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using System.Collections.Generic;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Common.Instrumentation;
using NzbDrone.Common.Instrumentation.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles
public static class MediaInfoFormatter
private static readonly Logger Logger = NzbDroneLogger.GetLogger(typeof(MediaInfoFormatter));
public static string FormatAudioBitrate(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
return mediaInfo.AudioBitrate + " kbps";
public static string FormatAudioBitsPerSample(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
if (mediaInfo.AudioBits == 0)
return string.Empty;
return mediaInfo.AudioBits + "bit";
public static string FormatAudioSampleRate(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
return $"{(double)mediaInfo.AudioSampleRate / 1000:0.#}kHz";
public static decimal FormatAudioChannels(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
return mediaInfo.AudioChannels;
public static readonly Dictionary<Codec, string> CodecNames = new Dictionary<Codec, string>
{ Codec.MP1, "MP1" },
{ Codec.MP2, "MP2" },
{ Codec.AAC, "AAC" },
{ Codec.AACVBR, "AAC" },
{ Codec.ALAC, "ALAC" },
{ Codec.APE, "APE" },
{ Codec.FLAC, "FLAC" },
{ Codec.MP3CBR, "MP3" },
{ Codec.MP3VBR, "MP3" },
{ Codec.OGG, "OGG" },
{ Codec.OPUS, "OPUS" },
{ Codec.WAV, "PCM" },
{ Codec.WAVPACK, "WavPack" },
{ Codec.WMA, "WMA" }
public static string FormatAudioCodec(MediaInfoModel mediaInfo)
var codec = QualityParser.ParseCodec(mediaInfo.AudioFormat, null);
if (CodecNames.ContainsKey(codec))
return CodecNames[codec];
.Message("Unknown audio format: '{0}'.", string.Join(", ", mediaInfo.AudioFormat))
.WriteSentryWarn("UnknownAudioFormat", mediaInfo.AudioFormat)
return "Unknown";