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//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using Moq;
//using NUnit.Framework;
//using NzbDrone.Common;
//using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands;
//using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.Tracking;
//using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events;
//using NzbDrone.Test.Common;
//namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.Messaging.Commands
// [TestFixture]
// public class CommandExecutorFixture : TestBase<CommandExecutor>
// {
// private Mock<IExecute<CommandA>> _executorA;
// private Mock<IExecute<CommandB>> _executorB;
// [SetUp]
// public void Setup()
// {
// _executorA = new Mock<IExecute<CommandA>>();
// _executorB = new Mock<IExecute<CommandB>>();
// Mocker.GetMock<IServiceFactory>()
// .Setup(c => c.Build(typeof(IExecute<CommandA>)))
// .Returns(_executorA.Object);
// Mocker.GetMock<IServiceFactory>()
// .Setup(c => c.Build(typeof(IExecute<CommandB>)))
// .Returns(_executorB.Object);
// Mocker.GetMock<ITrackCommands>()
// .Setup(c => c.FindExisting(It.IsAny<Command>()))
// .Returns<Command>(null);
// }
// [Test]
// public void should_publish_command_to_executor()
// {
// var commandA = new CommandA();
// Subject.Push(commandA);
// _executorA.Verify(c => c.Execute(commandA), Times.Once());
// }
// [Test]
// public void should_publish_command_by_with_optional_arg_using_name()
// {
// Mocker.GetMock<IServiceFactory>().Setup(c => c.GetImplementations(typeof(Command)))
// .Returns(new List<Type> { typeof(CommandA), typeof(CommandB) });
// Subject.Push(typeof(CommandA).FullName);
// _executorA.Verify(c => c.Execute(It.IsAny<CommandA>()), Times.Once());
// }
// [Test]
// public void should_not_publish_to_incompatible_executor()
// {
// var commandA = new CommandA();
// Subject.Push(commandA);
// _executorA.Verify(c => c.Execute(commandA), Times.Once());
// _executorB.Verify(c => c.Execute(It.IsAny<CommandB>()), Times.Never());
// }
// [Test]
// public void broken_executor_should_throw_the_exception()
// {
// var commandA = new CommandA();
// _executorA.Setup(c => c.Execute(It.IsAny<CommandA>()))
// .Throws(new NotImplementedException());
// Assert.Throws<NotImplementedException>(() => Subject.Push(commandA));
// }
// [Test]
// public void broken_executor_should_publish_executed_event()
// {
// var commandA = new CommandA();
// _executorA.Setup(c => c.Execute(It.IsAny<CommandA>()))
// .Throws(new NotImplementedException());
// Assert.Throws<NotImplementedException>(() => Subject.Push(commandA));
// VerifyEventPublished<CommandExecutedEvent>();
// }
// [Test]
// public void should_publish_executed_event_on_success()
// {
// var commandA = new CommandA();
// Subject.Push(commandA);
// VerifyEventPublished<CommandExecutedEvent>();
// }
// }
// public class CommandA : Command
// {
// public CommandA(int id = 0)
// {
// }
// }
// public class CommandB : Command
// {
// public CommandB()
// {
// }
// }