import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Grid, WindowScroller } from 'react-virtualized'; import getIndexOfFirstCharacter from 'Utilities/Array/getIndexOfFirstCharacter'; import hasDifferentItemsOrOrder from 'Utilities/Object/hasDifferentItemsOrOrder'; import dimensions from 'Styles/Variables/dimensions'; import Measure from 'Components/Measure'; import ArtistIndexItemConnector from 'Artist/Index/ArtistIndexItemConnector'; import ArtistIndexPoster from './ArtistIndexPoster'; import styles from './ArtistIndexPosters.css'; // Poster container dimensions const columnPadding = parseInt(dimensions.artistIndexColumnPadding); const columnPaddingSmallScreen = parseInt(dimensions.artistIndexColumnPaddingSmallScreen); const progressBarHeight = parseInt(dimensions.progressBarSmallHeight); const detailedProgressBarHeight = parseInt(dimensions.progressBarMediumHeight); const additionalColumnCount = { small: 3, medium: 2, large: 1 }; function calculateColumnWidth(width, posterSize, isSmallScreen) { const maxiumColumnWidth = isSmallScreen ? 172 : 182; const columns = Math.floor(width / maxiumColumnWidth); const remainder = width % maxiumColumnWidth; if (remainder === 0 && posterSize === 'large') { return maxiumColumnWidth; } return Math.floor(width / (columns + additionalColumnCount[posterSize])); } function calculateRowHeight(posterHeight, sortKey, isSmallScreen, posterOptions) { const { detailedProgressBar, showTitle, showMonitored, showQualityProfile } = posterOptions; const nextAiringHeight = 19; const heights = [ posterHeight, detailedProgressBar ? detailedProgressBarHeight : progressBarHeight, nextAiringHeight, isSmallScreen ? columnPaddingSmallScreen : columnPadding ]; if (showTitle) { heights.push(19); } if (showMonitored) { heights.push(19); } if (showQualityProfile) { heights.push(19); } switch (sortKey) { case 'seasons': case 'previousAiring': case 'added': case 'path': case 'sizeOnDisk': heights.push(19); break; case 'qualityProfileId': if (!showQualityProfile) { heights.push(19); } break; default: // No need to add a height of 0 } return heights.reduce((acc, height) => acc + height, 0); } function calculatePosterHeight(posterWidth) { return Math.ceil(posterWidth); } class ArtistIndexPosters extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.state = { width: 0, columnWidth: 182, columnCount: 1, posterWidth: 238, posterHeight: 238, rowHeight: calculateRowHeight(238, null, props.isSmallScreen, {}) }; this._isInitialized = false; this._grid = null; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { const { items, sortKey, posterOptions, jumpToCharacter } = this.props; const { width, columnWidth, columnCount, rowHeight } = this.state; if (prevProps.sortKey !== sortKey || prevProps.posterOptions !== posterOptions) { this.calculateGrid(); } if (this._grid && (prevState.width !== width || prevState.columnWidth !== columnWidth || prevState.columnCount !== columnCount || prevState.rowHeight !== rowHeight || hasDifferentItemsOrOrder(prevProps.items, items))) { // recomputeGridSize also forces Grid to discard its cache of rendered cells this._grid.recomputeGridSize(); } if (jumpToCharacter != null && jumpToCharacter !== prevProps.jumpToCharacter) { const index = getIndexOfFirstCharacter(items, jumpToCharacter); if (this._grid && index != null) { const row = Math.floor(index / columnCount); this._grid.scrollToCell({ rowIndex: row, columnIndex: 0 }); } } } // // Control setGridRef = (ref) => { this._grid = ref; } calculateGrid = (width = this.state.width, isSmallScreen) => { const { sortKey, posterOptions } = this.props; const padding = isSmallScreen ? columnPaddingSmallScreen : columnPadding; const columnWidth = calculateColumnWidth(width, posterOptions.size, isSmallScreen); const columnCount = Math.max(Math.floor(width / columnWidth), 1); const posterWidth = columnWidth - padding; const posterHeight = calculatePosterHeight(posterWidth); const rowHeight = calculateRowHeight(posterHeight, sortKey, isSmallScreen, posterOptions); this.setState({ width, columnWidth, columnCount, posterWidth, posterHeight, rowHeight }); } cellRenderer = ({ key, rowIndex, columnIndex, style }) => { const { items, sortKey, posterOptions, showRelativeDates, shortDateFormat, timeFormat } = this.props; const { posterWidth, posterHeight, columnCount } = this.state; const { detailedProgressBar, showTitle, showMonitored, showQualityProfile } = posterOptions; const artistIdx = rowIndex * columnCount + columnIndex; const artist = items[artistIdx]; if (!artist) { return null; } return (
); } // // Listeners onMeasure = ({ width }) => { this.calculateGrid(width, this.props.isSmallScreen); } // // Render render() { const { items, isSmallScreen, scroller } = this.props; const { width, columnWidth, columnCount, rowHeight } = this.state; const rowCount = Math.ceil(items.length / columnCount); return ( {({ height, registerChild, onChildScroll, scrollTop }) => { if (!height) { return
; } return (
); } } ); } } ArtistIndexPosters.propTypes = { items: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, sortKey: PropTypes.string, posterOptions: PropTypes.object.isRequired, jumpToCharacter: PropTypes.string, scroller: PropTypes.instanceOf(Element).isRequired, showRelativeDates: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, shortDateFormat: PropTypes.string.isRequired, isSmallScreen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, timeFormat: PropTypes.string.isRequired }; export default ArtistIndexPosters;