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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Qualities
public class Quality : IEmbeddedDocument, IEquatable<Quality>
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Quality()
private Quality(int id, string name)
Id = id;
Name = name;
public override string ToString()
return Name;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
public bool Equals(Quality other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
return Id.Equals(other.Id);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
return Equals(obj as Quality);
public static bool operator ==(Quality left, Quality right)
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(Quality left, Quality right)
return !Equals(left, right);
public static Quality Unknown => new Quality(0, "Unknown");
public static Quality MP3_192 => new Quality(1, "MP3-192");
public static Quality MP3_VBR => new Quality(2, "MP3-VBR-V0");
public static Quality MP3_256 => new Quality(3, "MP3-256");
public static Quality MP3_320 => new Quality(4, "MP3-320");
public static Quality MP3_160 => new Quality(5, "MP3-160");
public static Quality FLAC => new Quality(6, "FLAC");
public static Quality ALAC => new Quality(7, "ALAC");
public static Quality MP3_VBR_V2 => new Quality(8, "MP3-VBR-V2");
public static Quality AAC_192 => new Quality(9, "AAC-192");
public static Quality AAC_256 => new Quality(10, "AAC-256");
public static Quality AAC_320 => new Quality(11, "AAC-320");
public static Quality AAC_VBR => new Quality(12, "AAC-VBR");
public static Quality WAV => new Quality(13, "WAV");
public static Quality VORBIS_Q10 => new Quality(14, "OGG Vorbis Q10");
public static Quality VORBIS_Q9 => new Quality(15, "OGG Vorbis Q9");
public static Quality VORBIS_Q8 => new Quality(16, "OGG Vorbis Q8");
public static Quality VORBIS_Q7 => new Quality(17, "OGG Vorbis Q7");
public static Quality VORBIS_Q6 => new Quality(18, "OGG Vorbis Q6");
public static Quality VORBIS_Q5 => new Quality(19, "OGG Vorbis Q5");
public static Quality WMA => new Quality(20, "WMA");
public static Quality FLAC_24 => new Quality(21, "FLAC 24bit");
public static Quality MP3_128 => new Quality(22, "MP3-128");
public static Quality MP3_096 => new Quality(23, "MP3-96"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_080 => new Quality(24, "MP3-80"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_064 => new Quality(25, "MP3-64"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_056 => new Quality(26, "MP3-56"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_048 => new Quality(27, "MP3-48"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_040 => new Quality(28, "MP3-40"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_032 => new Quality(29, "MP3-32"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_024 => new Quality(30, "MP3-24"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_016 => new Quality(31, "MP3-16"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_008 => new Quality(32, "MP3-8"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_112 => new Quality(33, "MP3-112"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality MP3_224 => new Quality(34, "MP3-224"); // For Current Files Only
public static Quality APE => new Quality(35, "APE");
public static Quality WAVPACK => new Quality(36, "WavPack");
public static Quality ALAC_24 => new Quality(37, "ALAC 24bit");
static Quality()
All = new List<Quality>
AllLookup = new Quality[All.Select(v => v.Id).Max() + 1];
foreach (var quality in All)
AllLookup[quality.Id] = quality;
DefaultQualityDefinitions = new HashSet<QualityDefinition>
new QualityDefinition(Quality.Unknown) { Weight = 1, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 350, PreferredSize = 195, GroupWeight = 1 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_008) { Weight = 2, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 10, PreferredSize = 5, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_016) { Weight = 3, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 20, PreferredSize = 15, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_024) { Weight = 4, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 30, PreferredSize = 25, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_032) { Weight = 5, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 40, PreferredSize = 35, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_040) { Weight = 6, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 45, PreferredSize = 40, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_048) { Weight = 7, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 55, PreferredSize = 50, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_056) { Weight = 8, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 65, PreferredSize = 60, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_064) { Weight = 9, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 75, PreferredSize = 70, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_080) { Weight = 10, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 95, PreferredSize = 90, GroupName = "Trash Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 2 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_096) { Weight = 11, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 110, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Poor Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 3 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_112) { Weight = 12, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 125, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Poor Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 3 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_128) { Weight = 13, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 140, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Poor Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 3 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.VORBIS_Q5) { Weight = 14, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 175, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Poor Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 3 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_160) { Weight = 14, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 175, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Poor Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 3 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_192) { Weight = 15, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 210, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Low Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 4 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.VORBIS_Q6) { Weight = 15, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 210, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Low Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 4 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.AAC_192) { Weight = 15, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 210, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Low Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 4 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.WMA) { Weight = 15, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 350, PreferredSize = 195, GroupName = "Low Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 4 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_224) { Weight = 16, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 245, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Low Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 4 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.VORBIS_Q7) { Weight = 17, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 245, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Mid Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 5 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_VBR_V2) { Weight = 18, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 280, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Mid Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 5 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_256) { Weight = 18, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 280, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Mid Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 5 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.VORBIS_Q8) { Weight = 18, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 280, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Mid Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 5 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.AAC_256) { Weight = 18, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 280, PreferredSize = 95, GroupName = "Mid Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 5 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_VBR) { Weight = 19, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 350, PreferredSize = 195, GroupName = "High Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 6 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.AAC_VBR) { Weight = 19, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 350, PreferredSize = 195, GroupName = "High Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 6 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.MP3_320) { Weight = 20, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 350, PreferredSize = 195, GroupName = "High Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 6 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.VORBIS_Q9) { Weight = 20, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 350, PreferredSize = 195, GroupName = "High Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 6 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.AAC_320) { Weight = 20, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 350, PreferredSize = 195, GroupName = "High Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 6 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.VORBIS_Q10) { Weight = 21, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = 550, PreferredSize = 295, GroupName = "High Quality Lossy", GroupWeight = 6 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.FLAC) { Weight = 22, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = null, PreferredSize = 895, GroupName = "Lossless", GroupWeight = 7 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.ALAC) { Weight = 22, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = null, PreferredSize = 895, GroupName = "Lossless", GroupWeight = 7 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.APE) { Weight = 22, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = null, PreferredSize = 895, GroupName = "Lossless", GroupWeight = 7 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.WAVPACK) { Weight = 22, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = null, PreferredSize = 895, GroupName = "Lossless", GroupWeight = 7 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.FLAC_24) { Weight = 23, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = null, PreferredSize = 895, GroupName = "Lossless", GroupWeight = 7 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.ALAC_24) { Weight = 23, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = null, PreferredSize = 895, GroupName = "Lossless", GroupWeight = 7 },
new QualityDefinition(Quality.WAV) { Weight = 24, MinSize = 0, MaxSize = null, PreferredSize = 895, GroupWeight = 8 }
public static readonly List<Quality> All;
public static readonly Quality[] AllLookup;
public static readonly HashSet<QualityDefinition> DefaultQualityDefinitions;
public static Quality FindById(int id)
if (id == 0)
return Unknown;
else if (id > AllLookup.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("ID does not match a known quality", nameof(id));
var quality = AllLookup[id];
if (quality == null)
throw new ArgumentException("ID does not match a known quality", nameof(id));
return quality;
public static explicit operator Quality(int id)
return FindById(id);
public static explicit operator int(Quality quality)
return quality.Id;