var _ = require('underscore'); var Marionette = require('marionette'); var Backgrid = require('backgrid'); var PosterCollectionView = require('./Posters/SeriesPostersCollectionView'); var ListCollectionView = require('./Overview/SeriesOverviewCollectionView'); var EmptyView = require('./EmptyView'); var ArtistCollection = require('../../Artist/ArtistCollection'); var RelativeDateCell = require('../../Cells/RelativeDateCell'); var SeriesTitleCell = require('../../Cells/SeriesTitleCell'); var TemplatedCell = require('../../Cells/TemplatedCell'); var ProfileCell = require('../../Cells/ProfileCell'); var EpisodeProgressCell = require('../../Cells/EpisodeProgressCell'); var SeriesActionsCell = require('../../Cells/SeriesActionsCell'); var SeriesStatusCell = require('../../Cells/SeriesStatusCell'); var FooterView = require('./FooterView'); var FooterModel = require('./FooterModel'); var ToolbarLayout = require('../../Shared/Toolbar/ToolbarLayout'); require('../../Mixins/backbone.signalr.mixin'); module.exports = Marionette.Layout.extend({ template : 'Series/Index/SeriesIndexLayoutTemplate', regions : { seriesRegion : '#x-series', toolbar : '#x-toolbar', toolbar2 : '#x-toolbar2', footer : '#x-series-footer' }, columns : [ { name : 'statusWeight', label : '', cell : SeriesStatusCell }, { name : 'title', label : 'Title', cell : SeriesTitleCell, cellValue : 'this', sortValue : 'sortTitle' }, { name : 'seasonCount', label : 'Seasons', cell : 'integer' }, { name : 'profileId', label : 'Profile', cell : ProfileCell }, { name : 'network', label : 'Network', cell : 'string' }, { name : 'nextAiring', label : 'Next Airing', cell : RelativeDateCell }, { name : 'percentOfEpisodes', label : 'Episodes', cell : EpisodeProgressCell, className : 'episode-progress-cell' }, { name : 'this', label : '', sortable : false, cell : SeriesActionsCell } ], leftSideButtons : { type : 'default', storeState : false, collapse : true, items : [ { title : 'Add Series', icon : 'icon-lidarr-add', route : 'addseries' }, { title : 'Season Pass', icon : 'icon-lidarr-monitored', route : 'seasonpass' }, { title : 'Series Editor', icon : 'icon-lidarr-edit', route : 'serieseditor' }, { title : 'RSS Sync', icon : 'icon-lidarr-rss', command : 'rsssync', errorMessage : 'RSS Sync Failed!' }, { title : 'Update Library', icon : 'icon-lidarr-refresh', command : 'refreshseries', successMessage : 'Library was updated!', errorMessage : 'Library update failed!' } ] }, initialize : function() { this.artistCollection = ArtistCollection.clone(); this.artistCollection.shadowCollection.bindSignalR(); this.listenTo(this.artistCollection, 'sync', function(model, collection, options) { this.artistCollection.fullCollection.resetFiltered(); this._renderView(); }); this.listenTo(this.artistCollection, 'add', function(model, collection, options) { this.artistCollection.fullCollection.resetFiltered(); this._renderView(); }); this.listenTo(this.artistCollection, 'remove', function(model, collection, options) { this.artistCollection.fullCollection.resetFiltered(); this._renderView(); }); this.sortingOptions = { type : 'sorting', storeState : false, viewCollection : this.artistCollection, items : [ { title : 'Title', name : 'title' }, { title : 'Seasons', name : 'seasonCount' }, { title : 'Quality', name : 'profileId' }, { title : 'Network', name : 'network' }, { title : 'Next Airing', name : 'nextAiring' }, { title : 'Episodes', name : 'percentOfEpisodes' } ] }; this.filteringOptions = { type : 'radio', storeState : true, menuKey : 'series.filterMode', defaultAction : 'all', items : [ { key : 'all', title : '', tooltip : 'All', icon : 'icon-lidarr-all', callback : this._setFilter }, { key : 'monitored', title : '', tooltip : 'Monitored Only', icon : 'icon-lidarr-monitored', callback : this._setFilter }, { key : 'continuing', title : '', tooltip : 'Continuing Only', icon : 'icon-lidarr-series-continuing', callback : this._setFilter }, { key : 'ended', title : '', tooltip : 'Ended Only', icon : 'icon-lidarr-series-ended', callback : this._setFilter }, { key : 'missing', title : '', tooltip : 'Missing', icon : 'icon-lidarr-missing', callback : this._setFilter } ] }; this.viewButtons = { type : 'radio', storeState : true, menuKey : 'seriesViewMode', defaultAction : 'listView', items : [ { key : 'posterView', title : '', tooltip : 'Posters', icon : 'icon-lidarr-view-poster', callback : this._showPosters }, { key : 'listView', title : '', tooltip : 'Overview List', icon : 'icon-lidarr-view-list', callback : this._showList }, { key : 'tableView', title : '', tooltip : 'Table', icon : 'icon-lidarr-view-table', callback : this._showTable } ] }; }, onShow : function() { this._showToolbar(); this._fetchCollection(); }, _showTable : function() { this.currentView = new Backgrid.Grid({ collection : this.artistCollection, columns : this.columns, className : 'table table-hover' }); this._renderView(); }, _showList : function() { this.currentView = new ListCollectionView({ collection : this.artistCollection }); this._renderView(); }, _showPosters : function() { this.currentView = new PosterCollectionView({ collection : this.artistCollection }); this._renderView(); }, _renderView : function() { // Problem is this is calling before artistCollection has updated. Where are the promises with backbone? if (this.artistCollection.length === 0) { EmptyView()); this.toolbar.close(); this.toolbar2.close(); } else {; this._showToolbar(); this._showFooter(); } }, _fetchCollection : function() { this.artistCollection.fetch(); console.log('index page, collection: ', this.artistCollection); }, _setFilter : function(buttonContext) { var mode = buttonContext.model.get('key'); this.artistCollection.setFilterMode(mode); }, _showToolbar : function() { if (this.toolbar.currentView) { return; } ToolbarLayout({ right : [ this.filteringOptions ], context : this })); ToolbarLayout({ right : [ this.sortingOptions, this.viewButtons ], left : [ this.leftSideButtons ], context : this })); }, _showFooter : function() { var footerModel = new FooterModel(); var series = this.artistCollection.models.length; var episodes = 0; var episodeFiles = 0; var ended = 0; var continuing = 0; var monitored = 0; _.each(this.artistCollection.models, function(model) { episodes += model.get('episodeCount'); // TODO: Refactor to Seasons and Tracks episodeFiles += model.get('episodeFileCount'); /*if (model.get('status').toLowerCase() === 'ended') { ended++; } else { continuing++; }*/ if (model.get('monitored')) { monitored++; } }); footerModel.set({ series : series, ended : ended, continuing : continuing, monitored : monitored, unmonitored : series - monitored, episodes : episodes, episodeFiles : episodeFiles }); FooterView({ model : footerModel })); } });