You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
5.8 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using FizzWare.NBuilder;
using FluentAssertions;
using Moq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.TrackImport;
using NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.TrackImport.Identification;
using NzbDrone.Core.Music;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser;
using NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.Test.Framework;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Test.MediaFiles.TrackImport.Identification
public class GetCandidatesFixture : CoreTest<CandidateService>
private ArtistMetadata _artist;
public void Setup()
_artist = Builder<ArtistMetadata>
.With(x => x.Name = "artist")
private List<Track> GivenTracks(int count)
return Builder<Track>
.With(x => x.ArtistMetadata = _artist)
private ParsedTrackInfo GivenParsedTrackInfo(Track track, AlbumRelease release)
return Builder<ParsedTrackInfo>
.With(x => x.Title = track.Title)
.With(x => x.AlbumTitle = release.Title)
.With(x => x.Disambiguation = release.Disambiguation)
.With(x => x.ReleaseMBId = release.ForeignReleaseId)
.With(x => x.ArtistTitle = track.ArtistMetadata.Value.Name)
.With(x => x.TrackNumbers = new[] { track.AbsoluteTrackNumber })
.With(x => x.RecordingMBId = track.ForeignRecordingId)
.With(x => x.Country = IsoCountries.Find("US"))
.With(x => x.Label = release.Label.First())
.With(x => x.Year = (uint)release.Album.Value.ReleaseDate.Value.Year)
private List<LocalTrack> GivenLocalTracks(List<Track> tracks, AlbumRelease release)
var output = Builder<LocalTrack>
for (var i = 0; i < tracks.Count; i++)
output[i].FileTrackInfo = GivenParsedTrackInfo(tracks[i], release);
return output;
private AlbumRelease GivenAlbumRelease(string title, List<Track> tracks)
var album = Builder<Album>
.With(x => x.Title = title)
.With(x => x.ArtistMetadata = _artist)
var media = Builder<Medium>
return Builder<AlbumRelease>
.With(x => x.Tracks = tracks)
.With(x => x.Title = title)
.With(x => x.Album = album)
.With(x => x.Media = media)
.With(x => x.Country = new List<string>())
.With(x => x.Label = new List<string> { "label" })
.With(x => x.ForeignReleaseId = null)
private LocalAlbumRelease GivenLocalAlbumRelease()
var tracks = GivenTracks(3);
var release = GivenAlbumRelease("album", tracks);
var localTracks = GivenLocalTracks(tracks, release);
return new LocalAlbumRelease(localTracks);
public void get_candidates_by_fingerprint_should_not_fail_if_fingerprint_lookup_returned_null()
.Setup(x => x.Lookup(It.IsAny<List<LocalTrack>>(), It.IsAny<double>()))
.Callback((List<LocalTrack> x, double thres) =>
foreach (var track in x)
track.AcoustIdResults = null;
.Setup(x => x.GetReleasesByRecordingIds(It.IsAny<List<string>>()))
.Returns(new List<AlbumRelease>());
var local = GivenLocalAlbumRelease();
Subject.GetDbCandidatesFromFingerprint(local, null, false).Should().BeEquivalentTo(new List<CandidateAlbumRelease>());
public void get_candidates_should_only_return_specified_release_if_set()
var tracks = GivenTracks(3);
var release = GivenAlbumRelease("album", tracks);
var localTracks = GivenLocalTracks(tracks, release);
var localAlbumRelease = new LocalAlbumRelease(localTracks);
var idOverrides = new IdentificationOverrides
AlbumRelease = release
Subject.GetDbCandidatesFromTags(localAlbumRelease, idOverrides, false).Should().BeEquivalentTo(
new List<CandidateAlbumRelease> { new CandidateAlbumRelease(release) });
public void get_candidates_should_use_consensus_release_id()
var tracks = GivenTracks(3);
var release = GivenAlbumRelease("album", tracks);
release.ForeignReleaseId = "xxx";
var localTracks = GivenLocalTracks(tracks, release);
var localAlbumRelease = new LocalAlbumRelease(localTracks);
.Setup(x => x.GetReleaseByForeignReleaseId("xxx", true))
Subject.GetDbCandidatesFromTags(localAlbumRelease, null, false).Should().BeEquivalentTo(
new List<CandidateAlbumRelease> { new CandidateAlbumRelease(release) });