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@using NzbDrone.Web.Helpers
@model NzbDrone.Web.Models.SeriesModel
<tr class="@Model.SeriesId data-row @(ViewData["AltRow"] == null || !(bool)ViewData["AltRow"] ? "" : " alt-row")">
<td class="statusColumn">
@{if (!Model.Monitored)
<img src="../../Content/Images/pause.png" width="24" height="24" alt="Not monitored" title="Paused" />
if (Model.Status == "Ended")
<img src="../../Content/Images/stop.png" width="24" height="24" alt="Ended" title="Ended" />
<img src="../../Content/Images/play.png" width="24" height="24" alt="Continuing" title="Active" />
<td>@Html.ActionLink(Model.Title, "Details", "Series", new { seriesId = Model.SeriesId }, null)</td>
@{ double progress = (double)Model.EpisodeFileCount / (double)Model.EpisodeCount * 100; }
<div class='progressBar' rel='@progress.ToString("0")'>
<span class='progressBarText'>@Model.EpisodeFileCount / @Model.EpisodeCount</span>
@*Commands Column*@
<td class="commandsColumn">
<img src="../../Content/Images/settings.png" class="editButton" value="@Model.SeriesId" rel="@Model.Title" />
<img src="../../Content/Images/close.png" class="deleteButton" value="@Model.SeriesId" rel="@Model.Title" />
<tr class="detail-row details_@(Model.SeriesId) @(ViewData["AltRow"] == null || !(bool)ViewData["AltRow"] ? "" : " alt-row")">
<td colspan="7">
<b>Airs Day of Week:</b> @Model.AirsDayOfWeek <br/>
<b>Overview:</b> @Model.Overview