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using System;
using System.Linq;
using FluentValidation.Results;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Music;
using NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.Xbmc.Model;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.Xbmc
public interface IXbmcService
void Notify(XbmcSettings settings, string title, string message);
void Update(XbmcSettings settings, Artist artist);
void Clean(XbmcSettings settings);
ValidationFailure Test(XbmcSettings settings, string message);
public class XbmcService : IXbmcService
private readonly IXbmcJsonApiProxy _proxy;
private readonly Logger _logger;
public XbmcService(IXbmcJsonApiProxy proxy,
Logger logger)
_proxy = proxy;
_logger = logger;
public void Notify(XbmcSettings settings, string title, string message)
_proxy.Notify(settings, title, message);
public void Update(XbmcSettings settings, Artist artist)
if (!settings.AlwaysUpdate)
_logger.Debug("Determining if there are any active players on XBMC host: {0}", settings.Address);
var activePlayers = _proxy.GetActivePlayers(settings);
if (activePlayers.Any(a => a.Type.Equals("audio")))
_logger.Debug("Audio is currently playing, skipping library update");
UpdateLibrary(settings, artist);
public void Clean(XbmcSettings settings)
public string GetArtistPath(XbmcSettings settings, Artist artist)
var allArtists = _proxy.GetArtist(settings);
if (!allArtists.Any())
_logger.Debug("No Artists returned from XBMC");
return null;
var matchingArtist = allArtists.FirstOrDefault(s =>
var musicBrainzId = s.MusicbrainzArtistId.FirstOrDefault();
return musicBrainzId == artist.Metadata.Value.ForeignArtistId || s.Label == artist.Name;
KodiSource matchingSource = null;
if (matchingArtist != null && matchingArtist.SourceId.Any())
var allSources = _proxy.GetSources(settings);
matchingSource = allSources.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SourceId == matchingArtist.SourceId.FirstOrDefault());
return matchingSource?.File;
private void UpdateLibrary(XbmcSettings settings, Artist artist)
var artistPath = GetArtistPath(settings, artist);
if (artistPath != null)
_logger.Debug("Updating artist {0} (Path: {1}) on XBMC host: {2}", artist, artistPath, settings.Address);
_logger.Debug("Artist {0} doesn't exist on XBMC host: {1}, Updating Entire Library",
var response = _proxy.UpdateLibrary(settings, artistPath);
if (!response.Equals("OK", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
_logger.Debug("Failed to update library for: {0}", settings.Address);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Debug(ex, ex.Message);
public ValidationFailure Test(XbmcSettings settings, string message)
Notify(settings, "Test Notification", message);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send test message");
return new ValidationFailure("Host", "Unable to send test message");
return null;