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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Tracing;
namespace Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Transports
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1001:TypesThatOwnDisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposable", Justification = "Disposable fields are disposed from a different method")]
public abstract class TransportDisconnectBase : ITrackingConnection
private readonly HostContext _context;
private readonly ITransportHeartbeat _heartbeat;
private TextWriter _outputWriter;
private TraceSource _trace;
private int _timedOut;
private readonly IPerformanceCounterManager _counters;
private int _ended;
private TransportConnectionStates _state;
internal static readonly Func<Task> _emptyTaskFunc = () => TaskAsyncHelper.Empty;
// Token that represents the end of the connection based on a combination of
// conditions (timeout, disconnect, connection forcibly ended, host shutdown)
private CancellationToken _connectionEndToken;
private SafeCancellationTokenSource _connectionEndTokenSource;
// Token that represents the host shutting down
private CancellationToken _hostShutdownToken;
private IDisposable _hostRegistration;
private IDisposable _connectionEndRegistration;
internal HttpRequestLifeTime _requestLifeTime;
protected TransportDisconnectBase(HostContext context, ITransportHeartbeat heartbeat, IPerformanceCounterManager performanceCounterManager, ITraceManager traceManager)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
if (heartbeat == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("heartbeat");
if (performanceCounterManager == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("performanceCounterManager");
if (traceManager == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("traceManager");
_context = context;
_heartbeat = heartbeat;
_counters = performanceCounterManager;
// Queue to protect against overlapping writes to the underlying response stream
WriteQueue = new TaskQueue();
_trace = traceManager["SignalR.Transports." + GetType().Name];
protected TraceSource Trace
return _trace;
public string ConnectionId
public virtual TextWriter OutputWriter
if (_outputWriter == null)
_outputWriter = CreateResponseWriter();
_outputWriter.NewLine = "\n";
return _outputWriter;
internal TaskQueue WriteQueue
public Func<Task> Disconnected { get; set; }
public virtual CancellationToken CancellationToken
get { return _context.Response.CancellationToken; }
public virtual bool IsAlive
// If the CTS is tripped or the request has ended then the connection isn't alive
return !(CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested || (_requestLifeTime != null && _requestLifeTime.Task.IsCompleted));
protected CancellationToken ConnectionEndToken
return _connectionEndToken;
protected CancellationToken HostShutdownToken
return _hostShutdownToken;
public bool IsTimedOut
return _timedOut == 1;
public virtual bool SupportsKeepAlive
return true;
public virtual TimeSpan DisconnectThreshold
get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); }
public virtual bool IsConnectRequest
return Context.Request.Url.LocalPath.EndsWith("/connect", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
protected bool IsAbortRequest
return Context.Request.Url.LocalPath.EndsWith("/abort", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
protected ITransportConnection Connection { get; set; }
protected HostContext Context
get { return _context; }
protected ITransportHeartbeat Heartbeat
get { return _heartbeat; }
public Uri Url
get { return _context.Request.Url; }
protected virtual TextWriter CreateResponseWriter()
return new BinaryTextWriter(Context.Response);
protected void IncrementErrors()
public Task Disconnect()
// Ensure delegate continues to use the C# Compiler static delegate caching optimization.
return Abort(clean: false).Then(transport => transport.Connection.Close(transport.ConnectionId), this);
public Task Abort()
return Abort(clean: true);
public Task Abort(bool clean)
if (clean)
Trace.TraceInformation("Abort(" + ConnectionId + ")");
// When a connection is aborted (graceful disconnect) we send a command to it
// telling to to disconnect. At that moment, we raise the disconnect event and
// remove this connection from the heartbeat so we don't end up raising it for the same connection.
// End the connection
var disconnected = Disconnected ?? _emptyTaskFunc;
// Ensure delegate continues to use the C# Compiler static delegate caching optimization.
return disconnected().Catch((ex, state) => OnDisconnectError(ex, state), Trace)
.Then(counters => counters.ConnectionsDisconnected.Increment(), _counters);
public void ApplyState(TransportConnectionStates states)
_state |= states;
public void Timeout()
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _timedOut, 1) == 0)
Trace.TraceInformation("Timeout(" + ConnectionId + ")");
public virtual Task KeepAlive()
return TaskAsyncHelper.Empty;
public void End()
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _ended, 1) == 0)
Trace.TraceInformation("End(" + ConnectionId + ")");
if (_connectionEndTokenSource != null)
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
protected virtual internal Task EnqueueOperation(Func<Task> writeAsync)
return EnqueueOperation(state => ((Func<Task>)state).Invoke(), writeAsync);
protected virtual internal Task EnqueueOperation(Func<object, Task> writeAsync, object state)
if (!IsAlive)
return TaskAsyncHelper.Empty;
// Only enqueue new writes if the connection is alive
return WriteQueue.Enqueue(writeAsync, state);
protected virtual void InitializePersistentState()
_hostShutdownToken = _context.HostShutdownToken();
_requestLifeTime = new HttpRequestLifeTime(this, WriteQueue, Trace, ConnectionId);
// Create a token that represents the end of this connection's life
_connectionEndTokenSource = new SafeCancellationTokenSource();
_connectionEndToken = _connectionEndTokenSource.Token;
// Handle the shutdown token's callback so we can end our token if it trips
_hostRegistration = _hostShutdownToken.SafeRegister(state =>
// When the connection ends release the request
_connectionEndRegistration = CancellationToken.SafeRegister(state =>
private static void OnDisconnectError(AggregateException ex, object state)
((TraceSource)state).TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "Failed to raise disconnect: " + ex.GetBaseException());