You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
1.9 KiB

var vent = require('vent');
var _ = require('underscore');
var $ = require('jquery');
var NzbDroneCell = require('../../Cells/NzbDroneCell');
var CommandController = require('../../Commands/CommandController');
module.exports = NzbDroneCell.extend({
className : 'foreignId-cell',
events : {
'blur input.foreignId-input' : '_updateId'
render : function() {
this.$el.html('<i class="icon-lidarr-info hidden"></i><input type="text" class="x-foreignId foreignId-input form-control" value="' + this.cellValue.get('foreignArtistId') + '" />');
return this;
_updateId : function() {
var field = this.$el.find('.x-foreignId');
var data = field.val();
var promise = $.ajax({
url : window.NzbDrone.ApiRoot + '/artist/lookup?term=lidarrid:' + data,
type : 'GET',
field.prop('disabled', true);
var icon = this.$('.icon-lidarr-info');
var _self = this;
var cacheMonitored = this.model.get('monitored');
var cacheProfile = this.model.get('profileId');
var cachePath = this.model.get('path');
var cacheRoot = this.model.get('rootFolderPath');
promise.success(function(response) {
_self.model.set('monitored', cacheMonitored);
_self.model.set('profileId', cacheProfile);
_self.model.set('path', cachePath);
field.prop('disabled', false);
promise.error(function(request, status, error) {
console.error('Status: ' + status, 'Error: ' + error);
field.prop('disabled', false);