import _ from 'lodash'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Autosuggest from 'react-autosuggest'; import jdu from 'jdu'; import { icons } from 'Helpers/Props'; import Icon from 'Components/Icon'; import keyboardShortcuts, { shortcuts } from 'Components/keyboardShortcuts'; import ArtistSearchResult from './ArtistSearchResult'; import styles from './ArtistSearchInput.css'; const ADD_NEW_TYPE = 'addNew'; class ArtistSearchInput extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this._autosuggest = null; this.state = { value: '', suggestions: [] }; } componentDidMount() { this.props.bindShortcut(shortcuts.ARTIST_SEARCH_INPUT.key, this.focusInput); } // // Control setAutosuggestRef = (ref) => { this._autosuggest = ref; } focusInput = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); this._autosuggest.input.focus(); } getSectionSuggestions(section) { return section.suggestions; } renderSectionTitle(section) { return (
); } getSuggestionValue({ title }) { return title || ''; } renderSuggestion(item, { query }) { if (item.type === ADD_NEW_TYPE) { return (
Search for {query}
); } return ( ); } goToArtist(artist) { this.setState({ value: '' }); this.props.onGoToArtist(artist.foreignArtistId); } reset() { this.setState({ value: '', suggestions: [] }); } // // Listeners onChange = (event, { newValue }) => { if (!newValue) { return; } this.setState({ value: newValue }); } onKeyDown = (event) => { if (event.key !== 'Tab' && event.key !== 'Enter' || event.key !== 'ArrowDown' || event.key !== 'ArrowUp') { return; } const { suggestions, value } = this.state; const { highlightedSectionIndex, highlightedSuggestionIndex } = this._autosuggest.state; if (!suggestions.length || highlightedSectionIndex && (event.key !== 'ArrowDown' || event.key !== 'ArrowUp')) { this.props.onGoToAddNewArtist(value); this._autosuggest.input.blur(); return; } // If an suggestion is not selected go to the first artist, // otherwise go to the selected artist. if (highlightedSuggestionIndex == null && (event.key !== 'ArrowDown' || event.key !== 'ArrowUp')) { this.goToArtist(suggestions[0]); } else { this.goToArtist(suggestions[highlightedSuggestionIndex]); } } onBlur = () => { this.reset(); } onSuggestionsFetchRequested = ({ value }) => { const lowerCaseValue = jdu.replace(value).toLowerCase(); const suggestions = _.filter(this.props.artist, (artist) => { // Check the title first and if there isn't a match fallback to the alternate titles const titleMatch = jdu.replace(artist.artistName).toLowerCase().contains(lowerCaseValue); return titleMatch || _.some(artist.alternateTitles, (alternateTitle) => { return jdu.replace(alternateTitle.title).toLowerCase().contains(lowerCaseValue); }); }); this.setState({ suggestions }); } onSuggestionsClearRequested = () => { this.reset(); } onSuggestionSelected = (event, { suggestion }) => { if (suggestion.type === ADD_NEW_TYPE) { this.props.onGoToAddNewArtist(this.state.value); } else { this.goToArtist(suggestion); } } // // Render render() { const { value, suggestions } = this.state; const suggestionGroups = []; if (suggestions.length) { suggestionGroups.push({ title: 'Existing Artist', suggestions }); } if (value.length >= 3) { suggestionGroups.push({ title: 'Add New Artist', suggestions: [ { type: ADD_NEW_TYPE, title: value } ] }); } const inputProps = { ref: this.setInputRef, className: styles.input, name: 'artistSearch', value, placeholder: 'Search', autoComplete: 'off', spellCheck: false, onChange: this.onChange, onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown, onBlur: this.onBlur, onFocus: this.onFocus }; const theme = { container: styles.container, containerOpen: styles.containerOpen, suggestionsContainer: styles.artistContainer, suggestionsList: styles.list, suggestion: styles.listItem, suggestionHighlighted: styles.highlighted }; return (
); } } ArtistSearchInput.propTypes = { artist: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, onGoToArtist: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onGoToAddNewArtist: PropTypes.func.isRequired, bindShortcut: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default keyboardShortcuts(ArtistSearchInput);