import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ProtocolLabel from 'Activity/Queue/ProtocolLabel'; import AlbumFormats from 'Album/AlbumFormats'; import AlbumTitleLink from 'Album/AlbumTitleLink'; import TrackQuality from 'Album/TrackQuality'; import ArtistNameLink from 'Artist/ArtistNameLink'; import Icon from 'Components/Icon'; import IconButton from 'Components/Link/IconButton'; import SpinnerIconButton from 'Components/Link/SpinnerIconButton'; import ProgressBar from 'Components/ProgressBar'; import RelativeDateCellConnector from 'Components/Table/Cells/RelativeDateCellConnector'; import TableRowCell from 'Components/Table/Cells/TableRowCell'; import TableSelectCell from 'Components/Table/Cells/TableSelectCell'; import TableRow from 'Components/Table/TableRow'; import Popover from 'Components/Tooltip/Popover'; import Tooltip from 'Components/Tooltip/Tooltip'; import { icons, kinds, tooltipPositions } from 'Helpers/Props'; import InteractiveImportModal from 'InteractiveImport/InteractiveImportModal'; import formatBytes from 'Utilities/Number/formatBytes'; import formatCustomFormatScore from 'Utilities/Number/formatCustomFormatScore'; import translate from 'Utilities/String/translate'; import QueueStatusCell from './QueueStatusCell'; import RemoveQueueItemModal from './RemoveQueueItemModal'; import TimeleftCell from './TimeleftCell'; import styles from './QueueRow.css'; class QueueRow extends Component { // // Lifecycle constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.state = { isRemoveQueueItemModalOpen: false, isInteractiveImportModalOpen: false }; } // // Listeners onRemoveQueueItemPress = () => { this.setState({ isRemoveQueueItemModalOpen: true }); }; onRemoveQueueItemModalConfirmed = (blocklist, skipRedownload) => { const { onRemoveQueueItemPress, onQueueRowModalOpenOrClose } = this.props; onQueueRowModalOpenOrClose(false); onRemoveQueueItemPress(blocklist, skipRedownload); this.setState({ isRemoveQueueItemModalOpen: false }); }; onRemoveQueueItemModalClose = () => { this.props.onQueueRowModalOpenOrClose(false); this.setState({ isRemoveQueueItemModalOpen: false }); }; onInteractiveImportPress = () => { this.props.onQueueRowModalOpenOrClose(true); this.setState({ isInteractiveImportModalOpen: true }); }; onInteractiveImportModalClose = () => { this.props.onQueueRowModalOpenOrClose(false); this.setState({ isInteractiveImportModalOpen: false }); }; // // Render render() { const { id, downloadId, title, status, trackedDownloadStatus, trackedDownloadState, statusMessages, errorMessage, artist, album, quality, customFormats, customFormatScore, protocol, indexer, outputPath, downloadClient, downloadClientHasPostImportCategory, downloadForced, estimatedCompletionTime, added, timeleft, size, sizeleft, showRelativeDates, shortDateFormat, timeFormat, isGrabbing, grabError, isRemoving, isSelected, columns, onSelectedChange, onGrabPress } = this.props; const { isRemoveQueueItemModalOpen, isInteractiveImportModalOpen } = this.state; const progress = 100 - (sizeleft / size * 100); const showInteractiveImport = status === 'completed' && trackedDownloadStatus === 'warning'; const isPending = status === 'delay' || status === 'downloadClientUnavailable'; return ( { => { const { name, isVisible } = column; if (!isVisible) { return null; } if (name === 'status') { return ( ); } if (name === 'artists.sortName') { return ( { artist ? : title } ); } if (name === 'albums.title') { return ( { album ? : '-' } ); } if (name === 'albums.releaseDate') { if (album) { return ( ); } return ( - ); } if (name === 'quality') { return ( { quality ? : null } ); } if (name === 'customFormats') { return ( ); } if (name === 'customFormatScore') { return ( } position={tooltipPositions.BOTTOM} /> ); } if (name === 'protocol') { return ( ); } if (name === 'indexer') { return ( {indexer} ); } if (name === 'downloadClient') { return ( {downloadClient} ); } if (name === 'title') { return ( {title} ); } if (name === 'size') { return ( {formatBytes(size)} ); } if (name === 'outputPath') { return ( {outputPath} ); } if (name === 'estimatedCompletionTime') { return ( ); } if (name === 'progress') { return ( { !!progress && } ); } if (name === 'added') { return ( ); } if (name === 'actions') { return ( { downloadForced && } title={translate('ManualDownload')} body="This release failed parsing checks and was manually downloaded from an interactive search. Import is likely to fail." position={tooltipPositions.LEFT} /> } { showInteractiveImport && } { isPending && } ); } return null; }) } ); } } QueueRow.propTypes = { id: PropTypes.number.isRequired, downloadId: PropTypes.string, title: PropTypes.string.isRequired, status: PropTypes.string.isRequired, trackedDownloadStatus: PropTypes.string, trackedDownloadState: PropTypes.string, statusMessages: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), errorMessage: PropTypes.string, artist: PropTypes.object, album: PropTypes.object, quality: PropTypes.object.isRequired, customFormats: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), customFormatScore: PropTypes.number.isRequired, protocol: PropTypes.string.isRequired, indexer: PropTypes.string, outputPath: PropTypes.string, downloadClient: PropTypes.string, downloadClientHasPostImportCategory: PropTypes.bool, downloadForced: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, estimatedCompletionTime: PropTypes.string, added: PropTypes.string, timeleft: PropTypes.string, size: PropTypes.number, sizeleft: PropTypes.number, showRelativeDates: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, shortDateFormat: PropTypes.string.isRequired, timeFormat: PropTypes.string.isRequired, isGrabbing: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, grabError: PropTypes.object, isRemoving: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, isSelected: PropTypes.bool, columns: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, onSelectedChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onGrabPress: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onRemoveQueueItemPress: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onQueueRowModalOpenOrClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; QueueRow.defaultProps = { customFormats: [], isGrabbing: false, isRemoving: false }; export default QueueRow;