You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Marr.Data.QGen;
using NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat;
using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore;
using NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Music
public interface IReleaseRepository : IBasicRepository<AlbumRelease>
AlbumRelease FindByForeignReleaseId(string foreignReleaseId, bool checkRedirect = false);
List<AlbumRelease> FindByAlbum(int id);
List<AlbumRelease> FindByRecordingId(List<string> recordingIds);
List<AlbumRelease> GetReleasesForRefresh(int albumId, IEnumerable<string> foreignReleaseIds);
List<AlbumRelease> SetMonitored(AlbumRelease release);
public class ReleaseRepository : BasicRepository<AlbumRelease>, IReleaseRepository
public ReleaseRepository(IMainDatabase database, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
: base(database, eventAggregator)
public AlbumRelease FindByForeignReleaseId(string foreignReleaseId, bool checkRedirect = false)
var release = Query
.Where(x => x.ForeignReleaseId == foreignReleaseId)
if (release == null && checkRedirect)
var id = "\"" + foreignReleaseId + "\"";
release = Query.Where(x => x.OldForeignReleaseIds.Contains(id))
return release;
public List<AlbumRelease> GetReleasesForRefresh(int albumId, IEnumerable<string> foreignReleaseIds)
return Query
.Where(r => r.AlbumId == albumId)
.OrWhere($"[ForeignReleaseId] IN ('{string.Join("', '", foreignReleaseIds)}')")
public List<AlbumRelease> FindByAlbum(int id)
// populate the albums and artist metadata also
// this hopefully speeds up the track matching a lot
return Query
.Join<AlbumRelease, Album>(JoinType.Left, r => r.Album, (r, a) => r.AlbumId == a.Id)
.Join<Album, ArtistMetadata>(JoinType.Left, a => a.ArtistMetadata, (a, m) => a.ArtistMetadataId == m.Id)
.Where<AlbumRelease>(r => r.AlbumId == id)
public List<AlbumRelease> FindByRecordingId(List<string> recordingIds)
var query = "SELECT DISTINCT AlbumReleases.*" +
"FROM AlbumReleases " +
"JOIN Tracks ON Tracks.AlbumReleaseId = AlbumReleases.Id " +
$"WHERE Tracks.ForeignRecordingId IN ('{string.Join("', '", recordingIds)}')";
return Query.QueryText(query).ToList();
public List<AlbumRelease> SetMonitored(AlbumRelease release)
var allReleases = FindByAlbum(release.AlbumId);
allReleases.ForEach(r => r.Monitored = r.Id == release.Id);
Ensure.That(allReleases.Count(x => x.Monitored) == 1).IsTrue();
return allReleases;