaceNumberToken(string token, int value) { var zeroCount = token.Count(z => z == '0'); return value.ToString().PadLeft(zeroCount + 1, '0'); } private static readonly List MultiEpisodeStyles = new List { new EpisodeSortingType { Id = 0, Name = "Extend", Pattern = "-%0e" }, new EpisodeSortingType { Id = 1, Name = "Duplicate", Pattern = "%p%0s%x%0e" }, new EpisodeSortingType { Id = 2, Name = "Repeat", Pattern = "%x%0e" }, new EpisodeSortingType { Id = 3, Name = "Scene", Pattern = "-%x%0e" } }; private static EpisodeSortingType GetMultiEpisodeStyle(int id) { return MultiEpisodeStyles.Single(s => s.Id == id); } } public enum MultiEpisodeStyle { Extend = 0, Duplicate = 1, Repeat = 2, Scene = 3 } }