import classNames from 'classnames'; import _ from 'lodash'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import QueueStatusConnector from 'Activity/Queue/Status/QueueStatusConnector'; import OverlayScroller from 'Components/Scroller/OverlayScroller'; import Scroller from 'Components/Scroller/Scroller'; import { icons } from 'Helpers/Props'; import locationShape from 'Helpers/Props/Shapes/locationShape'; import dimensions from 'Styles/Variables/dimensions'; import HealthStatusConnector from 'System/Status/Health/HealthStatusConnector'; import translate from 'Utilities/String/translate'; import MessagesConnector from './Messages/MessagesConnector'; import PageSidebarItem from './PageSidebarItem'; import styles from './PageSidebar.css'; const HEADER_HEIGHT = parseInt(dimensions.headerHeight); const SIDEBAR_WIDTH = parseInt(dimensions.sidebarWidth); const links = [ { iconName: icons.ARTIST_CONTINUING, title: translate('Library'), to: '/', alias: '/artist', children: [ { title: translate('AddNew'), to: '/add/search' }, { title: translate('MassEditor'), to: '/artisteditor' }, { title: translate('AlbumStudio'), to: '/albumstudio' }, { title: translate('UnmappedFiles'), to: '/unmapped' } ] }, { iconName: icons.CALENDAR, title: translate('Calendar'), to: '/calendar' }, { iconName: icons.ACTIVITY, title: translate('Activity'), to: '/activity/queue', children: [ { title: translate('Queue'), to: '/activity/queue', statusComponent: QueueStatusConnector }, { title: translate('History'), to: '/activity/history' }, { title: translate('Blocklist'), to: '/activity/blocklist' } ] }, { iconName: icons.WARNING, title: translate('Wanted'), to: '/wanted/missing', children: [ { title: translate('Missing'), to: '/wanted/missing' }, { title: translate('CutoffUnmet'), to: '/wanted/cutoffunmet' } ] }, { iconName: icons.SETTINGS, title: translate('Settings'), to: '/settings', children: [ { title: translate('MediaManagement'), to: '/settings/mediamanagement' }, { title: translate('Profiles'), to: '/settings/profiles' }, { title: translate('Quality'), to: '/settings/quality' }, { title: translate('CustomFormats'), to: '/settings/customformats' }, { title: translate('Indexers'), to: '/settings/indexers' }, { title: translate('DownloadClients'), to: '/settings/downloadclients' }, { title: translate('ImportLists'), to: '/settings/importlists' }, { title: translate('Connect'), to: '/settings/connect' }, { title: translate('Metadata'), to: '/settings/metadata' }, { title: translate('Tags'), to: '/settings/tags' }, { title: translate('General'), to: '/settings/general' }, { title: translate('UI'), to: '/settings/ui' } ] }, { iconName: icons.SYSTEM, title: translate('System'), to: '/system/status', children: [ { title: translate('Status'), to: '/system/status', statusComponent: HealthStatusConnector }, { title: translate('Tasks'), to: '/system/tasks' }, { title: translate('Backup'), to: '/system/backup' }, { title: translate('Updates'), to: '/system/updates' }, { title: translate('Events'), to: '/system/events' }, { title: translate('LogFiles'), to: '/system/logs/files' } ] } ]; function getActiveParent(pathname) { let activeParent = links[0].to; links.forEach((link) => { if ( && === pathname) { activeParent =; return false; } const children = link.children; if (children) { children.forEach((childLink) => { if (pathname.startsWith( { activeParent =; return false; } }); } if ( ( !== '/' && pathname.startsWith( || (link.alias && pathname.startsWith(link.alias)) ) { activeParent =; return false; } }); return activeParent; } function hasActiveChildLink(link, pathname) { const children = link.children; if (!children || !children.length) { return false; } return _.some(children, (child) => { return === pathname; }); } function getPositioning() { const windowScroll = window.scrollY == null ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : window.scrollY; const top = Math.max(HEADER_HEIGHT - windowScroll, 0); const height = window.innerHeight - top; return { top: `${top}px`, height: `${height}px` }; } class PageSidebar extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this._touchStartX = null; this._touchStartY = null; this._sidebarRef = null; this.state = { top: dimensions.headerHeight, height: `${window.innerHeight - HEADER_HEIGHT}px`, transition: null, transform: props.isSidebarVisible ? 0 : SIDEBAR_WIDTH * -1 }; } componentDidMount() { if (this.props.isSmallScreen) { window.addEventListener('click', this.onWindowClick, { capture: true }); window.addEventListener('scroll', this.onWindowScroll); window.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouchStart); window.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouchMove); window.addEventListener('touchend', this.onTouchEnd); window.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.onTouchCancel); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { isSidebarVisible } = this.props; const transform = this.state.transform; if (prevProps.isSidebarVisible !== isSidebarVisible) { this._setSidebarTransform(isSidebarVisible); } else if (transform === 0 && !isSidebarVisible) { this.props.onSidebarVisibleChange(true); } else if (transform === -SIDEBAR_WIDTH && isSidebarVisible) { this.props.onSidebarVisibleChange(false); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.props.isSmallScreen) { window.removeEventListener('click', this.onWindowClick, { capture: true }); window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.onWindowScroll); window.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouchStart); window.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouchMove); window.removeEventListener('touchend', this.onTouchEnd); window.removeEventListener('touchcancel', this.onTouchCancel); } } // // Control _setSidebarRef = (ref) => { this._sidebarRef = ref; }; _setSidebarTransform(isSidebarVisible, transition, callback) { this.setState({ transition, transform: isSidebarVisible ? 0 : SIDEBAR_WIDTH * -1 }, callback); } // // Listeners onWindowClick = (event) => { const sidebar = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._sidebarRef); const toggleButton = document.getElementById('sidebar-toggle-button'); if (!sidebar) { return; } if ( !sidebar.contains( && !toggleButton.contains( && this.props.isSidebarVisible ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.props.onSidebarVisibleChange(false); } }; onWindowScroll = () => { this.setState(getPositioning()); }; onTouchStart = (event) => { const touches = event.touches; const touchStartX = touches[0].pageX; const touchStartY = touches[0].pageY; const isSidebarVisible = this.props.isSidebarVisible; if (touches.length !== 1) { return; } if (isSidebarVisible && (touchStartX > 210 || touchStartX < 180)) { return; } else if (!isSidebarVisible && touchStartX > 40) { return; } this._touchStartX = touchStartX; this._touchStartY = touchStartY; }; onTouchMove = (event) => { const touches = event.touches; const currentTouchX = touches[0].pageX; // const currentTouchY = touches[0].pageY; // const isSidebarVisible = this.props.isSidebarVisible; if (!this._touchStartX) { return; } // This is a bit funky when trying to close and you scroll // vertical too much by mistake, commenting out for now. // TODO: Evaluate if this should be nuked // if (Math.abs(this._touchStartY - currentTouchY) > 40) { // const transform = isSidebarVisible ? 0 : SIDEBAR_WIDTH * -1; // this.setState({ // transition: 'none', // transform // }); // return; // } if (Math.abs(this._touchStartX - currentTouchX) < 40) { return; } const transform = Math.min(currentTouchX - SIDEBAR_WIDTH, 0); this.setState({ transition: 'none', transform }); }; onTouchEnd = (event) => { const touches = event.changedTouches; const currentTouch = touches[0].pageX; if (!this._touchStartX) { return; } if (currentTouch > this._touchStartX && currentTouch > 50) { this._setSidebarTransform(true, 'none'); } else if (currentTouch < this._touchStartX && currentTouch < 80) { this._setSidebarTransform(false, 'transform 50ms ease-in-out'); } else { this._setSidebarTransform(this.props.isSidebarVisible); } this._touchStartX = null; this._touchStartY = null; }; onTouchCancel = (event) => { this._touchStartX = null; this._touchStartY = null; }; onItemPress = () => { this.props.onSidebarVisibleChange(false); }; // // Render render() { const { location, isSmallScreen } = this.props; const { top, height, transition, transform } = this.state; const urlBase = window.Lidarr.urlBase; const pathname = urlBase ? location.pathname.substr(urlBase.length) || '/' : location.pathname; const activeParent = getActiveParent(pathname); let containerStyle = {}; let sidebarStyle = {}; if (isSmallScreen) { containerStyle = { transition, transform: `translateX(${transform}px)` }; sidebarStyle = { top, height }; } const ScrollerComponent = isSmallScreen ? Scroller : OverlayScroller; return (
{ => { const childWithStatusComponent = _.find(link.children, (child) => { return !!child.statusComponent; }); const childStatusComponent = childWithStatusComponent ? childWithStatusComponent.statusComponent : null; const isActiveParent = activeParent ===; const hasActiveChild = hasActiveChildLink(link, pathname); return ( { link.children && === activeParent && => { return ( ); }) } ); }) }
); } } PageSidebar.propTypes = { location: locationShape.isRequired, isSmallScreen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, isSidebarVisible: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onSidebarVisibleChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default PageSidebar;