import * as signalR from '@microsoft/signalr/dist/browser/signalr.js'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { setAppValue, setVersion } from 'Store/Actions/appActions'; import { fetchArtist } from 'Store/Actions/artistActions'; import { removeItem, update, updateItem } from 'Store/Actions/baseActions'; import { fetchCommands, finishCommand, updateCommand } from 'Store/Actions/commandActions'; import { fetchQueue, fetchQueueDetails } from 'Store/Actions/queueActions'; import { fetchQualityDefinitions, fetchRootFolders } from 'Store/Actions/settingsActions'; import { fetchHealth } from 'Store/Actions/systemActions'; import { fetchTagDetails, fetchTags } from 'Store/Actions/tagActions'; import { repopulatePage } from 'Utilities/pagePopulator'; import titleCase from 'Utilities/String/titleCase'; function getHandlerName(name) { name = titleCase(name); name = name.replace('/', ''); return `handle${name}`; } function createMapStateToProps() { return createSelector( (state) =>, (state) =>, (state) => state.queue.paged.isPopulated, (isReconnecting, isDisconnected, isQueuePopulated) => { return { isReconnecting, isDisconnected, isQueuePopulated }; } ); } const mapDispatchToProps = { dispatchFetchCommands: fetchCommands, dispatchUpdateCommand: updateCommand, dispatchFinishCommand: finishCommand, dispatchSetAppValue: setAppValue, dispatchSetVersion: setVersion, dispatchUpdate: update, dispatchUpdateItem: updateItem, dispatchRemoveItem: removeItem, dispatchFetchArtist: fetchArtist, dispatchFetchHealth: fetchHealth, dispatchFetchQualityDefinitions: fetchQualityDefinitions, dispatchFetchQueue: fetchQueue, dispatchFetchQueueDetails: fetchQueueDetails, dispatchFetchRootFolders: fetchRootFolders, dispatchFetchTags: fetchTags, dispatchFetchTagDetails: fetchTagDetails }; function Logger(minimumLogLevel) { this.minimumLogLevel = minimumLogLevel; } Logger.prototype.cleanse = function(message) { const apikey = new RegExp(`access_token=${encodeURIComponent(window.Lidarr.apiKey)}`, 'g'); return message.replace(apikey, 'access_token=(removed)'); }; Logger.prototype.log = function(logLevel, message) { // see if (logLevel >= this.minimumLogLevel) { switch (logLevel) { case signalR.LogLevel.Critical: case signalR.LogLevel.Error: console.error(`[signalR] ${signalR.LogLevel[logLevel]}: ${this.cleanse(message)}`); break; case signalR.LogLevel.Warning: console.warn(`[signalR] ${signalR.LogLevel[logLevel]}: ${this.cleanse(message)}`); break; case signalR.LogLevel.Information:`[signalR] ${signalR.LogLevel[logLevel]}: ${this.cleanse(message)}`); break; default: // console.debug only goes to attached debuggers in Node, so we use console.log for Trace and Debug console.log(`[signalR] ${signalR.LogLevel[logLevel]}: ${this.cleanse(message)}`); break; } } }; class SignalRConnector extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.connection = null; } componentDidMount() { console.log('[signalR] starting'); const url = `${window.Lidarr.urlBase}/signalr/messages`; this.connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder() .configureLogging(new Logger(signalR.LogLevel.Information)) .withUrl(`${url}?access_token=${encodeURIComponent(window.Lidarr.apiKey)}`) .withAutomaticReconnect({ nextRetryDelayInMilliseconds: (retryContext) => { if (retryContext.elapsedMilliseconds > 180000) { this.props.dispatchSetAppValue({ isDisconnected: true }); } return Math.min(retryContext.previousRetryCount, 10) * 1000; } }) .build(); this.connection.onreconnecting(this.onReconnecting); this.connection.onreconnected(this.onReconnected); this.connection.onclose(this.onClose); this.connection.on('receiveMessage', this.onReceiveMessage); this.connection.start().then(this.onStart, this.onStartFail); } componentWillUnmount() { this.connection.stop(); this.connection = null; } // // Control handleMessage = (message) => { const { name, body } = message; const handler = this[getHandlerName(name)]; if (body && body.action === 'updated' && !body.resource) { console.error(`signalR: Null resource broadcast ignored for ${name}`); return; } if (handler) { handler(body); return; } console.error(`signalR: Unable to find handler for ${name}`); }; handleCalendar = (body) => { if (body.action === 'updated') { this.props.dispatchUpdateItem({ section: 'calendar', updateOnly: true, ...body.resource }); } }; handleCommand = (body) => { if (body.action === 'sync') { this.props.dispatchFetchCommands(); return; } const resource = body.resource; const status = resource.status; // Both successful and failed commands need to be // completed, otherwise they spin until they timeout. if (status === 'completed' || status === 'failed') { this.props.dispatchFinishCommand(resource); } else { this.props.dispatchUpdateCommand(resource); } }; handleAlbum = (body) => { const action = body.action; const section = 'albums'; if (action === 'updated') { this.props.dispatchUpdateItem({ section, updateOnly: true, ...body.resource }); } else if (action === 'deleted') { this.props.dispatchRemoveItem({ section, id: }); } }; handleTrack = (body) => { if (body.action === 'updated') { this.props.dispatchUpdateItem({ section: 'tracks', updateOnly: true, ...body.resource }); } }; handleTrackfile = (body) => { const section = 'trackFiles'; if (body.action === 'updated') { this.props.dispatchUpdateItem({ section, ...body.resource }); } else if (body.action === 'deleted') { this.props.dispatchRemoveItem({ section, id: }); } // Repopulate the page to handle recently imported file repopulatePage('trackFileUpdated'); }; handleHealth = () => { this.props.dispatchFetchHealth(); }; handleArtist = (body) => { const action = body.action; const section = 'artist'; if (action === 'updated') { this.props.dispatchUpdateItem({ section, ...body.resource }); } else if (action === 'deleted') { this.props.dispatchRemoveItem({ section, id: }); } }; handleQualitydefinition = () => { this.props.dispatchFetchQualityDefinitions(); }; handleQueue = () => { if (this.props.isQueuePopulated) { this.props.dispatchFetchQueue(); } }; handleQueueDetails = () => { this.props.dispatchFetchQueueDetails(); }; handleQueueStatus = (body) => { this.props.dispatchUpdate({ section: 'queue.status', data: body.resource }); }; handleVersion = (body) => { const version = body.version; this.props.dispatchSetVersion({ version }); }; handleWantedCutoff = (body) => { if (body.action === 'updated') { this.props.dispatchUpdateItem({ section: 'cutoffUnmet', updateOnly: true, ...body.resource }); } }; handleWantedMissing = (body) => { if (body.action === 'updated') { this.props.dispatchUpdateItem({ section: 'missing', updateOnly: true, ...body.resource }); } }; handleSystemTask = () => { this.props.dispatchFetchCommands(); }; handleRootfolder = (body) => { if (body.action === 'updated') { this.props.dispatchUpdateItem({ section: 'settings.rootFolders', updateOnly: true, ...body.resource }); } }; handleTag = (body) => { if (body.action === 'sync') { this.props.dispatchFetchTags(); this.props.dispatchFetchTagDetails(); return; } }; // // Listeners onStartFail = (error) => { console.error('[signalR] failed to connect'); console.error(error); this.props.dispatchSetAppValue({ isConnected: false, isReconnecting: false, isDisconnected: false, isRestarting: false }); }; onStart = () => { console.debug('[signalR] connected'); this.props.dispatchSetAppValue({ isConnected: true, isReconnecting: false, isDisconnected: false, isRestarting: false }); }; onReconnecting = () => { this.props.dispatchSetAppValue({ isReconnecting: true }); }; onReconnected = () => { const { dispatchFetchCommands, dispatchFetchArtist, dispatchSetAppValue } = this.props; dispatchSetAppValue({ isConnected: true, isReconnecting: false, isDisconnected: false, isRestarting: false }); // Repopulate the page (if a repopulator is set) to ensure things // are in sync after reconnecting. dispatchFetchArtist(); dispatchFetchCommands(); repopulatePage(); }; onClose = () => { console.debug('[signalR] connection closed'); }; onReceiveMessage = (message) => { console.debug('[signalR] received',, message.body); this.handleMessage(message); }; // // Render render() { return null; } } SignalRConnector.propTypes = { isReconnecting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, isDisconnected: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, isQueuePopulated: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, dispatchFetchCommands: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchUpdateCommand: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFinishCommand: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchSetAppValue: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchSetVersion: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchUpdate: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchUpdateItem: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchRemoveItem: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFetchArtist: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFetchHealth: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFetchQualityDefinitions: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFetchQueue: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFetchQueueDetails: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFetchRootFolders: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFetchTags: PropTypes.func.isRequired, dispatchFetchTagDetails: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default connect(createMapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SignalRConnector);