You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

157 lines
5.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NzbDrone.Api.REST;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
using NzbDrone.Core.Qualities;
using NzbDrone.Core.Indexers;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine;
using System.Linq;
namespace NzbDrone.Api.Indexers
public class ReleaseResource : RestResource
public string Guid { get; set; }
public QualityModel Quality { get; set; }
public int QualityWeight { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public double AgeHours { get; set; }
public double AgeMinutes { get; set; }
public long Size { get; set; }
public int IndexerId { get; set; }
public string Indexer { get; set; }
public string ReleaseGroup { get; set; }
public string ReleaseHash { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public Language Language { get; set; }
public string ReleaseDate { get; set; }
public string ArtistName { get; set; }
public string AlbumTitle { get; set; }
public bool Approved { get; set; }
public bool TemporarilyRejected { get; set; }
public bool Rejected { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> Rejections { get; set; }
public DateTime PublishDate { get; set; }
public string CommentUrl { get; set; }
public string DownloadUrl { get; set; }
public string InfoUrl { get; set; }
public bool DownloadAllowed { get; set; }
public int ReleaseWeight { get; set; }
public string MagnetUrl { get; set; }
public string InfoHash { get; set; }
public int? Seeders { get; set; }
public int? Leechers { get; set; }
public DownloadProtocol Protocol { get; set; }
// TODO: Remove in v3
// Used to support the original Release Push implementation
// JsonIgnore so we don't serialize it, but can still parse it
public DownloadProtocol DownloadProtocol
return Protocol;
if (value > 0 && Protocol == 0)
Protocol = value;
public bool IsDaily { get; set; }
public bool IsAbsoluteNumbering { get; set; }
public bool IsPossibleSpecialEpisode { get; set; }
public bool Special { get; set; }
public static class ReleaseResourceMapper
public static ReleaseResource ToResource(this DownloadDecision model)
var releaseInfo = model.RemoteAlbum.Release;
var parsedAlbumInfo = model.RemoteAlbum.ParsedAlbumInfo;
var remoteAlbum = model.RemoteAlbum;
var torrentInfo = (model.RemoteAlbum.Release as TorrentInfo) ?? new TorrentInfo();
// TODO: Clean this mess up. don't mix data from multiple classes, use sub-resources instead? (Got a huge Deja Vu, didn't we talk about this already once?)
return new ReleaseResource
Guid = releaseInfo.Guid,
Quality = parsedAlbumInfo.Quality,
Age = releaseInfo.Age,
AgeHours = releaseInfo.AgeHours,
AgeMinutes = releaseInfo.AgeMinutes,
Size = releaseInfo.Size,
IndexerId = releaseInfo.IndexerId,
Indexer = releaseInfo.Indexer,
ReleaseGroup = parsedAlbumInfo.ReleaseGroup,
ReleaseHash = parsedAlbumInfo.ReleaseHash,
Title = releaseInfo.Title,
Language = parsedAlbumInfo.Language,
ReleaseDate = parsedAlbumInfo.ReleaseDate,
ArtistName = parsedAlbumInfo.ArtistName,
AlbumTitle = parsedAlbumInfo.AlbumTitle,
Approved = model.Approved,
TemporarilyRejected = model.TemporarilyRejected,
Rejected = model.Rejected,
Rejections = model.Rejections.Select(r => r.Reason).ToList(),
PublishDate = releaseInfo.PublishDate,
CommentUrl = releaseInfo.CommentUrl,
DownloadUrl = releaseInfo.DownloadUrl,
InfoUrl = releaseInfo.InfoUrl,
DownloadAllowed = remoteAlbum.DownloadAllowed,
MagnetUrl = torrentInfo.MagnetUrl,
InfoHash = torrentInfo.InfoHash,
Seeders = torrentInfo.Seeders,
Leechers = (torrentInfo.Peers.HasValue && torrentInfo.Seeders.HasValue) ? (torrentInfo.Peers.Value - torrentInfo.Seeders.Value) : (int?)null,
Protocol = releaseInfo.DownloadProtocol,
public static ReleaseInfo ToModel(this ReleaseResource resource)
ReleaseInfo model;
if (resource.Protocol == DownloadProtocol.Torrent)
model = new TorrentInfo
MagnetUrl = resource.MagnetUrl,
InfoHash = resource.InfoHash,
Seeders = resource.Seeders,
Peers = (resource.Seeders.HasValue && resource.Leechers.HasValue) ? (resource.Seeders + resource.Leechers) : null
model = new ReleaseInfo();
model.Guid = resource.Guid;
model.Title = resource.Title;
model.Size = resource.Size;
model.DownloadUrl = resource.DownloadUrl;
model.InfoUrl = resource.InfoUrl;
model.CommentUrl = resource.CommentUrl;
model.IndexerId = resource.IndexerId;
model.Indexer = resource.Indexer;
model.DownloadProtocol = resource.DownloadProtocol;
model.PublishDate = resource.PublishDate;
return model;