"use strict"; define([ 'app', 'marionette', 'Settings/Notifications/Model', 'Settings/Notifications/DeleteView', 'Settings/SyncNotification', 'Shared/Messenger', 'Mixins/AsModelBoundView' ], function (App, Marionette, NotificationModel, DeleteView, SyncNotification, Messenger, AsModelBoundView) { var model = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: 'Settings/Notifications/EditTemplate', events: { 'click .x-save' : '_saveNotification', 'click .x-remove': '_deleteNotification', 'click .x-test' : '_test' }, ui: { testButton: '.x-test', testIcon : '.x-test-icon' }, initialize: function (options) { this.notificationCollection = options.notificationCollection; }, _saveNotification: function () { var name = this.model.get('name'); var success = 'Notification Saved: ' + name; var fail = 'Failed to save notification: ' + name; this.model.save(undefined, SyncNotification.callback({ successMessage : success, errorMessage : fail, successCallback: this._saveSuccess, context : this })); }, _deleteNotification: function () { var view = new DeleteView({ model: this.model }); App.modalRegion.show(view); }, _saveSuccess: function () { this.notificationCollection.add(this.model, { merge: true }); App.modalRegion.closeModal(); }, _test: function () { var testCommand = this.model.get('testCommand'); if (testCommand) { this.idle = false; this.ui.testButton.addClass('disabled'); this.ui.testIcon.addClass('icon-spinner icon-spin'); var properties = {}; _.each(this.model.get('fields'), function (field) { properties[field.name] = field.value; }); var self = this; var commandPromise = App.Commands.Execute(testCommand, properties); commandPromise.done(function () { Messenger.show({ message: 'Notification settings tested successfully' }); }); commandPromise.fail(function (options) { if (options.readyState === 0 || options.status === 0) { return; } Messenger.show({ message: 'Failed to test notification settings', type : 'error' }); }); commandPromise.always(function () { if (!self.isClosed) { self.ui.testButton.removeClass('disabled'); self.ui.testIcon.removeClass('icon-spinner icon-spin'); self.idle = true; } }); } } }); return AsModelBoundView.call(model); });