import _ from 'lodash'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import VirtualTable from 'Components/Table/VirtualTable'; import ImportSeriesHeader from './ImportSeriesHeader'; import ImportSeriesRowConnector from './ImportSeriesRowConnector'; class ImportSeriesTable extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this._table = null; } componentDidMount() { const { unmappedFolders, defaultMonitor, defaultQualityProfileId, defaultLanguageProfileId, defaultSeriesType, defaultSeasonFolder, onSeriesLookup, onSetImportSeriesValue } = this.props; const values = { monitor: defaultMonitor, qualityProfileId: defaultQualityProfileId, languageProfileId: defaultLanguageProfileId, seriesType: defaultSeriesType, seasonFolder: defaultSeasonFolder }; unmappedFolders.forEach((unmappedFolder) => { const id =; onSeriesLookup(id, unmappedFolder.path); onSetImportSeriesValue({ id, ...values }); }); } // This isn't great, but it's the most reliable way to ensure the items // are checked off even if they aren't actually visible since the cells // are virtualized. componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { items, selectedState, onSelectedChange, onRemoveSelectedStateItem } = this.props; prevProps.items.forEach((prevItem) => { const { id } = prevItem; const item = _.find(items, { id }); if (!item) { onRemoveSelectedStateItem(id); return; } const selectedSeries = item.selectedSeries; const isSelected = selectedState[id]; const isExistingSeries = !!selectedSeries && _.some(prevProps.allSeries, { tvdbId: selectedSeries.tvdbId }); // Props doesn't have a selected series or // the selected series is an existing series. if ((selectedSeries && !prevItem.selectedSeries) || (isExistingSeries && !prevItem.selectedSeries)) { onSelectedChange({ id, value: false }); return; } // State is selected, but a series isn't selected or // the selected series is an existing series. if (isSelected && (!selectedSeries || isExistingSeries)) { onSelectedChange({ id, value: false }); return; } // A series is being selected that wasn't previously selected. if (selectedSeries && selectedSeries !== prevItem.selectedSeries) { onSelectedChange({ id, value: true }); return; } }); // Forces the table to re-render if the selected state // has changed otherwise it will be stale. if (prevProps.selectedState !== selectedState && this._table) { this._table.forceUpdateGrid(); } } // // Control setTableRef = (ref) => { this._table = ref; } rowRenderer = ({ key, rowIndex, style }) => { const { rootFolderId, items, selectedState, showLanguageProfile, onSelectedChange } = this.props; const item = items[rowIndex]; return ( ); } // // Render render() { const { items, allSelected, allUnselected, isSmallScreen, contentBody, showLanguageProfile, scrollTop, onSelectAllChange, onScroll } = this.props; if (!items.length) { return null; } return ( } onScroll={onScroll} /> ); } } ImportSeriesTable.propTypes = { rootFolderId: PropTypes.number.isRequired, items: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), unmappedFolders: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), defaultMonitor: PropTypes.string.isRequired, defaultQualityProfileId: PropTypes.number, defaultLanguageProfileId: PropTypes.number, defaultSeriesType: PropTypes.string.isRequired, defaultSeasonFolder: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, allSelected: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, allUnselected: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, selectedState: PropTypes.object.isRequired, isSmallScreen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, allSeries: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), contentBody: PropTypes.object.isRequired, showLanguageProfile: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, scrollTop: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onSelectAllChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onSelectedChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onRemoveSelectedStateItem: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onSeriesLookup: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onSetImportSeriesValue: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onScroll: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default ImportSeriesTable;