You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
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using System;
using FluentMigrator;
using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Migration.Framework;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Migration
public class add_mediafilerepository_mtime : NzbDroneMigrationBase
protected override void MainDbUpgrade()
Alter.Table("TrackFiles").AddColumn("Modified").AsDateTime().WithDefaultValue(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1));
// Remove anything where RelativePath is null
Execute.Sql(@"DELETE FROM ""TrackFiles"" WHERE ""RelativePath"" IS NULL");
// Remove anything not linked to a track (these shouldn't be present in version < 30)
Execute.Sql(@"DELETE FROM ""TrackFiles""
WHERE ""Id"" IN (
SELECT ""TrackFiles"".""Id"" FROM ""TrackFiles""
LEFT JOIN ""Tracks"" ON ""TrackFiles"".""Id"" = ""Tracks"".""TrackFileId""
WHERE ""Tracks"".""Id"" IS NULL)");
// Remove anything where we can't get an artist path (i.e. we don't know where it is)
Execute.Sql(@"DELETE FROM ""TrackFiles""
WHERE ""Id"" IN (
SELECT ""TrackFiles"".""Id"" FROM ""TrackFiles""
LEFT JOIN ""Albums"" ON ""TrackFiles"".""AlbumId"" = ""Albums"".""Id""
LEFT JOIN ""Artists"" ON ""Artists"".""ArtistMetadataId"" = ""Albums"".""ArtistMetadataId""
WHERE ""Artists"".""Path"" IS NULL)");
// Remove anything linked to unmonitored or unidentified releases. This should ensure uniqueness of track files.
Execute.Sql(@"DELETE FROM ""TrackFiles""
WHERE ""Id"" IN (
SELECT ""TrackFiles"".""Id"" FROM ""TrackFiles""
LEFT JOIN ""Tracks"" ON ""TrackFiles"".""Id"" = ""Tracks"".""TrackFileId""
LEFT JOIN ""AlbumReleases"" ON ""Tracks"".""AlbumReleaseId"" = ""AlbumReleases"".""Id""
WHERE ""AlbumReleases"".""Monitored"" = false
OR ""AlbumReleases"".""Monitored"" IS NULL)");
// Populate the full paths
Execute.Sql(@"UPDATE ""TrackFiles""
SET ""Path"" = (SELECT ""Artists"".""Path"" || '" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @"' || ""TrackFiles"".""RelativePath""
FROM ""Artists""
JOIN ""Albums"" ON ""Albums"".""ArtistMetadataId"" = ""Artists"".""ArtistMetadataId""
WHERE ""TrackFiles"".""AlbumId"" = ""Albums"".""Id"")");
// Belt and braces to ensure uniqueness
Execute.Sql(@"DELETE FROM ""TrackFiles""
FROM ""TrackFiles""
GROUP BY ""Path""
// Now enforce the uniqueness constraint
// Finally delete the relative path column