You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import _ from 'lodash';
import $ from 'jquery';
import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';
import { batchActions } from 'redux-batched-actions';
import getSectionState from 'Utilities/State/getSectionState';
import updateSectionState from 'Utilities/State/updateSectionState';
import { createThunk } from 'Store/thunks';
import createFetchHandler from 'Store/Actions/Creators/createFetchHandler';
import createSaveHandler from 'Store/Actions/Creators/createSaveHandler';
import { clearPendingChanges, set, update } from 'Store/Actions/baseActions';
// Variables
const section = 'settings.qualityDefinitions';
// Actions Types
export const FETCH_QUALITY_DEFINITIONS = 'settings/qualityDefinitions/fetchQualityDefinitions';
export const SAVE_QUALITY_DEFINITIONS = 'settings/qualityDefinitions/saveQualityDefinitions';
export const SET_QUALITY_DEFINITION_VALUE = 'settings/qualityDefinitions/setQualityDefinitionValue';
// Action Creators
export const fetchQualityDefinitions = createThunk(FETCH_QUALITY_DEFINITIONS);
export const saveQualityDefinitions = createThunk(SAVE_QUALITY_DEFINITIONS);
export const setQualityDefinitionValue = createAction(SET_QUALITY_DEFINITION_VALUE);
// Details
export default {
// State
defaultState: {
isFetching: false,
isPopulated: false,
error: null,
items: [],
isSaving: false,
saveError: null,
pendingChanges: {}
// Action Handlers
actionHandlers: {
[FETCH_QUALITY_DEFINITIONS]: createFetchHandler(section, '/qualitydefinition'),
[SAVE_QUALITY_DEFINITIONS]: createSaveHandler(section, '/qualitydefinition'),
[SAVE_QUALITY_DEFINITIONS]: function(getState, payload, dispatch) {
const qualityDefinitions = getState().settings.qualityDefinitions;
const upatedDefinitions = Object.keys(qualityDefinitions.pendingChanges).map((key) => {
const id = parseInt(key);
const pendingChanges = qualityDefinitions.pendingChanges[id] || {};
const item = _.find(qualityDefinitions.items, { id });
return Object.assign({}, item, pendingChanges);
// If there is nothing to save don't bother isSaving
if (!upatedDefinitions || !upatedDefinitions.length) {
isSaving: true
const promise = $.ajax({
method: 'PUT',
url: '/qualityDefinition/update',
data: JSON.stringify(upatedDefinitions)
promise.done((data) => {
isSaving: false,
saveError: null
update({ section, data }),
clearPendingChanges({ section })
}); => {
isSaving: false,
saveError: xhr
// Reducers
reducers: {
[SET_QUALITY_DEFINITION_VALUE]: function(state, { payload }) {
const { id, name, value } = payload;
const newState = getSectionState(state, section);
newState.pendingChanges = _.cloneDeep(newState.pendingChanges);
const pendingState = newState.pendingChanges[id] || {};
const currentValue = _.find(newState.items, { id })[name];
if (currentValue === value) {
delete pendingState[name];
} else {
pendingState[name] = value;
if (_.isEmpty(pendingState)) {
delete newState.pendingChanges[id];
} else {
newState.pendingChanges[id] = pendingState;
return updateSectionState(state, section, newState);