You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
2.7 KiB

import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions';
import * as types from 'Store/Actions/actionTypes';
import { sortDirections } from 'Helpers/Props';
import createClearReducer from './Creators/createClearReducer';
import createSetReducer from './Creators/createSetReducer';
import createSetTableOptionReducer from './Creators/createSetTableOptionReducer';
import createUpdateReducer from './Creators/createUpdateReducer';
import createUpdateItemReducer from './Creators/createUpdateItemReducer';
import createUpdateServerSideCollectionReducer from './Creators/createUpdateServerSideCollectionReducer';
export const defaultState = {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
pageSize: 20,
sortKey: 'date',
sortDirection: sortDirections.DESCENDING,
filterKey: null,
filterValue: null,
items: [],
columns: [
name: 'eventType',
columnLabel: 'Event Type',
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
name: 'artist.sortName',
label: 'Artist',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true
name: 'episodeTitle',
label: 'Album Title',
isVisible: true
name: 'trackTitle',
label: 'Track Title',
isVisible: true
name: 'language',
label: 'Language',
isVisible: false
name: 'quality',
label: 'Quality',
isVisible: true
name: 'date',
label: 'Date',
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true
name: 'downloadClient',
label: 'Download Client',
isVisible: false
name: 'indexer',
label: 'Indexer',
isVisible: false
name: 'releaseGroup',
label: 'Release Group',
isVisible: false
name: 'details',
columnLabel: 'Details',
isVisible: true,
isModifiable: false
export const persistState = [
const serverSideCollectionName = 'history';
const historyReducers = handleActions({
[types.SET]: createSetReducer(serverSideCollectionName),
[types.UPDATE]: createUpdateReducer(serverSideCollectionName),
[types.UPDATE_ITEM]: createUpdateItemReducer(serverSideCollectionName),
[types.UPDATE_SERVER_SIDE_COLLECTION]: createUpdateServerSideCollectionReducer(serverSideCollectionName),
[types.SET_HISTORY_TABLE_OPTION]: createSetTableOptionReducer(serverSideCollectionName),
[types.CLEAR_HISTORY]: createClearReducer('history', {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: []
}, defaultState);
export default historyReducers;