using NLog; using NzbDrone.Core.Languages; using NzbDrone.Core.Profiles.Languages; using NzbDrone.Core.Profiles.Qualities; using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities; namespace NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine { public interface IUpgradableSpecification { bool IsUpgradable(Profile profile, LanguageProfile languageProfile, QualityModel currentQuality, Language currentLanguage, QualityModel newQuality, Language newLanguage); bool QualityCutoffNotMet(Profile profile, QualityModel currentQuality, QualityModel newQuality = null); bool LanguageCutoffNotMet(LanguageProfile languageProfile, Language currentLanguage); bool CutoffNotMet(Profile profile, LanguageProfile languageProfile, QualityModel currentQuality, Language currentLanguage, QualityModel newQuality = null); bool IsRevisionUpgrade(QualityModel currentQuality, QualityModel newQuality); } public class UpgradableSpecification : IUpgradableSpecification { private readonly Logger _logger; public UpgradableSpecification(Logger logger) { _logger = logger; } private bool IsLanguageUpgradable(LanguageProfile profile, Language currentLanguage, Language newLanguage = null) { if (newLanguage != null) { var compare = new LanguageComparer(profile).Compare(newLanguage, currentLanguage); if (compare <= 0) { return false; } } return true; } private bool IsQualityUpgradable(Profile profile, QualityModel currentQuality, QualityModel newQuality = null) { if (newQuality != null) { var compare = new QualityModelComparer(profile).Compare(newQuality, currentQuality); if (compare <= 0) { _logger.Debug("existing item has better quality. skipping"); return false; } } return true; } public bool IsUpgradable(Profile profile, LanguageProfile languageProfile, QualityModel currentQuality, Language currentLanguage, QualityModel newQuality, Language newLanguage) { // If qualities are the same then check language if (newQuality != null && new QualityModelComparer(profile).Compare(newQuality, currentQuality) == 0) { return IsLanguageUpgradable(languageProfile, currentLanguage, newLanguage); } // If quality is worse then always return false if (!IsQualityUpgradable(profile, currentQuality, newQuality)) { _logger.Debug("existing item has better quality. skipping"); return false; } return true; } public bool QualityCutoffNotMet(Profile profile, QualityModel currentQuality, QualityModel newQuality = null) { var qualityCompare = new QualityModelComparer(profile).Compare(currentQuality.Quality.Id, profile.Cutoff); if (qualityCompare < 0) { return true; } if (qualityCompare == 0 && newQuality != null && IsRevisionUpgrade(currentQuality, newQuality)) { return true; } return false; } public bool LanguageCutoffNotMet(LanguageProfile languageProfile, Language currentLanguage) { var languageCompare = new LanguageComparer(languageProfile).Compare(currentLanguage, languageProfile.Cutoff); return languageCompare < 0; } public bool CutoffNotMet(Profile profile, LanguageProfile languageProfile, QualityModel currentQuality, Language currentLanguage, QualityModel newQuality = null) { // If we can upgrade the language (it is not the cutoff) then doesn't matter the quality we can always get same quality with prefered language if (LanguageCutoffNotMet(languageProfile, currentLanguage)) { return true; } if (QualityCutoffNotMet(profile, currentQuality, newQuality)) { return true; } _logger.Debug("Existing item meets cut-off. skipping."); return false; } public bool IsRevisionUpgrade(QualityModel currentQuality, QualityModel newQuality) { var compare = newQuality.Revision.CompareTo(currentQuality.Revision); // Comparing the quality directly because we don't want to upgrade to a proper for a webrip from a webdl or vice versa if (currentQuality.Quality == newQuality.Quality && compare > 0) { _logger.Debug("New quality is a better revision for existing quality"); return true; } return false; } } }