You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

396 lines
10 KiB

import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';
import { filterTypes, sortDirections } from 'Helpers/Props';
import { setAppValue } from 'Store/Actions/appActions';
import { createThunk, handleThunks } from 'Store/thunks';
import createAjaxRequest from 'Utilities/createAjaxRequest';
import serverSideCollectionHandlers from 'Utilities/serverSideCollectionHandlers';
import translate from 'Utilities/String/translate';
import { pingServer } from './appActions';
import { set } from './baseActions';
import createFetchHandler from './Creators/createFetchHandler';
import createHandleActions from './Creators/createHandleActions';
import createRemoveItemHandler from './Creators/createRemoveItemHandler';
import createServerSideCollectionHandlers from './Creators/createServerSideCollectionHandlers';
import createClearReducer from './Creators/Reducers/createClearReducer';
import createSetTableOptionReducer from './Creators/Reducers/createSetTableOptionReducer';
// Variables
export const section = 'system';
const backupsSection = 'system.backups';
// State
export const defaultState = {
status: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
item: {}
health: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: []
diskSpace: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: []
tasks: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: []
backups: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
isRestoring: false,
restoreError: null,
isDeleting: false,
deleteError: null,
items: []
updates: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: []
logs: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
pageSize: 50,
sortKey: 'time',
sortDirection: sortDirections.DESCENDING,
error: null,
items: [],
columns: [
name: 'level',
columnLabel: translate('Level'),
isSortable: false,
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
name: 'time',
label: translate('Time'),
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
name: 'logger',
label: translate('Component'),
isSortable: false,
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
name: 'message',
label: translate('Message'),
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
name: 'actions',
columnLabel: translate('Actions'),
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
selectedFilterKey: 'all',
filters: [
key: 'all',
label: translate('All'),
filters: []
key: 'info',
label: translate('Info'),
filters: [
key: 'level',
value: 'info',
type: filterTypes.EQUAL
key: 'warn',
label: translate('Warn'),
filters: [
key: 'level',
value: 'warn',
type: filterTypes.EQUAL
key: 'error',
label: translate('Error'),
filters: [
key: 'level',
value: 'error',
type: filterTypes.EQUAL
logFiles: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: []
updateLogFiles: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: []
export const persistState = [
// Actions Types
export const FETCH_STATUS = 'system/status/fetchStatus';
export const FETCH_HEALTH = 'system/health/fetchHealth';
export const FETCH_DISK_SPACE = 'system/diskSpace/fetchDiskSPace';
export const FETCH_TASK = 'system/tasks/fetchTask';
export const FETCH_TASKS = 'system/tasks/fetchTasks';
export const FETCH_BACKUPS = 'system/backups/fetchBackups';
export const RESTORE_BACKUP = 'system/backups/restoreBackup';
export const CLEAR_RESTORE_BACKUP = 'system/backups/clearRestoreBackup';
export const DELETE_BACKUP = 'system/backups/deleteBackup';
export const FETCH_UPDATES = 'system/updates/fetchUpdates';
export const FETCH_LOGS = 'system/logs/fetchLogs';
export const GOTO_FIRST_LOGS_PAGE = 'system/logs/gotoLogsFirstPage';
export const GOTO_PREVIOUS_LOGS_PAGE = 'system/logs/gotoLogsPreviousPage';
export const GOTO_NEXT_LOGS_PAGE = 'system/logs/gotoLogsNextPage';
export const GOTO_LAST_LOGS_PAGE = 'system/logs/gotoLogsLastPage';
export const GOTO_LOGS_PAGE = 'system/logs/gotoLogsPage';
export const SET_LOGS_SORT = 'system/logs/setLogsSort';
export const SET_LOGS_FILTER = 'system/logs/setLogsFilter';
export const SET_LOGS_TABLE_OPTION = 'system/logs/setLogsTableOption';
export const CLEAR_LOGS_TABLE = 'system/logs/clearLogsTable';
export const FETCH_LOG_FILES = 'system/logFiles/fetchLogFiles';
export const FETCH_UPDATE_LOG_FILES = 'system/updateLogFiles/fetchUpdateLogFiles';
export const RESTART = 'system/restart';
export const SHUTDOWN = 'system/shutdown';
// Action Creators
export const fetchStatus = createThunk(FETCH_STATUS);
export const fetchHealth = createThunk(FETCH_HEALTH);
export const fetchDiskSpace = createThunk(FETCH_DISK_SPACE);
export const fetchTask = createThunk(FETCH_TASK);
export const fetchTasks = createThunk(FETCH_TASKS);
export const fetchBackups = createThunk(FETCH_BACKUPS);
export const restoreBackup = createThunk(RESTORE_BACKUP);
export const clearRestoreBackup = createAction(CLEAR_RESTORE_BACKUP);
export const deleteBackup = createThunk(DELETE_BACKUP);
export const fetchUpdates = createThunk(FETCH_UPDATES);
export const fetchLogs = createThunk(FETCH_LOGS);
export const gotoLogsFirstPage = createThunk(GOTO_FIRST_LOGS_PAGE);
export const gotoLogsPreviousPage = createThunk(GOTO_PREVIOUS_LOGS_PAGE);
export const gotoLogsNextPage = createThunk(GOTO_NEXT_LOGS_PAGE);
export const gotoLogsLastPage = createThunk(GOTO_LAST_LOGS_PAGE);
export const gotoLogsPage = createThunk(GOTO_LOGS_PAGE);
export const setLogsSort = createThunk(SET_LOGS_SORT);
export const setLogsFilter = createThunk(SET_LOGS_FILTER);
export const setLogsTableOption = createAction(SET_LOGS_TABLE_OPTION);
export const clearLogsTable = createAction(CLEAR_LOGS_TABLE);
export const fetchLogFiles = createThunk(FETCH_LOG_FILES);
export const fetchUpdateLogFiles = createThunk(FETCH_UPDATE_LOG_FILES);
export const restart = createThunk(RESTART);
export const shutdown = createThunk(SHUTDOWN);
// Action Handlers
export const actionHandlers = handleThunks({
[FETCH_STATUS]: createFetchHandler('system.status', '/system/status'),
[FETCH_HEALTH]: createFetchHandler('', '/health'),
[FETCH_DISK_SPACE]: createFetchHandler('system.diskSpace', '/diskspace'),
[FETCH_TASK]: createFetchHandler('system.tasks', '/system/task'),
[FETCH_TASKS]: createFetchHandler('system.tasks', '/system/task'),
[FETCH_BACKUPS]: createFetchHandler(backupsSection, '/system/backup'),
[RESTORE_BACKUP]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) {
const {
} = payload;
section: backupsSection,
isRestoring: true
let ajaxOptions = null;
if (id) {
ajaxOptions = {
url: `/system/backup/restore/${id}`,
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify({
} else if (file) {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('restore', file);
ajaxOptions = {
url: '/system/backup/restore/upload',
method: 'POST',
processData: false,
contentType: false,
data: formData
} else {
section: backupsSection,
isRestoring: false,
restoreError: 'Error restoring backup'
const promise = createAjaxRequest(ajaxOptions).request;
promise.done((data) => {
section: backupsSection,
isRestoring: false,
restoreError: null
}); => {
section: backupsSection,
isRestoring: false,
restoreError: xhr
[DELETE_BACKUP]: createRemoveItemHandler(backupsSection, '/system/backup'),
[FETCH_UPDATES]: createFetchHandler('system.updates', '/update'),
[FETCH_LOG_FILES]: createFetchHandler('system.logFiles', '/log/file'),
[FETCH_UPDATE_LOG_FILES]: createFetchHandler('system.updateLogFiles', '/log/file/update'),
[serverSideCollectionHandlers.FETCH]: FETCH_LOGS,
[serverSideCollectionHandlers.FIRST_PAGE]: GOTO_FIRST_LOGS_PAGE,
[serverSideCollectionHandlers.PREVIOUS_PAGE]: GOTO_PREVIOUS_LOGS_PAGE,
[serverSideCollectionHandlers.NEXT_PAGE]: GOTO_NEXT_LOGS_PAGE,
[serverSideCollectionHandlers.LAST_PAGE]: GOTO_LAST_LOGS_PAGE,
[serverSideCollectionHandlers.EXACT_PAGE]: GOTO_LOGS_PAGE,
[serverSideCollectionHandlers.SORT]: SET_LOGS_SORT,
[serverSideCollectionHandlers.FILTER]: SET_LOGS_FILTER
[RESTART]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) {
const promise = createAjaxRequest({
url: '/system/restart',
method: 'POST'
promise.done(() => {
dispatch(setAppValue({ isRestarting: true }));
[SHUTDOWN]: function() {
url: '/system/shutdown',
method: 'POST'
// Reducers
export const reducers = createHandleActions({
[CLEAR_RESTORE_BACKUP]: function(state, { payload }) {
return {
backups: {
isRestoring: false,
restoreError: null
[SET_LOGS_TABLE_OPTION]: createSetTableOptionReducer('logs'),
[CLEAR_LOGS_TABLE]: createClearReducer(section, {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: [],
totalPages: 0,
totalRecords: 0
}, defaultState, section);