You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

232 lines
8.2 KiB

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using NzbDrone.Common.Disk;
using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions;
using NzbDrone.Common.Http;
using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.TorrentInfo;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Validation;
using FluentValidation.Results;
using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.rTorrent;
using NzbDrone.Core.Exceptions;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.RemotePathMappings;
using NzbDrone.Core.ThingiProvider;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.RTorrent
public class RTorrent : TorrentClientBase<RTorrentSettings>
private readonly IRTorrentProxy _proxy;
private readonly IRTorrentDirectoryValidator _rTorrentDirectoryValidator;
public RTorrent(IRTorrentProxy proxy,
ITorrentFileInfoReader torrentFileInfoReader,
IHttpClient httpClient,
IConfigService configService,
IDiskProvider diskProvider,
IRemotePathMappingService remotePathMappingService,
IRTorrentDirectoryValidator rTorrentDirectoryValidator,
Logger logger)
: base(torrentFileInfoReader, httpClient, configService, diskProvider, remotePathMappingService, logger)
_proxy = proxy;
_rTorrentDirectoryValidator = rTorrentDirectoryValidator;
protected override string AddFromMagnetLink(RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode, string hash, string magnetLink)
var priority = (RTorrentPriority)(remoteEpisode.IsRecentEpisode() ? Settings.RecentTvPriority : Settings.OlderTvPriority);
_proxy.AddTorrentFromUrl(magnetLink, Settings.TvCategory, priority, Settings.TvDirectory, Settings);
var tries = 10;
var retryDelay = 500;
// Wait a bit for the magnet to be resolved.
if (!WaitForTorrent(hash, tries, retryDelay))
_logger.Warn("rTorrent could not resolve magnet within {0} seconds, download may remain stuck: {1}.", tries * retryDelay / 1000, magnetLink);
return hash;
return hash;
protected override string AddFromTorrentFile(RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode, string hash, string filename, byte[] fileContent)
var priority = (RTorrentPriority)(remoteEpisode.IsRecentEpisode() ? Settings.RecentTvPriority : Settings.OlderTvPriority);
_proxy.AddTorrentFromFile(filename, fileContent, Settings.TvCategory, priority, Settings.TvDirectory, Settings);
var tries = 10;
var retryDelay = 500;
if (!WaitForTorrent(hash, tries, retryDelay))
_logger.Debug("rTorrent didn't add the torrent within {0} seconds: {1}.", tries * retryDelay / 1000, filename);
throw new ReleaseDownloadException(remoteEpisode.Release, "Downloading torrent failed");
return hash;
public override string Name => "rTorrent";
public override ProviderMessage Message => new ProviderMessage("Lidarr is unable to remove torrents that have finished seeding when using rTorrent", ProviderMessageType.Warning);
public override IEnumerable<DownloadClientItem> GetItems()
var torrents = _proxy.GetTorrents(Settings);
_logger.Debug("Retrieved metadata of {0} torrents in client", torrents.Count);
var items = new List<DownloadClientItem>();
foreach (RTorrentTorrent torrent in torrents)
// Don't concern ourselves with categories other than specified
if (torrent.Category != Settings.TvCategory) continue;
if (torrent.Path.StartsWith("."))
throw new DownloadClientException("Download paths paths must be absolute. Please specify variable \"directory\" in rTorrent.");
var item = new DownloadClientItem();
item.DownloadClient = Definition.Name;
item.Title = torrent.Name;
item.DownloadId = torrent.Hash;
item.OutputPath = _remotePathMappingService.RemapRemoteToLocal(Settings.Host, new OsPath(torrent.Path));
item.TotalSize = torrent.TotalSize;
item.RemainingSize = torrent.RemainingSize;
item.Category = torrent.Category;
if (torrent.DownRate > 0) {
var secondsLeft = torrent.RemainingSize / torrent.DownRate;
item.RemainingTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsLeft);
} else {
item.RemainingTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
if (torrent.IsFinished) item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Completed;
else if (torrent.IsActive) item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Downloading;
else if (!torrent.IsActive) item.Status = DownloadItemStatus.Paused;
// No stop ratio data is present, so do not delete
item.IsReadOnly = true;
return items;
catch (DownloadClientException ex)
return Enumerable.Empty<DownloadClientItem>();
public override void RemoveItem(string downloadId, bool deleteData)
if (deleteData)
_proxy.RemoveTorrent(downloadId, Settings);
public override DownloadClientStatus GetStatus()
// XXX: This function's correctness has not been considered
var status = new DownloadClientStatus
IsLocalhost = Settings.Host == "" || Settings.Host == "localhost"
return status;
protected override void Test(List<ValidationFailure> failures)
if (failures.Any()) return;
private ValidationFailure TestConnection()
var version = _proxy.GetVersion(Settings);
if (new Version(version) < new Version("0.9.0"))
return new ValidationFailure(string.Empty, "rTorrent version should be at least 0.9.0. Version reported is {0}", version);
catch (Exception ex)
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure(string.Empty, "Unknown exception: " + ex.Message);
return null;
private ValidationFailure TestGetTorrents()
catch (Exception ex)
return new NzbDroneValidationFailure(string.Empty, "Failed to get the list of torrents: " + ex.Message);
return null;
private ValidationFailure TestDirectory()
var result = _rTorrentDirectoryValidator.Validate(Settings);
if (result.IsValid)
return null;
return result.Errors.First();
private bool WaitForTorrent(string hash, int tries, int retryDelay)
for (var i = 0; i < tries; i++)
if (_proxy.HasHashTorrent(hash, Settings))
return true;
_logger.Debug("Could not find hash {0} in {1} tries at {2} ms intervals.", hash, tries, retryDelay);
return false;