You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

223 lines
4.8 KiB

import moment from 'moment';
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions';
import * as types from 'Store/Actions/actionTypes';
import { filterTypes, sortDirections } from 'Helpers/Props';
import createSetReducer from './Creators/createSetReducer';
import createSetTableOptionReducer from './Creators/createSetTableOptionReducer';
import createSetClientSideCollectionSortReducer from './Creators/createSetClientSideCollectionSortReducer';
import createSetClientSideCollectionFilterReducer from './Creators/createSetClientSideCollectionFilterReducer';
export const defaultState = {
sortKey: 'sortName',
sortDirection: sortDirections.ASCENDING,
secondarySortKey: 'sortName',
secondarySortDirection: sortDirections.ASCENDING,
filterKey: null,
filterValue: null,
filterType: filterTypes.EQUAL,
view: 'posters',
posterOptions: {
detailedProgressBar: false,
size: 'large',
showTitle: false,
showQualityProfile: false
bannerOptions: {
detailedProgressBar: false,
size: 'large',
showTitle: false,
showQualityProfile: false
columns: [
name: 'status',
columnLabel: 'Status',
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
name: 'sortName',
label: 'Artist Name',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
name: 'artistType',
label: 'Type',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
name: 'qualityProfileId',
label: 'Quality Profile',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true
name: 'languageProfileId',
label: 'Language Profile',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: false
name: 'nextAiring',
label: 'Next Airing',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true
name: 'previousAiring',
label: 'Previous Airing',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: false
name: 'added',
label: 'Added',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: false
name: 'albumCount',
label: 'Albums',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true
name: 'trackProgress',
label: 'Tracks',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true
name: 'trackCount',
label: 'Track Count',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: false
name: 'latestAlbum',
label: 'Latest Album',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: false
name: 'path',
label: 'Path',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: false
name: 'sizeOnDisk',
label: 'Size on Disk',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: false
name: 'tags',
label: 'Tags',
isSortable: false,
isVisible: false
name: 'actions',
columnLabel: 'Actions',
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
sortPredicates: {
nextAiring: function(item, direction) {
const nextAiring = item.nextAiring;
if (nextAiring) {
return moment(nextAiring).unix();
if (direction === sortDirections.DESCENDING) {
return 0;
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
trackProgress: function(item) {
const {
trackCount = 0,
} = item;
const progress = trackCount ? trackFileCount / trackCount * 100 : 100;
return progress + trackCount / 1000000;
filterPredicates: {
missing: function(item) {
return item.trackCount - item.trackFileCount > 0;
export const persistState = [
const reducerSection = 'artistIndex';
const artistIndexReducers = handleActions({
[types.SET]: createSetReducer(reducerSection),
[types.SET_ARTIST_SORT]: createSetClientSideCollectionSortReducer(reducerSection),
[types.SET_ARTIST_FILTER]: createSetClientSideCollectionFilterReducer(reducerSection),
[types.SET_ARTIST_VIEW]: function(state, { payload }) {
return Object.assign({}, state, { view: payload.view });
[types.SET_ARTIST_TABLE_OPTION]: createSetTableOptionReducer(reducerSection),
[types.SET_ARTIST_POSTER_OPTION]: function(state, { payload }) {
const posterOptions = state.posterOptions;
return {
posterOptions: {
[types.SET_ARTIST_BANNER_OPTION]: function(state, { payload }) {
const bannerOptions = state.bannerOptions;
return {
bannerOptions: {
}, defaultState);
export default artistIndexReducers;