import _ from 'lodash'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { CellMeasurer, CellMeasurerCache } from 'react-virtualized'; import NoArtist from 'Artist/NoArtist'; import LoadingIndicator from 'Components/Loading/LoadingIndicator'; import FilterMenu from 'Components/Menu/FilterMenu'; import PageContent from 'Components/Page/PageContent'; import PageContentBody from 'Components/Page/PageContentBody'; import PageJumpBar from 'Components/Page/PageJumpBar'; import PageToolbar from 'Components/Page/Toolbar/PageToolbar'; import PageToolbarSection from 'Components/Page/Toolbar/PageToolbarSection'; import VirtualTable from 'Components/Table/VirtualTable'; import VirtualTableRow from 'Components/Table/VirtualTableRow'; import { align, sortDirections } from 'Helpers/Props'; import getIndexOfFirstCharacter from 'Utilities/Array/getIndexOfFirstCharacter'; import getErrorMessage from 'Utilities/Object/getErrorMessage'; import translate from 'Utilities/String/translate'; import getSelectedIds from 'Utilities/Table/getSelectedIds'; import selectAll from 'Utilities/Table/selectAll'; import toggleSelected from 'Utilities/Table/toggleSelected'; import AlbumStudioFilterModalConnector from './AlbumStudioFilterModalConnector'; import AlbumStudioFooter from './AlbumStudioFooter'; import AlbumStudioRowConnector from './AlbumStudioRowConnector'; import AlbumStudioTableHeader from './AlbumStudioTableHeader'; import styles from './AlbumStudio.css'; const columns = [ { name: 'status', isVisible: true }, { name: 'sortName', label: () => translate('Name'), isSortable: true, isVisible: true }, { name: 'albumCount', label: () => translate('Albums'), isSortable: false, isVisible: true } ]; class AlbumStudio extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.state = { estimatedRowSize: 100, scroller: null, jumpBarItems: { order: [] }, scrollIndex: null, jumpCount: 0, allSelected: false, allUnselected: false, lastToggled: null, selectedState: {} }; this.cache = new CellMeasurerCache({ defaultHeight: 100, fixedWidth: true }); } componentDidMount() { this.setSelectedState(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { isSaving, saveError } = this.props; const { scrollIndex, jumpCount } = this.state; if (prevProps.isSaving && !isSaving && !saveError) { this.onSelectAllChange({ value: false }); } // nasty hack to fix react-virtualized jumping incorrectly // due to variable row heights if (scrollIndex != null && scrollIndex > 0) { if (jumpCount === 0) { this.setState({ scrollIndex: scrollIndex - 1, jumpCount: 1 }); } else if (jumpCount === 1) { this.setState({ scrollIndex: scrollIndex + 1, jumpCount: 2 }); } else { this.setState({ scrollIndex: null, jumpCount: 0 }); } } } // // Control setScrollerRef = (ref) => { this.setState({ scroller: ref }); }; setJumpBarItems() { const { items, sortKey, sortDirection } = this.props; // Reset if not sorting by sortName if (sortKey !== 'sortName') { this.setState({ jumpBarItems: { order: [] } }); return; } const characters = _.reduce(items, (acc, item) => { let char = item.sortName.charAt(0); if (!isNaN(char)) { char = '#'; } if (char in acc) { acc[char] = acc[char] + 1; } else { acc[char] = 1; } return acc; }, {}); const order = Object.keys(characters).sort(); // Reverse if sorting descending if (sortDirection === sortDirections.DESCENDING) { order.reverse(); } const jumpBarItems = { characters, order }; this.setState({ jumpBarItems }); } getSelectedIds = () => { if (this.state.allUnselected) { return []; } return getSelectedIds(this.state.selectedState); }; setSelectedState = () => { const { items } = this.props; const { selectedState } = this.state; const newSelectedState = {}; items.forEach((artist) => { const isItemSelected = selectedState[]; if (isItemSelected) { newSelectedState[] = isItemSelected; } else { newSelectedState[] = false; } }); const selectedCount = getSelectedIds(newSelectedState).length; const newStateCount = Object.keys(newSelectedState).length; let isAllSelected = false; let isAllUnselected = false; if (selectedCount === 0) { isAllUnselected = true; } else if (selectedCount === newStateCount) { isAllSelected = true; } this.setState({ selectedState: newSelectedState, allSelected: isAllSelected, allUnselected: isAllUnselected }); }; estimateRowHeight = (width) => { const { albumCount, items } = this.props; if (albumCount === undefined || albumCount === 0 || items.length === 0) { return 100; } // guess 250px per album entry // available width is total width less 186px for select, status etc const cols = Math.max(Math.floor((width - 186) / 250), 1); const albumsPerArtist = albumCount / items.length; const albumRowsPerArtist = albumsPerArtist / cols; // each row is 23px per album row plus 16px padding return albumRowsPerArtist * 23 + 16; }; rowRenderer = ({ key, rowIndex, parent, style }) => { const { items } = this.props; const { selectedState } = this.state; const item = items[rowIndex]; return ( {({ registerChild }) => ( )} ); }; // // Listeners onSelectAllChange = ({ value }) => { this.setState(selectAll(this.state.selectedState, value)); }; onSelectedChange = ({ id, value, shiftKey = false }) => { this.setState((state) => { return toggleSelected(state, this.props.items, id, value, shiftKey); }); }; onSelectAllPress = () => { this.onSelectAllChange({ value: !this.state.allSelected }); }; onUpdateSelectedPress = (changes) => { this.props.onUpdateSelectedPress({ artistIds: this.getSelectedIds(), ...changes }); }; onJumpBarItemPress = (jumpToCharacter) => { const scrollIndex = getIndexOfFirstCharacter(this.props.items, jumpToCharacter); if (scrollIndex != null) { this.setState({ scrollIndex }); } }; onGridRecompute = (width) => { this.setJumpBarItems(); this.setSelectedState(); this.setState({ estimatedRowSize: this.estimateRowHeight(width) }); this.cache.clearAll(); }; // // Render render() { const { isFetching, isPopulated, error, totalItems, items, selectedFilterKey, filters, customFilters, sortKey, sortDirection, isSaving, saveError, isSmallScreen, onSortPress, onFilterSelect } = this.props; const { allSelected, allUnselected, estimatedRowSize, scroller, jumpBarItems, scrollIndex } = this.state; return (
{ isFetching && !isPopulated && } { !isFetching && !!error &&
{getErrorMessage(error, 'Failed to load artist from API')}
} { !error && isPopulated && !!items.length &&
} sortKey={sortKey} sortDirection={sortDirection} deferredMeasurementCache={this.cache} rowHeight={this.cache.rowHeight} estimatedRowSize={estimatedRowSize} onRecompute={this.onGridRecompute} />
} { !error && isPopulated && !items.length && }
{ isPopulated && !!jumpBarItems.order.length && }
); } } AlbumStudio.propTypes = { isFetching: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, isPopulated: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, error: PropTypes.object, totalItems: PropTypes.number.isRequired, items: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, albumCount: PropTypes.number.isRequired, sortKey: PropTypes.string, sortDirection: PropTypes.oneOf(sortDirections.all), selectedFilterKey: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]).isRequired, filters: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, customFilters: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, isSaving: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, saveError: PropTypes.object, isSmallScreen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onSortPress: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onFilterSelect: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onUpdateSelectedPress: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default AlbumStudio;