import _ from 'lodash'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { batchActions } from 'redux-batched-actions'; import serverSideCollectionHandlers from 'Utilities/serverSideCollectionHandlers'; import createFetchHandler from './Creators/createFetchHandler'; import createServerSideCollectionHandlers from './Creators/createServerSideCollectionHandlers'; import * as types from './actionTypes'; import { set, updateItem } from './baseActions'; import { fetchQueue } from './queueActions'; const fetchQueueDetailsHandler = createFetchHandler('details', '/queue/details'); const queueActionHandlers = { [types.FETCH_QUEUE_STATUS]: createFetchHandler('queueStatus', '/queue/status'), [types.FETCH_QUEUE_DETAILS]: function(payload) { return function(dispatch, getState) { let params = payload; // If the payload params are empty try to get params from state. if (params && !_.isEmpty(params)) { dispatch(set({ section: 'details', params })); } else { params = getState().queue.details.params; } // Ensure there are params before trying to fetch the queue // so we don't make a bad request to the server. if (params && !_.isEmpty(params)) { const fetchFunction = fetchQueueDetailsHandler(params); fetchFunction(dispatch, getState); } }; }, ...createServerSideCollectionHandlers('paged', '/queue', (state) => state.queue, { [serverSideCollectionHandlers.FETCH]: types.FETCH_QUEUE, [serverSideCollectionHandlers.FIRST_PAGE]: types.GOTO_FIRST_QUEUE_PAGE, [serverSideCollectionHandlers.PREVIOUS_PAGE]: types.GOTO_PREVIOUS_QUEUE_PAGE, [serverSideCollectionHandlers.NEXT_PAGE]: types.GOTO_NEXT_QUEUE_PAGE, [serverSideCollectionHandlers.LAST_PAGE]: types.GOTO_LAST_QUEUE_PAGE, [serverSideCollectionHandlers.EXACT_PAGE]: types.GOTO_QUEUE_PAGE, [serverSideCollectionHandlers.SORT]: types.SET_QUEUE_SORT }), [types.GRAB_QUEUE_ITEM]: function(payload) { const section = 'paged'; const { id } = payload; return function(dispatch, getState) { dispatch(updateItem({ section, id, isGrabbing: true })); const promise = $.ajax({ url: `/queue/grab/${id}`, method: 'POST' }); promise.done((data) => { dispatch(batchActions([ dispatch(fetchQueue()), set({ section, isGrabbing: false, grabError: null }) ])); }); => { dispatch(updateItem({ section, id, isGrabbing: false, grabError: xhr })); }); }; }, [types.GRAB_QUEUE_ITEMS]: function(payload) { const section = 'paged'; const { ids } = payload; return function(dispatch, getState) { dispatch(batchActions([ => { return updateItem({ section, id, isGrabbing: true }); }), set({ section, isGrabbing: true }) ])); const promise = $.ajax({ url: '/queue/grab/bulk', method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify(payload) }); promise.done((data) => { dispatch(batchActions([ dispatch(fetchQueue()), => { return updateItem({ section, id, isGrabbing: false, grabError: null }); }), set({ section, isGrabbing: false, grabError: null }) ])); }); => { dispatch(batchActions([ => { return updateItem({ section, id, isGrabbing: false, grabError: null }); }), set({ section, isGrabbing: false }) ])); }); }; }, [types.REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEM]: function(payload) { const section = 'paged'; const { id, blacklist } = payload; return function(dispatch, getState) { dispatch(updateItem({ section, id, isRemoving: true })); const promise = $.ajax({ url: `/queue/${id}?blacklist=${blacklist}`, method: 'DELETE' }); promise.done((data) => { dispatch(fetchQueue()); }); => { dispatch(updateItem({ section, id, isRemoving: false })); }); }; }, [types.REMOVE_QUEUE_ITEMS]: function(payload) { const section = 'paged'; const { ids, blacklist } = payload; return function(dispatch, getState) { dispatch(batchActions([ => { return updateItem({ section, id, isRemoving: true }); }), set({ section, isRemoving: true }) ])); const promise = $.ajax({ url: `/queue/bulk?blacklist=${blacklist}`, method: 'DELETE', dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify({ ids }) }); promise.done((data) => { dispatch(batchActions([ set({ section, isRemoving: false }), fetchQueue() ])); }); => { dispatch(batchActions([ => { return updateItem({ section, id, isRemoving: false }); }), set({ section, isRemoving: false }) ])); }); }; } }; export default queueActionHandlers;