import _ from 'lodash'; import { createAction } from 'redux-actions'; import { batchActions } from 'redux-batched-actions'; import moment from 'moment'; import createAjaxRequest from 'Utilities/createAjaxRequest'; import { filterTypes } from 'Helpers/Props'; import { createThunk, handleThunks } from 'Store/thunks'; import * as calendarViews from 'Calendar/calendarViews'; import * as commandNames from 'Commands/commandNames'; import createClearReducer from './Creators/Reducers/createClearReducer'; import createHandleActions from './Creators/createHandleActions'; import { set, update } from './baseActions'; import { executeCommandHelper } from './commandActions'; // // Variables export const section = 'calendar'; const viewRanges = { [calendarViews.DAY]: 'day', [calendarViews.WEEK]: 'week', [calendarViews.MONTH]: 'month', [calendarViews.FORECAST]: 'day' }; // // State export const defaultState = { isFetching: false, isPopulated: false, start: null, end: null, dates: [], dayCount: 7, view: window.innerWidth > 768 ? 'week' : 'day', showUpcoming: true, error: null, items: [], searchMissingCommandId: null, options: { collapseMultipleAlbums: false, showCutoffUnmetIcon: false }, selectedFilterKey: 'monitored', filters: [ { key: 'all', label: 'All', filters: [ { key: 'monitored', value: false, type: filterTypes.EQUAL } ] }, { key: 'monitored', label: 'Monitored Only', filters: [ { key: 'monitored', value: true, type: filterTypes.EQUAL } ] } ] }; export const persistState = [ 'calendar.view', 'calendar.selectedFilterKey', 'calendar.options' ]; // // Actions Types export const FETCH_CALENDAR = 'calendar/fetchCalendar'; export const SET_CALENDAR_DAYS_COUNT = 'calendar/setCalendarDaysCount'; export const SET_CALENDAR_FILTER = 'calendar/setCalendarFilter'; export const SET_CALENDAR_VIEW = 'calendar/setCalendarView'; export const GOTO_CALENDAR_TODAY = 'calendar/gotoCalendarToday'; export const GOTO_CALENDAR_NEXT_RANGE = 'calendar/gotoCalendarNextRange'; export const CLEAR_CALENDAR = 'calendar/clearCalendar'; export const SET_CALENDAR_OPTION = 'calendar/setCalendarOption'; export const SEARCH_MISSING = 'calendar/searchMissing'; export const GOTO_CALENDAR_PREVIOUS_RANGE = 'calendar/gotoCalendarPreviousRange'; // // Helpers function getDays(start, end) { const startTime = moment(start); const endTime = moment(end); const difference = endTime.diff(startTime, 'days'); // Difference is one less than the number of days we need to account for. return _.times(difference + 1, (i) => { return startTime.clone().add(i, 'days').toISOString(); }); } function getDates(time, view, firstDayOfWeek, dayCount) { const weekName = firstDayOfWeek === 0 ? 'week' : 'isoWeek'; let start = time.clone().startOf('day'); let end = time.clone().endOf('day'); if (view === calendarViews.WEEK) { start = time.clone().startOf(weekName); end = time.clone().endOf(weekName); } if (view === calendarViews.FORECAST) { start = time.clone().subtract(1, 'day').startOf('day'); end = time.clone().add(dayCount - 2, 'days').endOf('day'); } if (view === calendarViews.MONTH) { start = time.clone().startOf('month').startOf(weekName); end = time.clone().endOf('month').endOf(weekName); } if (view === calendarViews.AGENDA) { start = time.clone().subtract(1, 'day').startOf('day'); end = time.clone().add(1, 'month').endOf('day'); } return { start: start.toISOString(), end: end.toISOString(), time: time.toISOString(), dates: getDays(start, end) }; } function getPopulatableRange(startDate, endDate, view) { switch (view) { case calendarViews.DAY: return { start: moment(startDate).subtract(1, 'day').toISOString(), end: moment(endDate).add(1, 'day').toISOString() }; case calendarViews.WEEK: case calendarViews.FORECAST: return { start: moment(startDate).subtract(1, 'week').toISOString(), end: moment(endDate).add(1, 'week').toISOString() }; default: return { start: startDate, end: endDate }; } } function isRangePopulated(start, end, state) { const { start: currentStart, end: currentEnd, view: currentView } = state; if (!currentStart || !currentEnd) { return false; } const { start: currentPopulatedStart, end: currentPopulatedEnd } = getPopulatableRange(currentStart, currentEnd, currentView); if ( moment(start).isAfter(currentPopulatedStart) && moment(start).isBefore(currentPopulatedEnd) ) { return true; } return false; } // // Action Creators export const fetchCalendar = createThunk(FETCH_CALENDAR); export const setCalendarDaysCount = createThunk(SET_CALENDAR_DAYS_COUNT); export const setCalendarFilter = createThunk(SET_CALENDAR_FILTER); export const setCalendarView = createThunk(SET_CALENDAR_VIEW); export const gotoCalendarToday = createThunk(GOTO_CALENDAR_TODAY); export const gotoCalendarPreviousRange = createThunk(GOTO_CALENDAR_PREVIOUS_RANGE); export const gotoCalendarNextRange = createThunk(GOTO_CALENDAR_NEXT_RANGE); export const clearCalendar = createAction(CLEAR_CALENDAR); export const setCalendarOption = createAction(SET_CALENDAR_OPTION); export const searchMissing = createThunk(SEARCH_MISSING); // // Action Handlers export const actionHandlers = handleThunks({ [FETCH_CALENDAR]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { const state = getState(); const calendar = state.calendar; const unmonitored = calendar.selectedFilterKey === 'all'; const { time = calendar.time, view = calendar.view } = payload; const dayCount = state.calendar.dayCount; const dates = getDates(moment(time), view, state.settings.ui.item.firstDayOfWeek, dayCount); const { start, end } = getPopulatableRange(dates.start, dates.end, view); const isPrePopulated = isRangePopulated(start, end, state.calendar); const basesAttrs = { section, isFetching: true }; const attrs = isPrePopulated ? { view, ...basesAttrs, ...dates } : basesAttrs; dispatch(set(attrs)); const promise = createAjaxRequest({ url: '/calendar', data: { unmonitored, start, end } }).request; promise.done((data) => { dispatch(batchActions([ update({ section, data }), set({ section, view, ...dates, isFetching: false, isPopulated: true, error: null }) ])); }); => { dispatch(set({ section, isFetching: false, isPopulated: false, error: xhr })); }); }, [SET_CALENDAR_DAYS_COUNT]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { if (payload.dayCount === getState().calendar.dayCount) { return; } dispatch(set({ section, dayCount: payload.dayCount })); const state = getState(); const { time, view } = state.calendar; dispatch(fetchCalendar({ time, view })); }, [SET_CALENDAR_FILTER]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { dispatch(set({ section, selectedFilterKey: payload.selectedFilterKey })); const state = getState(); const { time, view } = state.calendar; dispatch(fetchCalendar({ time, view })); }, [SET_CALENDAR_VIEW]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { const state = getState(); const view = payload.view; const time = view === calendarViews.FORECAST || calendarViews.AGENDA ? moment() : state.calendar.time; dispatch(fetchCalendar({ time, view })); }, [GOTO_CALENDAR_TODAY]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { const state = getState(); const view = state.calendar.view; const time = moment(); dispatch(fetchCalendar({ time, view })); }, [GOTO_CALENDAR_PREVIOUS_RANGE]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { const state = getState(); const { view, dayCount } = state.calendar; const amount = view === calendarViews.FORECAST ? dayCount : 1; const time = moment(state.calendar.time).subtract(amount, viewRanges[view]); dispatch(fetchCalendar({ time, view })); }, [GOTO_CALENDAR_NEXT_RANGE]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { const state = getState(); const { view, dayCount } = state.calendar; const amount = view === calendarViews.FORECAST ? dayCount : 1; const time = moment(state.calendar.time).add(amount, viewRanges[view]); dispatch(fetchCalendar({ time, view })); }, [SEARCH_MISSING]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) { const { albumIds } = payload; const commandPayload = { name: commandNames.ALBUM_SEARCH, albumIds }; executeCommandHelper(commandPayload, dispatch).then((data) => { dispatch(set({ section, searchMissingCommandId: })); }); } }); // // Reducers export const reducers = createHandleActions({ [CLEAR_CALENDAR]: createClearReducer(section, { isFetching: false, isPopulated: false, error: null, items: [] }), [SET_CALENDAR_OPTION]: function(state, { payload }) { const options = state.options; return { ...state, options: { ...options, ...payload } }; } }, defaultState, section);