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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure
// A string equality comparer based on the SipHash-2-4 algorithm. Key differences:
// (a) we output 32-bit hashes instead of 64-bit hashes, and
// (b) we don't care about endianness since hashes are used only in hash tables
// and aren't returned to user code.
// Meant to serve as a replacement for StringComparer.Ordinal.
// Derivative work of
internal unsafe sealed class SipHashBasedStringEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<string>
private static readonly RNGCryptoServiceProvider _rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
// the 128-bit secret key
private readonly ulong _k0;
private readonly ulong _k1;
public SipHashBasedStringEqualityComparer()
: this(GenerateRandomKeySegment(), GenerateRandomKeySegment())
// for unit testing
internal SipHashBasedStringEqualityComparer(ulong k0, ulong k1)
_k0 = k0;
_k1 = k1;
public bool Equals(string x, string y)
return String.Equals(x, y);
private static ulong GenerateRandomKeySegment()
byte[] bytes = new byte[sizeof(ulong)];
return (ulong)BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, 0);
public int GetHashCode(string obj)
if (obj == null)
return 0;
fixed (char* pChars = obj)
// treat input as an opaque blob, convert char count to byte count
return GetHashCode((byte*)pChars, checked((uint)obj.Length * sizeof(char)));
// for unit testing
internal int GetHashCode(byte* bytes, uint len)
// Assume SipHash-2-4 is a strong PRF, therefore truncation to 32 bits is acceptable.
return (int)SipHash_2_4_UlongCast_ForcedInline(bytes, len, _k0, _k1);
private static unsafe ulong SipHash_2_4_UlongCast_ForcedInline(byte* finb, uint inlen, ulong k0, ulong k1)
var v0 = 0x736f6d6570736575 ^ k0;
var v1 = 0x646f72616e646f6d ^ k1;
var v2 = 0x6c7967656e657261 ^ k0;
var v3 = 0x7465646279746573 ^ k1;
var b = ((ulong)inlen) << 56;
if (inlen > 0)
var inb = finb;
var left = inlen & 7;
var end = inb + inlen - left;
var linb = (ulong*)finb;
var lend = (ulong*)end;
for (; linb < lend; ++linb)
v3 ^= *linb;
v0 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 13) | (v1 >> (64 - 13));
v1 ^= v0;
v0 = (v0 << 32) | (v0 >> (64 - 32));
v2 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 16) | (v3 >> (64 - 16));
v3 ^= v2;
v0 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 21) | (v3 >> (64 - 21));
v3 ^= v0;
v2 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 17) | (v1 >> (64 - 17));
v1 ^= v2;
v2 = (v2 << 32) | (v2 >> (64 - 32));
v0 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 13) | (v1 >> (64 - 13));
v1 ^= v0;
v0 = (v0 << 32) | (v0 >> (64 - 32));
v2 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 16) | (v3 >> (64 - 16));
v3 ^= v2;
v0 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 21) | (v3 >> (64 - 21));
v3 ^= v0;
v2 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 17) | (v1 >> (64 - 17));
v1 ^= v2;
v2 = (v2 << 32) | (v2 >> (64 - 32));
v0 ^= *linb;
for (var i = 0; i < left; ++i)
b |= ((ulong)end[i]) << (8 * i);
v3 ^= b;
v0 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 13) | (v1 >> (64 - 13));
v1 ^= v0;
v0 = (v0 << 32) | (v0 >> (64 - 32));
v2 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 16) | (v3 >> (64 - 16));
v3 ^= v2;
v0 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 21) | (v3 >> (64 - 21));
v3 ^= v0;
v2 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 17) | (v1 >> (64 - 17));
v1 ^= v2;
v2 = (v2 << 32) | (v2 >> (64 - 32));
v0 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 13) | (v1 >> (64 - 13));
v1 ^= v0;
v0 = (v0 << 32) | (v0 >> (64 - 32));
v2 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 16) | (v3 >> (64 - 16));
v3 ^= v2;
v0 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 21) | (v3 >> (64 - 21));
v3 ^= v0;
v2 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 17) | (v1 >> (64 - 17));
v1 ^= v2;
v2 = (v2 << 32) | (v2 >> (64 - 32));
v0 ^= b;
v2 ^= 0xff;
v0 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 13) | (v1 >> (64 - 13));
v1 ^= v0;
v0 = (v0 << 32) | (v0 >> (64 - 32));
v2 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 16) | (v3 >> (64 - 16));
v3 ^= v2;
v0 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 21) | (v3 >> (64 - 21));
v3 ^= v0;
v2 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 17) | (v1 >> (64 - 17));
v1 ^= v2;
v2 = (v2 << 32) | (v2 >> (64 - 32));
v0 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 13) | (v1 >> (64 - 13));
v1 ^= v0;
v0 = (v0 << 32) | (v0 >> (64 - 32));
v2 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 16) | (v3 >> (64 - 16));
v3 ^= v2;
v0 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 21) | (v3 >> (64 - 21));
v3 ^= v0;
v2 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 17) | (v1 >> (64 - 17));
v1 ^= v2;
v2 = (v2 << 32) | (v2 >> (64 - 32));
v0 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 13) | (v1 >> (64 - 13));
v1 ^= v0;
v0 = (v0 << 32) | (v0 >> (64 - 32));
v2 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 16) | (v3 >> (64 - 16));
v3 ^= v2;
v0 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 21) | (v3 >> (64 - 21));
v3 ^= v0;
v2 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 17) | (v1 >> (64 - 17));
v1 ^= v2;
v2 = (v2 << 32) | (v2 >> (64 - 32));
v0 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 13) | (v1 >> (64 - 13));
v1 ^= v0;
v0 = (v0 << 32) | (v0 >> (64 - 32));
v2 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 16) | (v3 >> (64 - 16));
v3 ^= v2;
v0 += v3;
v3 = (v3 << 21) | (v3 >> (64 - 21));
v3 ^= v0;
v2 += v1;
v1 = (v1 << 17) | (v1 >> (64 - 17));
v1 ^= v2;
v2 = (v2 << 32) | (v2 >> (64 - 32));
return v0 ^ v1 ^ v2 ^ v3;