using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Threading.Tasks; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Cache; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; namespace NzbDrone.Common.TPL { public interface IRateLimitService { void WaitAndPulse(string key, TimeSpan interval); void WaitAndPulse(string key, string subKey, TimeSpan interval); Task WaitAndPulseAsync(string key, TimeSpan interval); Task WaitAndPulseAsync(string key, string subKey, TimeSpan interval); } public class RateLimitService : IRateLimitService { private readonly ConcurrentDictionary _rateLimitStore; private readonly Logger _logger; public RateLimitService(ICacheManager cacheManager, Logger logger) { _rateLimitStore = cacheManager.GetCache>(GetType(), "rateLimitStore").Get("rateLimitStore", () => new ConcurrentDictionary()); _logger = logger; } public void WaitAndPulse(string key, TimeSpan interval) { WaitAndPulse(key, null, interval); } public async Task WaitAndPulseAsync(string key, TimeSpan interval) { await WaitAndPulseAsync(key, null, interval); } public void WaitAndPulse(string key, string subKey, TimeSpan interval) { var delay = GetDelay(key, subKey, interval); if (delay.TotalSeconds > 0.0) { _logger.Trace("Rate Limit triggered, delaying '{0}' for {1:0.000} sec", key, delay.TotalSeconds); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(delay); } } public async Task WaitAndPulseAsync(string key, string subKey, TimeSpan interval) { var delay = GetDelay(key, subKey, interval); if (delay.TotalSeconds > 0.0) { _logger.Trace("Rate Limit triggered, delaying '{0}' for {1:0.000} sec", key, delay.TotalSeconds); await Task.Delay(delay); } } private TimeSpan GetDelay(string key, string subKey, TimeSpan interval) { var waitUntil = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(interval); if (subKey.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { // Expand the base key timer, but don't extend it beyond now+interval. var baseUntil = _rateLimitStore.AddOrUpdate(key, (s) => waitUntil, (s, i) => new DateTime(Math.Max(waitUntil.Ticks, i.Ticks), DateTimeKind.Utc)); if (baseUntil > waitUntil) { waitUntil = baseUntil; } // Wait for the full key var combinedKey = key + "-" + subKey; waitUntil = _rateLimitStore.AddOrUpdate(combinedKey, (s) => waitUntil, (s, i) => new DateTime(Math.Max(waitUntil.Ticks, i.Add(interval).Ticks), DateTimeKind.Utc)); } else { waitUntil = _rateLimitStore.AddOrUpdate(key, (s) => waitUntil, (s, i) => new DateTime(Math.Max(waitUntil.Ticks, i.Add(interval).Ticks), DateTimeKind.Utc)); } waitUntil -= interval; return waitUntil - DateTime.UtcNow; } } }