var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); var vent = require('../../vent'); var Marionette = require('marionette'); var Backgrid = require('backgrid'); var MissingCollection = require('./MissingCollection'); var SeriesTitleCell = require('../../Cells/SeriesTitleCell'); var EpisodeNumberCell = require('../../Cells/EpisodeNumberCell'); var EpisodeTitleCell = require('../../Cells/EpisodeTitleCell'); var RelativeDateCell = require('../../Cells/RelativeDateCell'); var EpisodeStatusCell = require('../../Cells/EpisodeStatusCell'); var GridPager = require('../../Shared/Grid/Pager'); var ToolbarLayout = require('../../Shared/Toolbar/ToolbarLayout'); var LoadingView = require('../../Shared/LoadingView'); var Messenger = require('../../Shared/Messenger'); var CommandController = require('../../Commands/CommandController'); require('backgrid.selectall'); require('../../Mixins/backbone.signalr.mixin'); module.exports = Marionette.Layout.extend({ template : 'Wanted/Missing/MissingLayoutTemplate', regions : { missing : '#x-missing', toolbar : '#x-toolbar', pager : '#x-pager' }, ui : { searchSelectedButton : '.btn i.icon-sonarr-search' }, columns : [ { name : '', cell : 'select-row', headerCell : 'select-all', sortable : false }, { name : 'series', label : 'Series Title', cell : SeriesTitleCell, sortValue : 'series.sortTitle' }, { name : 'this', label : 'Episode', cell : EpisodeNumberCell, sortable : false }, { name : 'this', label : 'Episode Title', cell : EpisodeTitleCell, sortable : false }, { name : 'airDateUtc', label : 'Air Date', cell : RelativeDateCell }, { name : 'status', label : 'Status', cell : EpisodeStatusCell, sortable : false } ], initialize : function() { this.collection = new MissingCollection().bindSignalR({ updateOnly : true }); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync', this._showTable); }, onShow : function() { LoadingView()); this._showToolbar(); this.collection.fetch(); }, _showTable : function() { this.missingGrid = new Backgrid.Grid({ columns : this.columns, collection : this.collection, className : 'table table-hover' });; GridPager({ columns : this.columns, collection : this.collection })); }, _showToolbar : function() { var leftSideButtons = { type : 'default', storeState : false, collapse : true, items : [ { title : 'Search Selected', icon : 'icon-sonarr-search', callback : this._searchSelected, ownerContext : this, className : 'x-search-selected' }, { title : 'Search All Missing', icon : 'icon-sonarr-search', callback : this._searchMissing, ownerContext : this, className : 'x-search-missing' }, { title : 'Toggle Selected', icon : 'icon-sonarr-monitored', tooltip : 'Toggle monitored status of selected', callback : this._toggleMonitoredOfSelected, ownerContext : this, className : 'x-unmonitor-selected' }, { title : 'Season Pass', icon : 'icon-sonarr-monitored', route : 'seasonpass' }, { title : 'Rescan Drone Factory Folder', icon : 'icon-sonarr-refresh', command : 'downloadedepisodesscan', properties : { sendUpdates : true } }, { title : 'Manual Import', icon : 'icon-sonarr-search-manual', callback : this._manualImport, ownerContext : this } ] }; var filterOptions = { type : 'radio', storeState : false, menuKey : 'wanted.filterMode', defaultAction : 'monitored', items : [ { key : 'monitored', title : '', tooltip : 'Monitored Only', icon : 'icon-sonarr-monitored', callback : this._setFilter }, { key : 'unmonitored', title : '', tooltip : 'Unmonitored Only', icon : 'icon-sonarr-unmonitored', callback : this._setFilter } ] }; ToolbarLayout({ left : [leftSideButtons], right : [filterOptions], context : this })); CommandController.bindToCommand({ element : this.$('.x-search-selected'), command : { name : 'episodeSearch' } }); CommandController.bindToCommand({ element : this.$('.x-search-missing'), command : { name : 'missingEpisodeSearch' } }); }, _setFilter : function(buttonContext) { var mode = buttonContext.model.get('key'); this.collection.state.currentPage = 1; var promise = this.collection.setFilterMode(mode); if (buttonContext) { buttonContext.ui.icon.spinForPromise(promise); } }, _searchSelected : function() { var selected = this.missingGrid.getSelectedModels(); if (selected.length === 0) {{ type : 'error', message : 'No episodes selected' }); return; } var ids = _.pluck(selected, 'id'); CommandController.Execute('episodeSearch', { name : 'episodeSearch', episodeIds : ids }); }, _searchMissing : function() { if (window.confirm('Are you sure you want to search for {0} missing episodes? '.format(this.collection.state.totalRecords) + 'One API request to each indexer will be used for each episode. ' + 'This cannot be stopped once started.')) { CommandController.Execute('missingEpisodeSearch', { name : 'missingEpisodeSearch' }); } }, _toggleMonitoredOfSelected : function() { var selected = this.missingGrid.getSelectedModels(); if (selected.length === 0) {{ type : 'error', message : 'No episodes selected' }); return; } var promises = []; var self = this; _.each(selected, function (episode) { episode.set('monitored', !episode.get('monitored')); promises.push(; }); $.when(promises).done(function () { self.collection.fetch(); }); }, _manualImport : function () { vent.trigger(vent.Commands.ShowManualImport); } });