using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using FluentValidation; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Annotations; using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Newznab; using NzbDrone.Core.Validation; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.Torznab { public class TorznabSettingsValidator : AbstractValidator { private static readonly string[] ApiKeyWhiteList = Array.Empty(); private static bool ShouldHaveApiKey(TorznabSettings settings) { return settings.BaseUrl != null && ApiKeyWhiteList.Any(c => settings.BaseUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(c)); } private static readonly Regex AdditionalParametersRegex = new Regex(@"(&.+?\=.+?)+", RegexOptions.Compiled); public TorznabSettingsValidator() { RuleFor(c => c).Custom((c, context) => { if (c.Categories.Empty()) { context.AddFailure("'Categories' must be provided"); } }); RuleFor(c => c.BaseUrl).ValidRootUrl(); RuleFor(c => c.ApiPath).ValidUrlBase("/api"); RuleFor(c => c.ApiKey).NotEmpty().When(ShouldHaveApiKey); RuleFor(c => c.AdditionalParameters).Matches(AdditionalParametersRegex) .When(c => !c.AdditionalParameters.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()); RuleFor(c => c.SeedCriteria).SetValidator(_ => new SeedCriteriaSettingsValidator()); } } public class TorznabSettings : NewznabSettings, ITorrentIndexerSettings { private static readonly TorznabSettingsValidator Validator = new TorznabSettingsValidator(); public TorznabSettings() { MinimumSeeders = IndexerDefaults.MINIMUM_SEEDERS; } [FieldDefinition(7, Type = FieldType.Textbox, Label = "Minimum Seeders", HelpText = "Minimum number of seeders required.", Advanced = true)] public int MinimumSeeders { get; set; } [FieldDefinition(8)] public SeedCriteriaSettings SeedCriteria { get; set; } = new SeedCriteriaSettings(); [FieldDefinition(9, Type = FieldType.Checkbox, Label = "Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing", HelpText = "If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.", Advanced = true)] public bool RejectBlocklistedTorrentHashesWhileGrabbing { get; set; } public override NzbDroneValidationResult Validate() { return new NzbDroneValidationResult(Validator.Validate(this)); } } }